Société d’ethnologie
The Société d'ethnologie was founded in Nanterre in 1986, aiming to contribute to the progress of social anthropology. As a publishing house, it therefore supports, first and foremost, the monograph, understood as a reasoned description, based on field observations and evaluated by peers. It also welcomes thematic works with a comparative aim. Finally, it attempts to respond, through shorter and more accessible formats, to the public's curiosity about the diversity of human societies. In general, the Société d’ethnologie tries to make social anthropology one of the most readable sciences for non-specialists.
Through its activities, the Société d’ethnologie encourages research and participates in the dissemination of knowledge. It has three main missions: the publication of books, the awarding of grants and the organization of public conferences.
Publication Manager
Anne de Sales
Head of electronic publishing
David Rochefort
Contact details
Société d’ethnologie
MSH Mondes (27)
21 allée de l’université
92023 Nanterre cedex
+33 1 46 69 26 10
Publisher’s website