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Cathédrales en guerre XVIe-XXIe siècle

Xavier Boniface
Louise Dessaivre


E-Cathédrale: numérisation de la cathédrale d’Amiens et reconstitution des trajectoires balistiques de l’artillerie allemande en avril 1918

Fabio Morbidi e El Mustapha Mouaddib

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Estratto del testo


Motivation and related work

As reported in the bronze inscription set around the central marble plaque of the labyrinth in the nave floor [1, Note 7], the construction of the cathedral of Notre-Dame of Amiens started in 1220 and was completed by 1269, surviving a fire in 1258, which damaged the walls of the unfinished church, setting construction back. According to the same medieval-French inscription, the cathedral was built by three master masons: Robert de Luzarches, followed by Thomas de Cormont (possibly his former companion and lieutenant) and his son Regnault [2]. In art history books, Amiens Cathedral is often referred to as an archetype of Gothic architecture in France [3] for its great stylistic unity due to the relatively short construction period (see Fig. 1(a)). According to the renowned nineteenth-century architect E. Viollet-le-Duc, it is pre-eminently an “ogival church”.

Fig. 1. (a) West front of Amiens Cathedral as appeared in March 2016; (b) Corresponding...


Laboratoire MIS, Université de Picardie Jules Verne

Laboratoire MIS, Université de Picardie Jules Verne

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