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Ecocity, Knowledge city, Smart city

Patrizia Ingallina


Urban challenges and darker sides of smart city development

Klaus R. Kunzmann

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Introduction: smart cities all over >Smart cities, a global crusade

The digitalization of the society has become a global phenomenon. New information and communication technologies and the broad application of these technologies are changing industrial production, logistics, private and governmental services all over the world. And they have already changed information and communication modes of citizens. Driven by a few powerful globally active corporations, the new technologies and the multiple services based on these technologies are rapidly transforming every day life working styles, mobility and shopping patterns. Nobody can permanently escape from using the personal i-phone device, which is gradually replacing traditional information and communication habits.

Industries that are not adapting their production modes, banks and insurances that are not digitalizing their services and consumer good enterprises and fashion chains that do not make use of e-shopping services, loose thei...


Dortmund University

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