p. 175-178
Plan détaillé
Texte intégral
Abanomey, A., 97
Abedi, J., 149
ability (see language ability)
achievement test, 105
Alderson, J. C., 2, 24, 26, 37, 38, 48, 51, 52
Alderson, J. C., N. Figueras, G. Nold, B. North, S. Takala, and C. Tardieu, 25, 26
Alderson, J. C. and A. Hughes, 44, 50
Allan, A., 102
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign
Languages (ACTFL), 21–22, 57
Anderson, M. L, 65
Anderson, N. J, 96
Anderson, N. J, L. F. Bachman, K. Perkins. and A. Cohen, 96
Atkinson, J. M. and J. Heritage, 116, 127
authenticity, 29
real-life, 43, 48, 51–52, 77–80, 86
content/text, 96–97
context, 48, 66
tasks, 44, 45, 54, 56, 57
Bachman, L. F., 2, 3, 5, 16, 23, 31, 42, 43, 45, 54–56, 58, 61–63, 66–68, 69, 70, 77, 95, 113, 132, 133, 137
Bachman, L. F. and A. S. Palmer, 45, 54–56, 58, 62
Bailey, A. and F. Butler, 74
Banerjee, J. and F. Franceschina, 37
Bennett, R., 38
Bialystok, E., 149
bias, 143 (see also fairness)
Brindley, G., 21, 22, 45, 56
Brindley. G. and H. Slatyer, 32
British Council, 10, 74, 77, 83
Broadfoot, P., 34, 35
Brown, A., 133
Brown, A. and T. McNamara, 133
Brown, J.D., T. Hudson, J. Norris, W. Bonk, 45, 56
Butler, F. and R. Stevens, 35
Butler, J., 136
Byrnes, H., 137, 146
C-test, 10, 91, 94
Cambridge English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), 23, 83, 84, 115, 116, 119, 121, 123, 125, 126 (see also UCLES)
Campbell, D. T. and D. W. Fiske, 53
Canale, M., 44, 50
Canale, M. and M. Swain. 44, 49–50, 53–54, 60, 143
Canagarajah, S., 151
Carroll, J. B., 11, 15, 44, 46–47, 77
Carroll, J. B., A. S. Carton, and C. Wilds, 10
Center for Applied Linguistics, 11
Certificate in Advanced English (CAE), 116–119, 123–125
Chalhoub-Deville, M., 31, 32, 45, 61–65, 69
Chalhoub-Deville, M. and C. Deville, 61
Chalhoub-Deville. M. and E. Tarone, 70
Chamot, A. and J. O’Malley, 74
Chapelle. C., 45, 58, 59, 63, 65–66
Cheng, L., T. W. Rogers, and H. Hu, 33
Chomsky, N., 14, 46
Clapham, C., 77
Clark, J. L. D., 44, 48
classroom assessment, 2, 33–35, 62, 110, 142–144
Clay, M., 33
Cloze, 10, 48–49, 79, 91, 97–98, 105
Cohen, A. D., 4, 90–93, 106, 126
Cohen, A. D. and E. Aphek, 105
Cohen, A. D., and A. Brooks-Carson, 93–94
Cohen, A. D., and E. Macaro, 109
Cohen, A. D. and T. Upton, 98–99, 101
construct, 1, 3–4, 6, 21, 24–25, 28, 41–45, 66–71, 78
communicative language testing, 44, 49–55, 73, 79–81
direct/performance testing, 44, 47–48
interactionalist, 31, 43, 45, 57–66, 68–69
pragmatic, 44, 48–49
structural (skills and elements), 44, 46–47, 78–79, 81
task-based performance assessment. 45, 55–57
ability-in-individual-in-context, 61–65
co-construction. 31, 59–63
domain (target language use), situation, 51–52, 55, 132–133
contemporary social theory, 61–62, 133–137
role of discourse, 134–135
subject positions, 34–35, 134–137
Conversation Analysis (CA), 115, 121, 133
examples of, 116–119
Cooper, R. L., 14
Council of Europe, 15, 21–22, 24, 137
Coxhead, A., 75
Cunningham, J. and D. Moore, 74
Darnell, D., 10
Davies, A., 2–4, 15, 44, 46, 75, 77
diagnostic assessment, 2–3 (see also DIALANG)
diagnosis, 28–37
The Dutch CEFR Construct Project, 2, 24–26, 29–30
DIALANG, 2, 23–24, 26, 28–30
Discourse Analysis (DA), 33, 119–121, 126
examples of, 120
Dollerup, C., E. Glahn, and C, Rosenberg Hansen, 91
Douglas, D., 10, 61, 76
Douglas, D. and V. Hegelheimer, 100–101
Eades, D., 132
Eades, D., H. Fraser, J. Siegel, T. McNamara, and B. Baker, 132
Earl, L., 35
Edelenbos, P. and A. Kubanek-German, 34
Edgeworth, F. Y., 12–13
Educational Testing Service (ETS), 2, 13–14, 47, 98, 102, 104
Elder, C., N. Iwashita, and T. McNamara, 32
English Language Development (ELD) test, 35
English Language Testing Service (ELTS), 3, 73, 77–84, 86
English Proficiency Test Battery (EPTB), 3, 73–75, 77, 86
Evans, E. and N. Hornberger, 145–146
fairness, 68, 145–149, 151–152
Falvey, F. and S, Shaw, 126
First Certificate in English (FCE) Speaking Test, 119–121, 125
Fishman, J., 14
Flowerdew, J., 75
Forster, D. and R. Karn, 105
Foucault, M., 5, 133–135
Franceschina, F., 37
Fulcher, G., 15, 61, 137
Gaies, S., H. Gradman, and B. Spolsky, 10
Gibbons, P., 74
Gordon, C., 91
graduateshotline, 76
Green, A., 122, 123
Grotjahn, R., 126
Hamp-Lyons, L., 122
Hamp-Lyons, L. and B. Kroll, 75
Harrison, A., 52
Hartog, P. and E. C. Rhodes, 12
Hawkey, R., 84
He, A. W. and R. Young, 45, 59, 60, 62, 64
Hill, A. A., 11
Holtzman, P., 10
Homburg, T. and M. Spaan, 91
Hughes, A. and D. Porter, 44, 50
Hyland, K., 76, 86
Illinois Measure of Annual Growth in English (IMAGE), 35
International English Language Testing System (IELTS), 73, 76–78, 80–86, 126
International Language Testing Association (ILTA), 2, 6, 8, 145, 153
Iolanthe, Gilbert and Sullivan opera, 12
Jacoby, S. and T. McNamara, 61
Jacoby, S. and E. Ochs, 59
Jamieson, J., S. Jones, I. Kirsch, P. Mosenthal, and C. Taylor, 101
Jones, R., 15, 44, 47–18
König, K. and B. Perchinig, 137
Kaftandjieva, F. and S. Takala, 25
Kane, M., 77
Key English Test (KET), 115–119
Klein-Braley, C., 10, 91
Klein-Braley, C. and U. Raatz, 91
Kramsch, C., 45, 57–59, 61
Kress, G., 151
Kress, G. and V. Leeuwen, 151
Kunnan, A., 137
Labov, W., 14
Lado, R., 11, 44, 46–48, 78
language ability (see also construct)
ability for language use, 45, 56
ability-in-individual-in-context. 45, 61–65, 69
academic language proficiency. 73–78, 84–86
Communicative Language Ability (CLA). 77–81, 86, 132–133
Bachman, 23, 31, 44, 54–55, 58, 61, 77
Canale and Swain, 44, 49–50, 53–54, 60, 143
integrative/sociolinguistics, 11, 26
interactionalist perspective, 3, 31–32, 42, 45, 57–65
pragmatic, 44
proficiency, 10, 13–14, 48–49, 51–52
structuralist/psychometrics, 11, 44, 46–47, 77–79, 86
Language and National Origin Group, 132
LanguEdge Courseware, 98–99
Latham, H., 12
Lazaraton. A., 4, 5, 121
Lazaraton. A. and R. Frantz. 120–121
Leung. C. and B. Mohan, 33
Levin, T., E. Shohamy, and B. Spolsky. 146
Lowry, D. T. and T. J. Marr, 10
Lumley, T. and A. Brown, 101
Marinelli, V., 137
McNamara, T., 4, 5, 31, 32, 45, 56, 61, 62, 65, 131, 132, 135
McNamara, T. and K. Hill and L. May. 114
McNamara, T. and C. Roever. 137
Messick, S., 63, 65, 73, 137, 145
Milanovic, M., N. Saville, and S. Shuhong, 125
Milanovic. M. and N. Saville, 123, 125
Monroe. P., 12
Morrow. K., 44, 51
Nation, P., 16
Nevo, N., 92, 106
noise test, 2, 10, 13–14
Norris, J., J. D. Brown, T. Hudson, and J. Yoshioka, 45, 56
Nyhus, S., 95
Occupational English Test (OET). 5, 131, 135–136
Oller, J. W., Jr., 10, 44, 48–39, 51, 5, 3
O’Malley. J. and A. Chamot, 51–53, 93, 103
Oxford, R., 103
Palmer. A. S., P. J. M. Groot, and G. A. Trosper, 44, 52
Pennycook, A., 133
Phakiti, A., 104
policy, 151 (see also stakeholders)
government. 144–145
immigration and citizenship, 132, 135, 137, 146–148, 149–150
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, 137, 145–146, 148–149
testing corporations (industrial), 14, 78
Pope, A., 85
Psychological Corporation, The. 104
Purpura. J. E., 103–105
QSR International, 100
Raatz. U. and C. Klein-Braley, 91
behaviour. 122–126
training. 16, 119, 126
rating scales
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). 21–22, 57
Canadian Language Benchmarks. 22
Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). 2, 15, 21–26, 32–33, 37, 116, 136–137
Foreign Service Institute (FSI), 15, 22, 48, 143
Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR). 15, 22
task-specific, 61
writing scale, 16
Ravelli, L. and R, A. Ellis. 74
Rea-Dickins. P. 33
Read, J., 58
Read, J. and C. Chapelle, 58
Reath, A., 132
Rivera, C., 44, 53
Roach. J., 16
Rogers, W. T. and D. J. Bateson, 102
Sarig, G., 106
Saville, N., 121
Saville, N. and B. O’Sullivan, 121
Second Language Acquisition (SLA), 1, 3, 26–28, 32, 36–37, 39, 43, 55–56, 64–65
attainment of academic proficients. 146–149
Sfard, A., 64
Shannon, C. E. and W. Weaver, 10
Shohamy, E., 5, 6, 150, 151, 152
Shohamy, E., T. Bejarano, and Y. Reves, 144
Short, D., 74
Sigurd, B., 2, 10
Skehan, P., 2, 32, 42–43, 45, 56
Solano-Flores, G. and E. Trumbell, 149
Song, W., 105
Spolsky, B., 2, 6, 10–13, 75, 132, 133
Spolsky, B., P. Murphy, W. Holm, and A. Ferrel, 13
industrial, 13–14, 83–84
policy makers, 144–145, 149–150
researchers, 68–69
teachers, 9–10
test developers, 69–70, 150–152
test developers vs. researchers, 66–68
test takers, 34–35, 141–142
standards, 21–22, 35, 56, 137, 151
Storey, P., 97–98
Swain, M., 44, 49–50, 53–54, 60, 143
Taguchi, N., 103–104
Tarone, E., 64
Taylor, L., 4, 5, 119
Taylor, W. S. 10
TechSmith, 94, 98, 100
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), 11, 13–14, 47, 75
Internet-based Test (iBT), 76, 98–101
Paper-based Test (PBT), 78, 102, 105–106
Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC), 105–106
Test of Spoken English (TSE), 78
Test of Written English (TWE), 78
test-taking strategies, 92–98, 108–110
on listening tests, 100–101, 103–104
on reading tests, 96, 98, 104–106
on speaking tests, 104
on writing tests, 98
proficiency level, 94, 98, 103–105
research, 95–103
test method, 91, 94, 96–98
test-wiseness, 93, 99, 102–103
Thomas, W. and V. Collier, 147
Thorndike, E. L., 12, 16
Tian, S., 106, 109
Tsagari, C., 96
University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), 77, 83 (see also Cambridge ESOL)
Upshur, J. A., 11, 14, 57
Upshur, J. A. and C. E. Turner, 61
validation, 28, 70, 89, 95–98, 100, 101–103, 107, 109–110, 113, 126 (see also validity)
listening, 100–101
reading, 98–100
speaking, 114–115
candidate behaviour, 119–121
interlocutor behaviour, 116–121
Observation Checklist (OC), 121, 128
validity, 46, 47–48, 58, 68 (see also validation)
construct validity, 37–38, 56, 58, 76–78, 95–96
predictive validity, 4, 48, 82–84
sampling, 4, 42–43, 51–52, 55, 76–78, 80, 81–82, 91
van Lier, L., 74–75, 86, 114
verbal protocols (reports), 4, 67, 90, 92, 94–96, 99–100, 102, 106–107, 109–110
coding, 100, 123–125
Verbal Protocol Analysis (VPA), 122–126
washback, 3, 5, 50, 82, 84, 145, 150
sites of social control, 136–137
Weir, C. J., 51
Weir, C. J. and M. Milanovic, 121, 128
Wesche, M., 44
Wilds, C., 15
Wiley, E. and D. Ingram, 21
Yang, P., 102
Yoshida-Morise, Y., 104
Yoshizawa, K., 104
Young, R., 45, 59, 60, 62, 64–65
Young, R. and A. W. He, 133
Zamel, U. and R. Spack, 74
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