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(Se) construire dans l’interlangue

Françoise Bonnet-Falandry
Stéphanie Durrans
Moya Jones

Expériences : se construire entre deux langues, lire en deux langues

Reading in two languages: what are we teaching, what are they learning? Lire en deux langues : pour quels apprentissages ?

Stéphanie Benson and Françoise Bonnet

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As Louise M. Rosenblatt so rightly stated in her ground-breaking book Literature as Exploration: “The reading of any work of literature is, of necessity, an individual and unique occurrence involving the mind and emotions of some particular reader1”. But for the majority of schoolchildren, reading a work of literature is essentially a chore, an obligation, part and parcel of learning the rules and regulations of language. However, as Thomason and Ward have shown with humour, no amount of working over the rules of grammar or vocabulary can lead to the emotional response of delving into fiction: “Nobody ever read a novel and came away saying: ‘I really appreciated that author’s grammar2’”. So how can we encourage children to try the adventure of reading in a foreign language, especially in the first years of secondary school, when studies show they rarely read in any language3?

Following on previous research conducted by Françoise Bonnet and Françoise Haramboure4 concerning the place o...


maître de conférences en anglais et didactique à l’Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3

maître de conférences en didactique de l’anglais à l’Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3

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