Bios of all Authors
p. 243-247
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1Afef Benessaieh is an assistant professor in International Studies at Glendon College (York University). Her current research interests include: globalization in the cultural industries, transculturality, international relations theories and interdisciplinary qualitative methodologies, NGOs in North-South Cooperation, particularly in the case of Southern Mexico. Her latest publications include: “Understanding Transculturality”, in A. Benessaieh (ed., 2009), Canada and the Americas Multidisciplinary Perpsectives on Transculturality. Toronto: Antares; “Speaking in Northern Tongues? Southern Views on Global Society”, Latin American Perspectives 2009, forthcoming; “¿Civilizando la sociedad civil? La cooperación internacional en Chiapas en los 90’s”, in Daniel Mato (ed., 2005), Politicas de Ciudadania y Sociedad Civil en Tiempos de Globalización, Caracas and Buenos Aires, UNESCO and Consejo Latino Americano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO).
2Julie-Anne Boudreau is an assistant professor at the Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Centre Urbanisation, Culture et Société (INRS, Montréal) and holder of the Canada Research Chair in the City and Issues of Insecurity. She is also on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. Her work focuses on the relationship between political mobilization, urbanization and state restructuring processes. Her various projects in Los Angeles, Montreal, Toronto, Brussels and Hanoi interrogate this relationship from the angle of feelings of insecurity and the experience of mobility and displacement. Working with migrants, domestic workers, motorbikers, street vendors and youth, she explores how the city influences the formation of political subjectivities. Her publications include: Urbanity, Fear, and Political Action: Explorations of Intersections. London: Routledge (2008); Boudreau, J.A., R. Keil and D. Young (2008) Changing Toronto: Governing the In-Between the Global and the Local. Toronto: University of Toronto Press; The Megacity Saga: Democracy and Citizenship in this Global Age. Montreal: Black Rose Books, 2000.
3Sarah Philip Casteel is an associate professor of English at Carleton University. Her research areas include Caribbean literature and hemispheric approaches to the literatures of the Americas, as well as theories of diaspora and transnationalism. Her articles have appeared in such journals as Interventions, Ariel and The Journal of West Indian Literature. She is co-editor with Rachel Adams (Columbia University) of a special issue of Comparative American Studies on “Canada and the Americas”, and she is currently co-editing with Winfried Siemerling (Université de Sherbrooke) an essay collection entitled Canada and its Americas: Transnational Navigations. Her book Second Arrivals: Landscape and Belonging in Contemporary Writing of the Americas was published in 2007 by the University of Virginia Press.
4Jean-François Côté is a professor at the Department of Sociology of the Université du Québec à Montréal, and researcher affiliated with the GIRA group (Groupe interdisciplinaire de recherche sur les Amériques) at the Institut national de la recherche scientifique. He has published books and articles on literature and culture in the Americas, and is currently engaged in a SHRCC research project on “The New Forms of Cosmopolitanism in the Americas: Law, Literature, History”. He is also the series editor of the Americana series at the Presses de l’Université Laval.
5Pascal Gin is an assistant professor at Carleton University (Department of French) and a Glendon College alumna. He holds a Ph.D. in comparative literature from the Université de Montréal. His fields of research and publication cover cultural globalization, translation studies and comparative literature. His most recent publications (forthcoming in the spring/summer 2008) deal with discourses of cultural mobility in Canada (forthcoming, Interface) and the intercultural theme in contemporary road movies (forthcoming, CiNéMAS). He is currently editing with Professor Walter Moser (Canada Research Chair in Literary and Cultural Transfers, University of Ottawa) a collective volume on culture and mobility in Brazil and Canada.
6Patrick Imbert (Ph.D, University of Ottawa, 1974), a full Professor at the University of Ottawa (Department of French), won professor of the year award in the Faculty of Arts in 1998, and holds the University Research Chair entitled “Canada: Social and Cultural Challenges in a Knowledge-based Society”, as well as executive director of the International American Studies Association and Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. He is the co-founder and vice-president of the City for the Cultures of Peace. He has published 21 books and more than 170 articles in peer-reviewed learned journals pertaining to Canadian studies, multiculturalism, identities in the Americas, theories of exclusion, Québec and French literatures, discourse analysis and the media. Among his most recent publications: “Trajectoires culturelles transaméricaines”, Ottawa, Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa, 2004; “L’interculturel au cœur des Amériques”, in D. Castillo-Durante and P. Imbert, 2003, Colección de las Américas/The Americas Series/Collection des Amériques, Université d’Ottawa/Université du Manitoba/ Legas; The Permanent Transition, Frankfurt/Madrid, Vervuert/ Iberoamericana, 1998.
7Winfried Siemerling is professor of English and Comparative Literature at the Université de Sherbrooke, and affiliated with the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research at Harvard University and the Institute for the Study of Canada at McGill University. His books include The New North American Studies (Routledge 2005), the Bibliography of Comparative Studies (2001, co-author), Cultural Difference and the Literary Text (1996/97, co-ed.), Writing Ethnicity (1996, ed.), and Discoveries of the Other (1994). He is currently co-editing Canada and Its Americas: Transnational Navigations, and writing a chapter on Canada for the Cambridge History of the Postcolonial Novel. He is also working on a SSHRC-funded project on transculturalism and double consciousness in African and Asian Canadian writing and in an international SSHRC Major Collaborative Research Initiative (MCRI) on Improvisation, Community, and Social Practice.
8Dot Tuer is a writer, cultural theorist and historian, whose publications include catalogue essays, reviews and critical texts on contemporary art, new media, and post-colonialism. Most recently, she published a collection of her writings in Mining the Media Archive: Essays on Art, Technology, and Cultural Resistance (Toronto: YYZ Books, 2005). The focus of her research and writing is transculturation and colonialism in Canadian and Latin American art and history. Tuer has lectured and written for the National Gallery of Canada, the DIA Centre for the Arts, the Sydney Biennale, the ICA in London, England, and the National Museum of Fine Arts in Buenos Aires, among others. She is the recipient of senior Canada Council and Ontario Arts Council Awards for her critical writing and fiction. Currently, she is professor of Art History and Humanities at the Ontario College of Art.
9Nicolas van Schendel is an independent researcher and writer affiliated for years with the Scientific Research National Institute (INRS-Montreal) on projects studying immigration and identity construction. He is a member of the Interdisciplinary Research Group on the Americas (GIRA), and co-author with Denise Helly of Appartenir au Québec: citoyenneté, nation et société civile, Presses de l’Université Laval, 2001. He also worked on the role of linguistic referents in the construction of identities among immigrants in Quebec, as well as on the topic of “métisse” identities in Canada. His many publications include: “Un Québec francopolyphonique : la langue française parmi d’autres” in D. Cuccioletta, J.-F. Côté and F. Lesemann, Le grand récit des Amériques, Presses de l’Université Laval, 2001; “L’identité métisse ou l’histoire oubliée de la canadianité”, in J. Létourneau, La question identitaire au Canada Francophone : récits, parcours, enjeux, hors-lieux, Presses de l’Université Laval, 1994.
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