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(Se) construire dans l’interlangue

Françoise Bonnet-Falandry
Stéphanie Durrans
Moya Jones

Première partie. Interlangue et problématiques d’apprentissage en milieu scolaire

Interlanguage as the Sole Common Space for Mutual Understanding in the Bilingual Classroom: Non-Native Teachers in Bilingual Educational Programs in Spain

Candela Delgado-Marín

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The gradual implementation and requirement of bilingual educational projects in Spain, both in private and public institutions, leads teachers to the unavoidable acceptance of the necessary introduction of alterations in their methodologies, teaching strategies and educator personas and identities. The main characteristic of these learning spaces lies in the inter-linguistic nature of the common communicative code between pupils and instructors. Accepting the favorable effects of using a neutral language that is not the native tongue of any of the members of the group means understanding the multicultural identity of Spain within the postmodern educational system.

The Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach in the schools places its focus on the improvement of communicative skills and of the acculturation process. In the bilingual CLIL classroom, where interlanguage has been internalized as an acceptable code, the assimilation of the cultural elements of the target c...


Université de Séville

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