URL originale : https://books.openedition.org/uop/2051

p. 165-171
Texte intégral
Burquest Jewish Community Association (British Columbia)1
1Pursuant to the Societies Act of British Columbia The name of the society is BURQUEST JEWISH COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION.
2The objects of the society are:
- To assist, develop and foster community spirit;
- To promote educational, cultural, athletic and community endeavours such as organized athletic games, hobbies, kindergartens, recreation, adult education and community social service and to raise money in order to support these aims by whatever means the Directors see fit but not so as to restrict the generality of the foregoing, and in all ways conforming to the provisions of the Societies Act of British Columbia, including:
- charging of membership entrance fees;
- annual membership dues;
- subscriptions;
- soliciting donations;
- borrowing money;
- the issuing of bonds and debentures.
- To utilize all available community facilities and the encouragement of the above aims and objects;
- To establish, maintain and conduct a school and employ and pay instructors therefor;
- To establish, maintain and conduct classes for religious education and to employ and pay instructors therefor;
- To serve the religious needs of the Jewish Community of Burnaby, Port Coquitlam, Coquitlam, Port Moody, New Westminster and Surrey, which hereinafter shall be referred to as BURQUEST;
- To receive, acquire and hold gifts, donations, devises and bequests and to honour any special directions given by donors;
- To acquire, construct, hold, lease, manage, rent, or sell real property for the purpose of establishing and maintaining facilities for the purposes of the community as set forth in these objects....
Jewish Community Council of Kingston (Ontario)
I. Name and Objectives
31. The name of the organization shall be the Jewish Community Council of Kingston, hereafter called ‘the JCC.’
42. The objectives of the JCC shall be:
- to be the umbrella organization for Jewish associations and for interested non-affiliated Jews in the Kingston region;
- to further the welfare and security of the Jewish community and to facilitate the philanthropic, social, cultural and educational advancement of the Jewish community;
- to foster co-operation among organizations directed towards that end;
- to act, in consultation with its constituent bodies, as spokesperson for the Kingston Jewish community in matters having a general secular character;
- to be the local affiliated body of the Canadian Jewish Congress;2
- to co-operate with other civic bodies in enhancing the welfare of the entire community and in furthering Canadian ideals and the democratic way of life;
- to foster all those factors which develop more harmony and goodwill in the Jewish community and between the Jewish and non-Jewish communities.
II. Membership
51. Any member of Congregations Beth Israel3 and Iyr Ha-Melech4 and any non-affiliated Kingston Jewish resident, aged 18 years and older, who requests to become a member, shall be considered to be a member.
62. A member shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges and subject to all obligations which membership confers or implies. Without limiting such rights and obligations, except as specified in XI.4, such rights shall include eligibility to seek office and to vote on all matters requiring a vote of the membership.
73. Congregations Beth Israel and Iyr Ha-Melech shall be considered to be principal member organizations....
Ottawa Vaad Ha’Ir (Jewish Community Council of Ottawa)
8Submitted for Approval, Dec. 21st, 1943.
91. NAME-The organization shall be called ‘OTTAWA VAAD HA’IR (Jewish Community Council of Ottawa).’5
102. (a) PURPOSES – To supervise and direct the religious, cultural, philanthropic and national life of the Jewish Community of Ottawa.
11(b) To unite this Community with other Jewish communities of Canada.
123. (a) MEMBERSHIP-Shall be composed of representatives of the Synagogues, in the following proportions:
13Adath Jeshurun – 12
14Agudath Achim – 11
15Machzikei Hadath – 8
16Bnai Jacob – 7
17Agudath Israel – 6
183. (b) Other organizations, with a membership of at least 50 (ages 21 years and over), which have been in existence in Ottawa for at least one year, and are recognized by the Vaad Ha’Ir as being of a kind or standing worthy of representation, may be invited to membership on the Council, their representation on the Vaad Ha’Ir being limited to a maximum of two members for each organization, subject to the following proviso:
191 representative if membership is over 50,
202 " s " " " 100.
213. (d) Representation from the Synagogues shall always constitute not less than Seventy Percent (70%) of the total membership of the Vaad Ha’Ir.
223. (e) In order that women may be represented on the Council, the various Congregations and organizations are empowered to appoint women as well as men in their quota of delegates.
234. BODIES UNDER CONTROL – The Vaad Ha’Ir shall have under its control and jurisdiction the following:
- The Vaad Hakashruth,
- The Talmud Torah,
- The Hebrew Benevolent Society,
- The Hebrew Free Loan Association,
- Organized Charities
- Public Relations Committee,
- Youth Organizations’ Committee.
Toronto Jewish Congress6
24The objects of Toronto Jewish Congress (hereinafter called ‘the TJC’) shall be:
- To further the welfare of the Jewish community of Metropolitan Toronto, in accordance with democratic principles, to safeguard its interests and stimulate its growth, consistent with Jewish and Canadian values and traditions, and to thereby strengthen our Canadian society.
- To be the functional arm of the Canadian Jewish Congress (hereinafter called ‘the CJC’) in the Metropolitan Toronto area.
- To foster, promote and carry on charitable, religious, educational, social service, cultural and recreational work and to cooperate and assist in planning, coordinating, harmonizing and developing methods and programs for such works with appropriate organizations, agencies and persons.
- To engage in community planning in all fields of community service.
- To encourage the welfare of the State of Israel and of other Jewish communities throughout the world.
- To carry on and assist in efforts for the improvement of the social, economic and cultural condition of Jewry, the mitigation of their sufferings throughout the world and the rehabilitation of Jewish immigrants and refugees.
- To centralize and coordinate the solicitation, collection, receipt and disbursement of funds and to receive, hold and maintain property of every description for charitable, religious, educational, cultural, social and recreational purposes and to administer, apportion, expend and disburse such funds and property and the income therefrom for such purposes among appropriate recipients.
- To solicit, collect and receive by gifts, grants, will or otherwise, money or other property of every kind and to hold and administer the same in trust or otherwise for any or all of the purposes aforesaid and/or for purposes designated by a donor or testator consistent with the purposes aforesaid.
- To do any and all other things necessary, incidental to, or proper in carrying out the foregoing purposes.
A. The following shall be Members of the Toronto Jewish Congress
251. ‘Individual Members,’ being every Jew residing in the Metropolitan Toronto area (hereinafter called ‘Metro’) who supports the aims and objectives of the TJC.
262. ‘Constituent Members,’ being:
27a. ‘Agencies/being organizations, incorporated or otherwise, providing services to the Metro Jewish community, which become affiliated with the TJC by resolution of the Executive Committee, the following organizations being deemed to have become so affiliated at the date hereof:
- Hillel Foundation (University of Toronto)
- Jewish Student Federation (York University)
- Jewish Camp Council
- Jewish Family and Child Service
- Jewish Home for the Aged
- Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care
- Baycrest Day Care Centre-Jewish Immigrant Aid Services (Central Region)
- Jewish Public Library
- Jewish Vocational Service
- Toronto Hebrew Re-Establishment Services
- New Mount Sinai Hospital
- Each school which is affiliated with the Board of Jewish Education, while so affiliated
- Jewish Community Centre (YM-YWHA)
- Centre for Creative Living-Coordinated Services to the Jewish Elderly
- Each duly constituted organization of Rabbis
28b. ‘Organizations/being all other organizations and congregations, incorporated or otherwise (including the main Metro branch or division of national organizations), having a Jewish membership of at least 25, paying an affiliation fee to the TJC as determined annually by the Council, and having become affiliated with the TJC by resolution of the Executive Committee; provided that the aforesaid affiliation fee shall be remitted by TJC to the UJA of Metropolitan Toronto; provided further that an organization whose application for affiliation is rejected by the Executive Committee, may appeal such rejection to the Council; the organizations set out in Schedule A hereto are deemed to have become so affiliated at the date hereof.
B. The following shall not be, or remain, members of the TJC
291. any person or organization who or which has been declared by the TJC or its predecessor organizations to be opposed to the aims and objectives of the TJC or its predecessor organizations;
302. any Member who or which shall act or conduct his, her or its affairs in such a manner as is, in the opinion of the Council, inimical to the aims and objectives of the TJC and/or the CJC, or shall cease to reside or function actively within Metro; termination of membership of such Member in the TJC shall only be effected by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Members of the Council voting at a meeting called for such purpose, upon 60 days’ notice to such Member; such Member shall be entitled to place any objection to such termination before such meeting of the Council.
31An Annual General Meeting of the TJC shall be held at a time and place determined by the Executive Committee; a quorum shall be 75 Members present; notice of such meeting shall be mailed or delivered to the office of each Constituent Member and shall be published in a publication circulating in Metro; the business of the meeting shall include the election of the Individual Representatives to the Council; at least 90 days’ notice shall be given of such meeting.
Notes de bas de page
1 An example of a coalition of small communities which looks after religious activities as well the more normal functions of Jewish community organizations.
2 The national representative organization of Canadian Jewry.
3 The Orthodox synagogue.
4 The Reform synagogue.
5 It is worth noting that the Hebrew name takes precedence over the English name of the organization.
6 The umbrella organization of the Toronto Jewish community at that date.
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Not Written in Stone
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