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Zionist and Israel-Related Organizations
p. 193-196
Texte intégral
Canadian Friends of Haifa University (Toronto, 1973)
1Paul David, James Cozzi, Michael Winton and Martin Richard Wasserman, all of The Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, in the Province of Ontario, Solicitors; constituting them and any others who become members of the Corporation hereby created a corporation without share capital under the name of CANADIAN FRIENDS OF HAIFA UNIVERSITY for the following objects, that is to say:
2Subject to The Mortmain and Charitable Uses Act and The Charitable Gifts Act:
- TO identify and maintain the interest of Canadian Jewish communities in Jewish and Hebrew studies, traditions and culture and research relating thereto;
- TO create and serve as an intellectual centre for Canadians of the Jewish faith, to assist and encourage Canadian students interested in the fields of the humanities and science to study in Israel and particularly at the University of Haifa in Haifa by providing them with research fellowships, scholarships, bursaries and by participating in the maintenance and operation of dormitories, hostels and restaurants incidental thereto; to participate in the promotion of faculty exchanges between professors of the University of Haifa and professors of Canadian universities with a view to encouraging, soliciting and training Israelis to teach in Canada by providing travel grants and fellowships for the purposes thereof;
- TO promote the training of teachers to serve Canadian Jewry;
- For the objects of the Corporation, to publish or to facilitate the publication and distribution for the benefit of Canadian Jewish communities of books, pamphlets, articles, monographs and other literature dealing with and relating to Hebrew and Jewish culture, the tenets of Jewish religion and the cultivation of Hebrew literature; and
- TO do all things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects and in particular;
- For the attainment of the above objects, to acquire, accept, solicit or receive, by purchase, lease, contract, donation, legacy, gift, grant, bequest or otherwise, any kind of real or personal property, and to enter into and carry out agreements, contracts and undertakings incidental thereto;
- For the further attainment of the above objects, to hold, manage, sell or convert any of the real or personal property from time to time owned by the Corporation and to invest and re-invest any principal in investments authorized by law for the investment of trust funds, and to retain any real or personal property in the form in which it may be when received by the Corporation for such length of time as may he deemed best;
- For the further attainment of the above objects, to exercise all voting rights and to authorize and direct the execution and delivery of proxies in connection with any shares....
Zionist Men’s Association of Canada
CONSTITUTION (as amended by the 31st National Convention May 29th-31st, 1959)
Name and Affiliation
31. This organization shall be known as the “ZIONIST MEN’S ASSOCIATION OF CANADA,” and shall be affiliated with the Zionist Organization of Canada.
42. The objects of this Association shall be to foster among its members:
- the principles of general Zionism, having for its purpose assistance in the development of the State of Israel;
- Jewish consciousness through the study, appreciation and dissemination of Hebrew language, culture, history of the Jewish people and public celebration of national festivals and historic occurrences;
- sentiments of fraternity and solidarity.
53. The Headquarters of the Association shall be in Montreal.
64. This Association shall consist of lodges organized in the Dominion of Canada under the authority of the Dominion Council of the Association.
75. Every male Jew of the age of 18 years and over is eligible to apply for membership.
86. The membership fee as fixed by each lodge shall accompany every application for membership in a lodge. Applications for membership shall be in the form approved by the Dominion Council.
97. A report from the Membership Committee shall accompany each application when being submitted to the lodge executive for approval.
108. A group of at least 10 applicants is qualified to apply for a charter from the Dominion Council, constituting it as a lodge of the Association. Such application shall be in writing and shall be addressed to the Dominion Council, accompanied by a fee of $10.00. The application and the name shall be subject to approval by the Dominion Council. An entire group shall be initiated by the Dominion Council or its authorized representatives by one of the forms of ritual approved by the Dominion Council. Nevertheless, a lodge may, at its option, dispense with the use of any ritual. The election of officers shall be held at the first meeting following the granting of a charter.
119. Deeming it expedient that efforts should be made wherever possible, to integrate all men’s Zionist societies into a united and coordinated national organization, the Dominion Council may, notwithstanding any provision herein set forth, incorporate into the Association or otherwise affiliate with it any active Zionist society or club on such terms or association as they may deem expedient, and provided that always the paramount object of the Association to enlarge and enrich the content of Zionist activities be thereby served.
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Not Written in Stone
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