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Les Houillères entre l’État, le marché et la société

Sylvie Aprile
Matthieu de Oliveira
Béatrice Touchelay
et al.

2.2. Solidarités et cohésion

The Politics of Deindustrialization in the Scottish Coalfields after 1945

Jim Phillips

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Extrait du texte

A core theme of the Mineurs du Monde colloquium in April 2013 was the politicized character of coal industry contraction in France after 1945. Several structural factors were involved: public ownership of coal, and state policy; the attraction to policy-makers, commercial and domestic consumers of alternative sources of electricity generation; the competing priorities of political parties, including those of the working class and the left; and the politics of the miners. This study of deindustrialization in the Scottish coalfields demonstrates that the French experience was distinct but not unique. In Scotland coal production and employment also declined in the context of public-policy decisions, and in a phased manner. There was rapid contraction from the mid-1950s to the mid-1960s, but the collective action of miners slowed the pace of deindustrialization until the mid-1980s, when radical political economy changes in the United Kingdom contributed to the accelerated ending of deep...


School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow

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