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Students’ and Women’s Organizations

p. 190-192

Texte intégral

Jewish Students’ Union (Toronto)


ARTICLE 1.01 – Name

1The name of the organization is the Jewish Students’ Union/B’Nai Brith Hillel Foundation at the University of Toronto. The abbreviated name of the organization is JSU/Hillel.

ARTICLE 2.01 – Objectives

2The organization exists to help Jewish students, engaged in the pursuit of higher learning, to establish for themselves a Jewish identity. The JSU/Hillel will fulfill this by serving as a centre for Jewish activities of a religious, political, educational, cultural, communal and social nature. The JSU/Hillel will thus serve to promote leadership, citizenship and social responsibility among its members. The organization will, in accordance with this purpose, cooperate with other groups, and with groups involving the community at large, in order to develop and further mutual understanding.

ARTICLE 3.01 – Membership and Fees

3a) Any Jewish student registered with the University of Toronto in a program leading to a degree, diploma or certificate of the University shall be eligible for membership.

4b) Any other student of the University as defined by the University of Toronto Act 1971, as amended or reenacted from time to time, may become a member of the JSU/Hillel on payment to the organization of the annual membership fee....


5The interest of a member in the JSU/Hillel is not transferable and lapses and ceases to exist when he ceases to be a member of the organization. A member ceases to be a member upon withdrawal, suspension or expulsion from the university....



6Adopted at the meeting of the 10th Triennial National Convention held in Montreal, Quebec, Delta Hotel, October 31st to November 2nd, 1993.


7NA’AMAT CANADA INCORPORATED, is the autonomous women’s organization in Canada of the World Labour Zionist Movement.

Article 1

8Na’amat Canada is dedicated to the following objectives:

  1. To develop awareness among its members of their responsibilities as Canadian citizens and to co-operate with other organizations in the promotion of democratic ideals in Canada.
  2. To imbue all members with pride in the history of Na’amat and the role it has played in the birth and development of Israel.
  3. To solicit and collect funds, subscriptions, gifts and donations in Canada, to assist indigent people in, and new immigrants to Israel in their education and the education of their children, and in connection with the foregoing to publish such literature as is deemed necessary to fulfill these purposes.
  4. To promote Jewish education in Canada and to participate actively in the support of Jewish educational institutions.
  5. To develop among its members a strong awareness of their Jewish heritage and to strengthen the bond between Jewish and non-Jewish people throughout the world.
  6. To co-operate with other women’s organizations in their programs for women’s social and economic equality.
  7. To participate in Zionist activities and to be involved with other organizations who further the development of the Canadian community and the State of Israel.

Notes de bas de page

1 Formerly known as Pioneer Women.

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