Précédent Suivant


p. 340-344

Texte intégral

Acuña Partal, Carmen, 122, 127

Adamo, Sergia, 4, 88, 97, 333–34

After Babel, 12, 87, 100, 139, 144; 12

Agorni, Mirella, 86, 97

Al-Harrasi, Abdulla Nasser Khalifa, 220

Al-Jâhiz, Abû Utmân, 27, 41

Alberich, José, 311, 331

Albir, Amparo Hurtado, 207, 222

Allison, Ann, 30, 197

Alvar, Manuel, 277, 287

Alvarez, Bartolomé, 286–87

Amparo Hurtado Albir, 222

Anderson, Benedict, 63, 76, 78

Andrade, Oswald de, 118, 127

Angoulvant, G., 176

Apollinaire, Guillaume, 190, 196

Appiah, Anthony, 51–52, 58

Appleby, Joyce, 92, 98

Arencibia, Lourdes, 8, 104, 110, 263–275, 333–34

Armony, Victor, 208, 210, 220–21

Arrojo, Rosemary, 205, 221

Badawi, Abdurrahmân, 27–28, 41

Baigorri-Jalón, Jesús, 4–5, 104–105, 109, 334

Baker, Mona., 53, 58

Baldinger, K., 280, 287

Ballard, Michel, 6, 12, 141, 143

Ballestero Izquierdo, Alberto, 34, 41

Balliu, Christian, 23, 41, 110

Bandia, Paul F., 45–58, 334

Bannet, Eva Tavor, 56, 58

Bassnett, Susan, 11–12, 41, 54–56, 58

Bastin, Georges L., 5, 104, 124, 127, 129, 335

Baudot, Georges, 266, 273

Baumgarten, Stefan, 206, 220

Becker, Stephen, 163, 167, 169, 175, 176

Bede, 14, 17

Ben-Ari, Nitsa, Dr., 7, 181, 197, 335

Benjamins, John, 23, 42, 43, 79, 98, 100

Benoiste, Françoise, 90, 98

Berman, Antoine, 12, 22–23, 41, 45, 58, 86–88

Bernal, Martin, 57, 58

Betanzos, Juan de, 286, 287, 289, 291

Biale, David, 181, 197

Bible: as an auctoritas, 159; Ecclesiasticus, translation of, 25–26; Gothic, translations of, 34; historical context, 52; "literalness topos" status, 147; New American Bible, 40; spirituality, efforts to retain, 236; translation, blank spaces, 39–40; translation, restrictive measures, 271; translations, varied, 13, 14

Blake, N. F., 29–30, 41

Bloch, Marc, 137, 143

Blodgett, E.D., 239, 240

Bourdieu, Pierre, 60–61, 76, 78, 134, 197

Bourque, Gilles, 201, 209, 220

Bowen, M., 104, 110

Boyd-Bowman, Peter, 280, 287

Boyden, Michael, 76, 78

Brewer Carías, A.R., 116, 127

Briceño Guerrero, José Manuel, 123, 127

Briceño Iragorry, Mario, 1, 9, 123, 127

Bringhurst, Robert, 7, 225–41

Brisset, Annie, 217–18, 220

Brown, Penelope, 214, 215, 220

Buceta, Erasmo, 310–12, 330, 331

Buckley, Sandra, 197

Bueno Chávez, Raúl, 287

Burns, Tom, 311, 331

Burton, Sir Richard Francis, 255, 260

Butler, Judith, 256, 260

Buzelin, H., 114, 127

Caillois, Roger, 20, 41

Calzada Pérez, María, 205–206, 220, 222

Campo, Ángela, 129

Canada, Prime Ministers of, 219–220

Carnall, Geoffrey, 327, 331

Cary, Edmond, 87, 98

Casanova, J. F. Ruiz, 34

Caskey, H., 328, 331

Castrillón, Elvia, 129

Céard, Jean, 298, 306

Cedulario del Perú siglos XVI, 273

Celi, Catarina, 240

Cerrón Palomino, Rodolfo, 280, 287

Certeau, Michel de: Ethno-Graphy: Speech, or the Space of the Other:, 306; form, content of, 94; historiography, writing of, 83, 296, 300; L'Écriture de l'histoire, 98; other, discourses on, 278

Chamosa, José Luis, 323, 331

Chang, Lesley-Ann, 18, 41

Charron, Marc, 204, 220

Chartier, Roger, 83, 98, 143

Chaunu, Pierre, 115, 127

Chesterman, Andrew, 205–208, 210, 218, 220–23

Chevalier, Haakon M., 163, 170–77

Chilton, Paul, 204, 216, 221

Cieza de León, Pedro, 274, 287

Claes, Ernest, 77

Clanchy, Michael, 17, 41

Clay [sic], John, 196

Cleland, John, 182, 189, 193, 196

Clifford, James, 302, 303, 306

Cline, Howard, 275

Cohen, Haim, 187, 197

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 323, 327, 330

Corbett, John, 95, 98

Corcuff, Philippe, 61, 78

Cormier, Monique C., 208, 221

Cornejo Polar, Antonio, 117–19, 126, 127, 277, 287

Corpus Iuris Civilis, 146–48

Courtès, J., 284, 288

Cowie, Moira, 23, 43

Cristal, Efraín, 127, 129

Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), 204–206, 209

Cronin, Michael, 4, 9, 86, 98, 301, 306

Curry, Kenneth, 317, 327, 331

Das, Sisir Kumar, 23, 41

Davis, Natalie Zemon, 90, 98

Davis, Sir John Francis, 247, 249, 259

Delisle, Jean: fields of research, 105, 109; La historia de la traducción, 110; historian, methods of, 103; history of translation, writing, 111–12; Interpreters as Diplomats, 13; Les interprètes français au Brésil au XVIe siècle, 110; Les pionniers de l'interprétation au Canada, 110; Projet d'histoire de la traduction au Canada, 110; Réflexions sur l'historiographie de la traduction, 109, 127; Repertoire of Historians of Translation, 109; Les traducteurs dans l'histoire, 310, 331; La traduction raisonnée, manuel d'initiation à la traduction, 209, 221; Translation Terminology, 208, 221; Translators in History and Portraits of Translators, 134; Translators through History, 88, 94, 98

Dembowsky, Peter F., 150, 162

Derrida, Jacques, 55–56, 58

Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS), 59

D'hulst, Lieven: Cent ans de théorie française de la traduction, 88, 98; historiography of translation, 1, 4, 84, 112; Why and How to Write Translation Histories?, 9, 127

Diccionario de la lengua española, 287

Disbabelia, 339

D'Olwer, Luis Nicolau, 274

Duarte, Joâo Ferreira, 28–29, 41

Duchastel, Jules, 201, 208–210, 220, 221

Duviols, Pierre, 274, 288

Dworkin, Andrea, 192, 197

Echeverri, Álvaro, 129

Eco, Umberto, 143

Edwin Genzler, 199

Elder, Jo-Anne, 7, 240–41, 335–36

Ellis, Havelock, 192, 195, 196, 198

Enguita Utrilla, José M., 281, 287

Eshed, Eli, 186, 197

Eurocentric bias, 13, 50–55, 114–17, 269

Even-Zohar, Itamar, 197

Fairclough, Norman, 204–205, 221

Falcón, Francisco, 286, 287

Farge, Arlette, 93, 98

Feiner, Shmuel, 181, 198

Fernandez de Oviedo, Gonzalo, 274

Fitch, Brian T., 23, 41

Fokkema, Douwe, 60, 78

Fontana, J., 109

Forel, August, 192, 196

Fossa, Lydia, 8, 287, 288, 290, 336

Foucault, Michel: The Archaeology of Knowledge, 58; L'Archéologie du savoir, 98; archives, critical examination, 93; deconstructionist approach, 49–50, 82, 142, 296; Histoire de la sexualité, 192, 198; Les mots et les choses, 143; Nietzsche, Genealogy, History, 58; The Order of Things, 58; power, exercise of, 49, 57; La Vie des hommes infâmes, 93, 98

Foz, Clara, 31–32, 41, 110, 143, 336

Francisco, José, 12, 42, 99

Fraxi, Pisanus, 198

Freixa, Consol, 311, 331

Gaddis Rose, Marilyn, 163–177, 337

Gagnon, Chantal, 7, 204, 206, 218, 221, 337

Gagnon, François-Marc, 298, 306

Galante, Pierre, 177

Galich, Manuel, 274

Gandhl of the Qayahl Llaanas, 240

García Canclini, Nestor, 117, 119, 128

García Izcalbalceta, 273, 274

García Mercadal, José, 311, 331

García-Romeral Pérez, Carlos, 309, 311, 331

Garibay, Angel María, 274

Geldof, Koenraad, 60, 78

Gensini, Stefano, 89, 98

Gil, José S., 27, 41

Gilkin, Iwan, 66, 77

Ginzburg, Carlo: historian, role of, 91; Il formaggio e i vermi, 98; Il nome e il come: scambio e mercato storiografico, 99; microhistory, 82, 95, 96, 97, 98; paradigm, conjectural, 90, 98; power relationships, 93

Glass, John G., 274

Glosas croniquenses, 8, 277–291

Godenzzi, Juan Carlos, 284, 288

Godin, Pierre, 216, 221

Goffman, Erving, 213, 221

Golan, Shmuel, 184–85, 197

González Holguín, Diego, 280, 288

González Palencia, Angel, 31, 41

Grases, Pedro, 116, 126, 128

Greenawalt, Kent, 182, 198

Greenblatt, Stephen, 180, 198, 296, 297, 306

Greimas, A. J., 284, 288

Grendi, Edoardo, 96, 99

Grifftih, Eric, 37

Gross, Alexander, 11–12

Grutman, Rainer, 25, 41

Guerrero, Ana Clara, 311, 331

Gutas, Dimitri, 32, 42

Guzmán, Trinidad, 331

habitus concept, 60–62

Haida Gwaii literature, 227–38

Hallowell, Gerald, 218, 221

Hanson, Ellis, 258, 260

Harper, Philip Brian, 256, 260

Haskins, Charles, 137, 143

Hatim, Basil, 204, 206, 221

Hermans, Theo, 42, 58, 59, 78

Historia a Debate website, 133–34

historiography: boriginal literature, 7, 225–38; Andean indigenous people, 277–86; Arabic translations, 15–16, 18, 26–28, 30–32, 51, 53; archives, 82, 92–93, 96, 106–107, 205; autobiographical writing, 94–95, 163; Chinese-English translation, 243–259; Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), 204–206, 209; deconstruction paradigm, 3, 47–50, 55–56, 82, 142; discursive practices, 49, 61–62, 64, 75, 86, 113; ethics in translation, 3, 54, 57, 86; Eurocentric bias, 13, 50–55, 114–17, 269, 282, 296–98; feminist writings, 56, 194, 195, 256; geopolitical translations, 61–62, 64, 65, 71, 76; German theories, 22, 87–88, 123, 193, 228; Greek translations, 24–25, 27–30, 32, 34, 81, 89; historical role, 35–40, 82–84, 85–87, 90–91, 94, 132–36; indigenous terms, incorporating, 293–305; interventionist approach, 4, 48, 50–54, 57, 158; Latin American translations, 117–25; legal texts, middle ages, 6, 145–158, 160; Malraux, André, 163–76; marginal translations, 49, 81–82, 87–88, 92–93, 187, 230; metalinguistic understanding, 84; methodology, translation, 45–48, 111–14, 120–25, 134–36; micro/macro textual studies, 61, 88–89, 165; microhistory, translation, 4, 81–98; mistakes, translation, 22, 27, 30–35, 156; modern theory of, 12, 18, 48, 50, 59, 186; novels, eighteenth century, 88; oral history records, 102–104; paleochristian literature, 29–30; periodization, 6, 82, 115, 120, 124, 136–41; political aspects, 56, 65; pornography, Hebrew, 179–95; post-structuralist theory, 56, 82; postcolonial theory, 45, 47, 53, 56, 103, 108; postcultural theory, 56–57; postmodern trend, 51, 54–57, 133, 135, 205; preservation, 92, 103, 226, 228, 230–39, 231–38; racism, 5, 115, 124, 255; religious/political repositioning, 37, 263–64, 266, 268, 281; research fields, 105–107; Roman law, 164–48; Santa Cruz de Tlatelolco, 263–272; sociocultural positioning, 6, 63, 65–68, 71, 113, 117; sociopolitical repositioning, 35, 62–63, 66, 201–218; Southey, Robert, 309–328; texts, lost, 25–28, 226–27, 230, 278–79; textual/paratextual elements, 88–89, 122, 165, 205–207, 233; Toledo School of Translators, 31–35, 108, 263, 270; translations, prudish, 179–95; versified translation, 148–58, 180; Western theories, 38, 45, 88, 104, 125, 192

Hitchcock, Peter, 254, 255, 260

Holt, Thomas C., 255, 260

Holubnychy, Lydia, 176, 177

Holz, Arno, 22

Horguelin, Paul A., 26, 42

Hugonnard-Roche, Henri, 28, 42 Huizinga, Johan, 137, 143

Hunt, Lynn, 92, 98

Imperial College of Santa Cruz de Tlatelolco, 263–272

Íñigo-Mora, Isabel, 212, 221

Institutes, Justinian, 148–58, 161–62

Interpretatio (Rener), 12

Interpretation, 13–15, 47–48, 108

Interpreters: conference, 108; European chanceries, 14–15; Santa Cruz de Tlatelolco, 263–272; Toledo, 31–35, 108, 263, 270; Xenophon's chronicle, 14

Itier, César, 281, 288

Itzkovitz, David, 255, 260

Jacob, Margaret, 98

Jacobs, Dan N., 176, 177

Jerome, Eusebius, 40

Joly, Jean-François, 22, 42

Josephus, Flavius, 24

Justinian, 146, 148–59, 161–62

Kahn, Fritz, Dr., 192, 196

Kálmán, G. C., 23, 42

Karttunen, Frances, 14

Kelly, Louis G., 12, 40

Kenis, Paul, 74, 77

Kervyn de Marcke ten Driessche, Roger, 69–74, 77 Kingsley, Charles, 256, 258, 261

Klinkenberg, Jean-Marie, 42

Klor de Alva, Jorge, 274

Koestler Arthur., MD, 196

Koran, 33

Koskinen, Kaisa, 55–56, 58

Krontiris, Tina, 99, 986

Kuhn, Thomas, 96, 99

Kurz, Ingrid, 104, 108, 110

Kuttner, S., 162

La Place, Pierre Antoine de, 97, 99

La politique coloniale et le Bolchévisme, 177

LaCapra, Dominick, 83, 91, 99

Lacouture, Jean, 177

Lacy, Norris J., 316, 331

Ladouceur, Louise, 218, 221

Lafarga, Francisco, 12, 314, 331

Lahire, Bernard, 61, 78

Lambert, José, 62, 78, 79, 83, 99, 218

Lander, Edgardo, 114, 125, 128

Laplantine, F., 114, 128

Lavergne, Gabriel Joseph de, 20

Lavigne, Claire-Hélène, 145–162, 337

Lawrence, D.H., 182, 189, 193, 196, 198

Le Goff, Jacques, 136–37, 144

Lee-Jahnke, Hannelore, 221

Lefevre, André, 11–12, 41, 54, 198, 303, 306

Lemarchard, Marie-José, 19, 42

León Portilla, Miguel, 129, 274

Lépinette, Brigitte, 43, 113, 128

Léry, Jean de, 9, 293–305, 306

Les 4 livres d'institutes du Justinian en vers, 161–62

Lesage, Alain-René, 97, 99

Lestringant, Frank, 294, 297, 306

Levi, Giovanni, 96, 99

Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 134, 295–96, 302, 306

Levinson, Stephen C., 220

Lewis, Bernard, 15–16, 42

Linguística Quechua, 287

Ljudskanov, Alexandre, 6, 139, 144

Lobeira, Vasco, 315, 320, 329

Locker, Edward H., 311, 331

López Alcalá, Samuel, 113, 128

Lormian, Henri, 176, 177

Loth, David, 180, 182–83, 198

Luna, Rosa, 275

Luykx, Theo, 79

Lyotard, Jean-François, 57, 58

MacDonald, Alastair, 164, 171, 173–77

Mackenzie, Louisa, 299, 306

Madden, Lionel, 327, 331

Maes, Pierre, 67, 77

Malraux, André, 6, 163–177

Mandeville, Sir John, 298, 307

Mari, Michele, 89, 99

Martínez-Barbeito, Carlos, 331

Matienzo, Juan de, 288, 290–91

Melyaerts, Reine, 4, 69, 76, 77, 337

Menéndez Pidal, Ramón, 329, 330

Merkle, Denise, 198

Meylaerts, Reine, 69, 78, 79, 337–38

Miller, Grady, 23, 42

Miller, Henry, 182, 189, 190, 193, 196

Milne, William, 249, 258, 259

Minnis, A. J., 162

Miron, Dan, 186, 196, 198

Mitchell, David, 310, 311, 331

Molina, Cristóbal, 206–207, 222, 274

Molina, Lucía, 206–207, 222

Montesquieu, Baron de, 20–21, 42

Morrison, Robert, 247, 249, 259

Mosse, George L., 184, 198

Mossop, Brian, 209, 222

Mounin, Georges, 12, 33, 87, 99

Muir, Edward, 85, 91, 96, 99

Multiconcord tool, 208

Munday, Jeremy, 331

Munslow, Alun, 46–47, 50, 55, 57–58

Nabokov, Vladimir, 182, 190, 197

Nadler, Steven, 30, 42

Navarro, Eduardo de Almeida, 300, 307

Niranjana, Tejaswini, 281, 288

Nouss, Alexis, 128

O'Malley, Patrick R., 256, 258, 261

Omer, Dan, 187, 197

Ondegardo, Polo, 287–91

Ong, Walter, 299, 307

Ortiz, Fernando, 118, 126, 128

Pagni, Andrea, 124, 127, 128

paleochristian literature, 29

Paré, Ambroise, 298, 306, 307

Payàs, Gertrudis, 127, 129

Peakman, Julie, 190, 198

Pereña, Luciano, 36, 42

Pizarro, Hernando, 286, 288, 290–91

Pizarro, Pedro, 286, 288

Platel, Mark, 79

Polezzi, Loredana, 301, 303, 307

Poni, Carlo, 96, 99

Pons, Anaclet, 97, 99

Popovic, Anton, 22, 42

Porras Barrenechea, Raúl, 273, 274

Potsdam Declaration, 37–38

Pratt, Mary Louise, 281, 288

Prost, Antoine, 136, 144

Purchas, Samuel, 296–97, 307

Pym, Anthony: Complaint Concerning the Lack of History in Translation, 83, 85, 99, 144; Interview with Anthony Pym, 128; On Method in Hispanic Translation History, 281, 288; Method in Translation History, 128, 331; Negotiating the Frontier, 32, 42, 91, 135; translation history, 94–95, 112, 132, 134, 310–11

Quijano, Aníbal, 125, 127, 128

Raimond, Jean, 327, 332

Rajak, Tessa, 24, 29, 42

Rama, Angel, 115–17, 126, 128

Ramírez, José Fernando, 275

Rangel, Carlos, 114, 128

Réage, Pauline, 190, 197

Reid, Bill, 240

Rembar, Charles, 198

Rener, Frederick M., 12, 40

Reuben, David MD., 193, 197

Revel, Jacques, 96, 99

Ricoeur, Paul, 94, 99, 134

Rivarola, José Luis, 277, 288

Roberts, Geoffrey, 97, 99

Robertson, Ian, 311, 332

Robinson, Douglas, 26, 42, 88, 100

Robinson, Paul, 195, 198

Rodriguez, Lourdes Arencibia, 330

Rodríguez de Montalvo, Garci, 316, 319, 321, 330

Rodriguez Lafuente, Fernando, 272, 274

Roland, Ruth A., 13

Romano, David, 18, 42

Rorty, Richard, 82, 100

Rosenblat, Angel, 277, 289, 321, 322, 329

Rostworowski de Diez Canseco, Maria, 274

Rubinstein, Amnon, 198

Rubruc, William of, 16

Ruiz Casanova, José Francisco, 34, 42, 95, 100

Russell, Peter, 40, 306, 330

Sahagún, Fray Bernardino de, 8, 273, 274

Said, Edward, 53, 58

Salama-Carr, Myriam, 32, 43

Santa Cruz de Tlatelolco, 263–272

Santo Tomás, Domingo de, 280, 289

Santoyo, Julio-César, 15, 18–19, 43, 110, 144, 332

Santoyo Mediavilla, Julio-César, 338

Sarcevic, Suzanne, 145, 147, 158, 162

Saussure, Ferdinand de, 49, 258, 260

Scarborough, William, 249, 259

Schäffner, Christina, 206–207, 218, 221, 222

Schaub, Jean-Frédéric, 138, 143, 144

Schlaf, Johannes, 22

Schleiermacher, F., 86, 122, 127–28, 140, 281, 289

Secondat, Charles-Louis de, 20, 42

Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet, 198

Senior, Nancy, 296–97, 307

Serna, Justo, 97, 100

Shavit, Zohar, 181, 198

Sheffy, Rakefet, 79

Shen, Tkin, 248, 259

Shuttleworth, Mark, 23, 43

Simeoni, Daniel, 79

Simmons, Jack, 327, 332

Simon, Sherry, 117, 118, 126, 128

Smith, Ernest Bramah, 243–44, 248–51, 253–57

Smith, Valerie, 261

Solano, Francisco de, 277, 289

Sommer, Doris, 238, 239, 240

Southey, Robert, 9, 309–28, 330–32

Spence, Lewis, 310, 332

Spiro, Melford E., 184, 198

Spivak, Gayatri, 52–54, 58

St. André, James, 8, 258, 261, 338

St. Jorre, John de, 193, 198

St-Pierre, Paul, 90, 97, 100, 113, 128

Staunton, Sir George Thomas: Chinese style of writing, 244, 247–48, 248, 253–54, 258–59, 338; Miscellaneous Notices Relating to China, 259; Narrative of the Chinese Embassy, 259; Penal Code, translation of, 338; Ta Tsing Leu Lee, 259; translation, free, 253–54

Stein, Peter, 147, 162

Steiner, George, 6, 12, 87, 100, 139–40, 144

Steltzer, Ulli, 240

Stone, Lawrence, 97, 100

Struever, Nancy S., 205, 222

Suleiman, Susan R., 199

Swanton, Michael, 15, 43

Tanqueiro, Helena, 23, 43

Tayler, Anne, 240

Wallet of Kai Lung (Lung), 243–58

Thevet, André, 296–97, 302, 305, 307

Thireau, Jean-Louis, 146, 162

Timmermans, Felix, 72, 77, 78

Toledo School of Translators, 31–35, 108, 263, 270

Torah, 52, 181

Torres Del Rey, Jesús, 144

Toury, Gideon, 19–22, 43, 78, 84, 100, 199

translation: auto, 23, 140; of banned books, 182, 187, 188, 189–93; censorship, 113, 180–95, 335; cultural filtering, 208; cultural grounding, needing, 232–38; fake, 21, 243–61; as foreignizing strategy, 86, 234, 301, 317, 327; formulaic writing, 151, 154–56; free, 139, 149, 268, 270, 314, 316–23; heterogeneity of, 8, 93, 95, 277; ideological shifts, 179, 185, 203–204, 206, 217; interpretation, power-related, 47–48, 217, 230; interventionist approach, 156–58; language, deligitimizing, 65–69; literal, 145–48; mistakes, 30–35; over, 151; as performance, 18, 258; power-related, 271; practice, daily, 3, 15–19, 39; as propaganda tool, 35–40; pseudo, 19–22, 39, 191, 193, 243–44, 249–254; puritan, 179–95, 321–23; as rewriting, manipulative, 55, 281; self, 3, 22–25, 39; shift (semantic/syntactic), 210–16; subversive, 93, 180, 186, 188

translator: as artist, 227–30, 317, 319–21; as author, 147; Baghdad school of, 32; as cultural agent, 85; as historical subject, 59–75; as intermediary, 164; invisible, 89, 92, 97, 238; as manipulator of text, 55, 86, 281, 523–27; obligations of, 69–74; as operator, 87; as preserver of language, 231–35; as sociopolitical agent, 206–209, 217, 226; Toledo School of, 31–35, 108, 263, 270

Trotsky, Leo, 164–65, 169, 175, 177

Tuttle, Edward F., 304, 307

Tymoczko, Maria, 85–86, 95, 100, 199

Tytler, Alexander Fraser, 140, 313, 332

Ullman, Sharon, 256, 261

Van Cauwelaert, August, 72, 78

Van Den Oever, Karel, 68, 78

Van Dijk, Teun A., 204, 222

Van Hoof, Henri, 16, 33–34, 43

Venuti, Lawrence: translation, foreignizing, 86, 301; translation theory, 88, 89; The Translator's Invisibility, 100, 208, 222, 239, 240, 241, 307, 313, 332

"verbum de verbo", 26

Verdaguer, Isabel, 332

Verhavert, Cypriaan, 77, 78

Vermeer, Hans J., 12, 95, 100

Veyne, Paul: Comment on écrit l'histoire, 128, 144; history, writing, 111, 117, 120, 132–33; periodization, 136, 143

Vieira, Else, 128

Von Busekist, Astrid, 79

Wakabayashi, Judy, 199

Weller, Georganne, 38–39

Weston, Stephen, 246–47, 259

Whale, Winifred Stephens, 163, 167–68, 175–77

Whatley, Janet, 9, 293–7, 300, 302–307

White, Hayden, 83, 94, 100, 144

Whyte, Christopher, 25, 43

Willie, A. MD., 196

Witte, Els, 79

Woodsworth, Judith: Teaching the History of Translation, 102, 109; Les traducteurs dans l'histoire, 110, 331; Translators through History, 88, 94, 98

WordSmith Tools, 208

Wullus-Rudiger, Armand, 64, 78

Xenophon, 14

York, Christine, 293–307, 339

Yûsuf, Ahmad ibn, 27

Zarandona, Juan Miguel, 9, 323, 332, 339

Zárate, Agustín de, 286, 288, 289, 290–91

Zohar, Zvi, 197

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