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Self-Help Organizations (Landsmannshaftn)

p. 185-187

Texte intégral

Hebrew Sick Benefit Association (Montreal, 1902)2

Article 1

Name and Language

11. The organization carries the name HEBREW SICK BENEFIT ASSOCIATION OF MONTREAL.3

22. This name shall never be changed.

33. This organization cannot be terminated as long as seven members in good standing wish to carry it on.

44. All business and correspondence of the organization will be carried on in the Yiddish language, however each brother may also use the English language....

Article 3

Acceptance of Members

51. Candidates who wish to be members in this organization must have reached their sixteenth year and not passed their forty-fifth be of the Mosaic faith, sound in body and mind with a good character... and six months in the country.

New Jewish Fraternal Association (Toronto)


6We... have joined together in this organization, in bonds of friendship and mutual benefit. Our common outlook on fraternal, cultural and social problems, our willingness to help each other in time of need, our desire to enrich our lives, binds us together in one organization.

7Men and women, over the age of 18, who agree with our statement of purpose and abide by our constitution are welcome to join us.

8We are a family organization. We provide a program of activities and interests for every member of the family, for children, youth and adults.

9We provide, for our members, various aspects of a fraternal program, which is the need of every family. We take care of the family in time of bereavement and are always ready to help in time of need. The welfare of each individual member and his family is the concern of the whole organization.

10We have an appreciation for the great cultural heritage of the Jewish people. We develop a varied cultural program for the enrichment of our own members’ lives and contribute to Canada’s ethnic culture.

11We want our children to have an understanding and appreciation for their Jewish heritage and develop a comprehensive children’s educational and club program.

12We are a part of the Jewish community which has a long and proud history of activity in the interests of the Jewish people.

13We participate actively in Jewish communal life and share the responsibility of maintaining the many worthy community institutions which have been established.

14The welfare of the Jewish communities throughout the world is our concern. We strongly condemn all forms of anti-Semitism and discrimination against Jews in any country. We champion the right of Jewish people in every country to equal citizenship and equal treatment.

15We have the deepest feeling of friendship for Israel. The birth of Israel was an historic event of great significance to the Jewish people. Israel has taken in hundreds of thousands of Jews from many lands and provided a haven for them.

16We recognize the need for providing material assistance to the people of Israel.

17We believe the state of Israel must be treated as an equal among the family of nations.

18We believe in active citizenship in our country.

19We provide a forum for communal, social and political problems and participate in action on issues.

20We oppose all forms of discrimination and prejudice. We champion the cause of full equality in every sphere of Canadian life for all Canadian citizens.

21We are for the extension of the democratic rights and civil liberties of all people.

22We support all efforts for civic betterment, such as more and better housing and improved educational and recreational facilities.

23We believe in the right of every Canadian citizen to enjoy a life of abundance and economic security. We support the aspirations of the Canadian people for a higher standard of living.

24We recognize the organized labor movement as a democratic force in our society and support its effort to secure a greater share of the wealth of the country for the working people.

25We believe in peace and friendship among all nations and all peoples. We believe in the right of every human being to live his life in peace and to raise his family without the fear of war and destruction.

26It is our constant pledge to make our contribution for the cause of peace, friendship and true brotherhood of man, in our country and everywhere.

27We the members... accept this statement of purpose to be the guiding spirit for the program of our organization.

Notes de bas de page

1 Typically, these organizations were founded for purposes of self-help by recent immigrants from the same town or region in Europe. They often had social and religious functions as well.

2 Original in Yiddish. Translated by Ira Robinson.

3 The English name was transliterated into Hebrew characters.

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