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Texte intégral
1This project was undertaken between the meeting of the Border Region in Transition network (BRIT), held in Jerusalem, Israel, in January 2005, and the annual meeting of the Association of Borderland Studies (ABS) in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in April 2005. Having participated at a number of conference panels on border theory and border security, I became aware of the rapidly growing number of scholars working on the various underpinnings of border security theory and policy. I contacted members of both BRIT and the ABS to put together a group of scholars dedicated to the idea that research work focusing on border security policies and border theory would lead to important policy recommendations.
2This book would not have been possible without the support of the BRIT network and the ABS, which, through their respective executive secretariats, helped circulate the call for proposals and recommended scholars.
3The financial contributions of the consulate general of France in Vancouver, British Columbia, the European Commission, the European Studies Program, and the Centre for Public Sector Studies of the University of Victoria, as well as the particularly generous support of the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, made it possible to organize a workshop at the Local Government Institute, School of Public Administration, University of Victoria, in December 2005. At the time twenty-six scholars from seven different countries in North America and Europe met for two days to present and compare their work on border and borderland security. These papers are now presented in the twelve chapters of this volume.
4This work suggests that the nature of borders is to be porous, which is a serious issue for those who make security policy. It argues that dense economic, cultural, or political human activities crossing over a border and straddling a borderland result in increasing porosity, which governments on both sides of the border can better control when they increase cooperation, collaboration, and the co-production of security policy goals.
5I am grateful to academic colleagues for advice and comments on earlier drafts of some of these chapters, particularly Stuart Farson, David Good, Helga Hallgrimsdottir, Antoine Pecoud, Gordon Smith, and Amy Verdun. Special thanks go to Rodney Dobell for reading and providing extensive comments on earlier versions of the introduction and the conclusion. The theoretical discussion presented in both the introduction and the conclusion were summarized at the Linea Terranum conference, held at the University of Texas, El Paso, in March 2006, and at the BRIT conference in Lublin, Poland, in September 2006. These resulted in rich comments and questions that also helped me clarify my thoughts on this model of border security study.
Local Government Institute, School of Public Administration, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
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