E-Cathédrale: numérisation de la cathédrale d’Amiens et reconstitution des trajectoires balistiques de l’artillerie allemande en avril 1918
p. 23-44
Acknowledgements: The authors would like to thank L. Dessaivre-Audelin, director of the library of the Université de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV), and A. André, archivist at Amiens Diocese, for their generous assistance in the research of the documents concerning the bombardment of Amiens during WWI. The authors are also grateful to P. Nivet and X. Boniface, professors of modern history at the UPJV, and to É. Hamon, professor of art history at the University Lille, for useful discussions.
Motivation and related work
1As reported in the bronze inscription set around the central marble plaque of the labyrinth in the nave floor [1, Note 7], the construction of the cathedral of Notre-Dame of Amiens started in 1220 and was completed by 1269, surviving a fire in 1258, which damaged the walls of the unfinished church, setting construction back. According to the same medieval-French inscription, the cathedral was built by three master masons: Robert de Luzarches, followed by Thomas de Cormont (possibly his former companion and lieutenant) and his son Regnault [2]. In art history books, Amiens Cathedral is often referred to as an archetype of Gothic architecture in France [3] for its great stylistic unity due to the relatively short construction period (see Fig. 1(a)). According to the renowned nineteenth-century architect E. Viollet-le-Duc, it is pre-eminently an “ogival church”.
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