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(Se) construire dans l’interlangue

Françoise Bonnet-Falandry
Stéphanie Durrans
Moya Jones

Deuxième partie. Constructions sociales et imaginaires de l’interlangue

Invisible in the Mirror: An Interview with Carmen Tafolla

Stéphanie Durrans

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A native of San Antonio, Texas, Carmen Tafolla started writing poems in the 1970s and published her first collection of poems, Get Your Tortillas Together, in 1976. This was followed by other collections of poems (Curandera, La Isabela de Guadalupe y Otras Chucas, Sonnets to Human Beings and Other Selected Works, Sonnets and Salsa), a socio-political essay drawn from her PhD thesis (To Split a Human: Mitos, Machos y la Mujer Chicana, 1984), many short stories later collected in The Holy Pot of Beans and Other Stories (2008) and a number of bilingual children’s books (Fiesta Babies, What Can You Do with a Rebozo?, What Can You Do with a Paleta?, That’s Not Fair!: Emma Tenayuca’s Struggle for Justice, Baby Coyote and the Old Woman). Carmen Tafolla is now internationally recognized as a master of code-switching and her work has been widely anthologized. Her lifelong dedication to promoting cultural understanding earned her the Art of Peace award in 1999 and she was more recently appoin...

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