p. XI
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Texte intégral
1The editors of this book have been supported and encouraged by many organizations and people. This book is the result of a successful international conference, organized by the International Council for Canadian Studies and the Institute of Canadian Studies at the University of Ottawa, that took place 18-20 May 2000. The conference program was the result of a splendid committee composed of Caroline Andrew, Chad Gaffield, Karen Gould, Alain Guimont, David Staines, and Jean-Pierre Wallot. The conference benefited from generous grants from the following organizations: the International Academic Relations Division of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canadian Identity Directorate of the Department of Canadian Heritage, and the University of Ottawa.
2Throughout the publication process, the editors have received assistance from Ivana Caccia, Houria Messadh, Louise Verner, Angela Mattiacci at the Institute of Canadian Studies, and from Guy Leclair at the International Council for Canadian Studies.
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