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Between Global Governance and European Union: The Writings of Constantin Pecqueur

p. 113-124


Cet article examine les idées d’union européenne dans les écrits du socialiste français du dix-neuvième siècle Constantin Pecqueur. Il démontre comment Pecqueur a envisagé l’union européenne comme une étape vers son objectif final d’un état supranational et mondial, en fonction de sa philosophie, de sa politique, de sa sensibilité religieuse et de sa compréhension du progrès de l’Histoire. L’article démontre comment le projet européen de Pecqueur était unique – étant à la fois universaliste, bien que précis géographiquement, antinationaliste, démocrate et pacifiste – mais aussi typique de l’époque, puisqu’il faisait partie des conversations plus larges sur l’organisation politique nationale et transnationale du monde postrévolutionnaire.


Introduction: Rethinking political organization in nineteenth-century Europe

1The early nineteenth century was a period of great experimentation both in theory and practice. Just as the French state changed its form of government an astounding eight times between 1789 and 1848, the world of social and political thought was ripe with new projects to reorganize political configurations in France, Europe and the wider world. As Jonathan Beecher has noted, organization was a central concept of the time1. Within France, thinkers promoted political systems as diverse as a return to absolute monarchy, liberal constitutional monarchy, moderate republicanism based on civil and political rights, and democratic socialism through a full reorganization of economic relations by the state. Yet hopes of deep social and political re-organization extended beyond national borders as well. Transnational political configurations of all sorts were promoted in the early nineteenth-century – based on l

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