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Texte intégral
1I am grateful to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada for a grant that helped gather these scholars together. I am also indebted to the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ottawa for its financial support of this project, from its contribution to the 2002 conference, to their publication subvention, to its ongoing support of the “Reappraisals” series as a whole. My thanks to my Canadianist colleagues in the Departments of English at the University of Ottawa (especially Gerald Lynch) and Carleton University for their encouragement, advice, and participation at various stages in this project. I am also grateful to the two anonymous readers who responded so enthusiastically to this collection and offered insightful suggestions for its improvement. I would very much like to thank Charles Pachter for generously allowing me to use his Mooseplunge image on the cover of this book. And thank you to my two research assistants, Tobi Kozakewich and Amanda Mullen, both doctoral students in Canadian literature at the University of Ottawa, who were in on this project from the beginning. Finally, thank you to the contributors to this volume, for partaking with such commitment to what is surely destined to be an ongoing dialogue about postcolonial pedagogy.
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