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In Memoriam: Daniel J. Elazar

p. IX

Texte intégral

1As noted in the foreword, this volume was conceived and edited by three people. Unfortunately, one, Daniel Elazar, has not lived to see its publication. His two collaborators on this project dedicate it to his memory.

2Dan was a cherished and close friend and mentor. An intellectual with a prodigious range, his publication record was nothing less than staggering. He was an academic pioneer who rekindled interest in both federalism and the Jewish political tradition and established the new field of Jewish Political Studies. Unlike many scholars, he was engagé – a man of action. He was intimately involved in the activities of the Jewish community and with affairs of state in Israel and the United States, and he acted as a consultant to governments around the world, including the government of Canada.

3Such a record would have been a credit to anyone. Remarkably, Dan accomplished all this with a severe physical handicap. While participating in a youth programme in Israel, he was stricken with polio. His courage and determination in the face of adversity were inspiring. He traveled to the ends of the earth to teach, to attend conferences, and to consult, never giving in to his physical limitations. He possessed a keen wit and an uncommon love of good fellowship. Family and friends were welcome at the Elazar table at all times; the conversation was always animated and stimulating, with Dan at the centre.

4As a colleague and friend, Dan is much missed. Knowing him was a privilege. May his memory be for a blessing.

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