p. XI
Plan détaillé
Texte intégral
1Earlier parts of my research on deportation were aided by grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Secretary of State Multiculturalism Programme, and the University of Winnipeg.
2I am grateful for ideas, insights, and various other kinds of material and moral support at various stages, from Cornelius Jaenen, Alison Griffith, Marguerite Cassin, Leslie Laczko, and too many other colleagues, friends, and family members to name here. I particularly want to acknowledge the love and help I have received from my feminist friends who sustain and inspire me. Over the years required to complete this book, David Millar has provided much in the way of domestic services, enthusiasm for the project, and recurring good humour. I have benefitted especially from his expertise and generosity as a researcher, historian, and teacher. I am also indebted to various patient souls who have helped make my writing more readable, most recently my editor, Wendy Duschenes.
3My interest in deportation arose partly from my own experiences as an immigrant to Canada. Immigration is part of our family history: my maternal grandfather came to Canada from England in 1911; my mother married an American in the 1930s and left to live in the United States, where I grew up. I came to Canada in 1970, one of thousands of self-imposed political exiles from the U.S., believing I had found a more just and humane homeland.
4This book is dedicated to the deports. It could have been me.
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