List of contributors
p. 311-316
1Jean-Jacques Beucler is Spanish teacher (university Paris IV Sorbonne). Cultural actor in French embassy in Colombia, Mexico, Bosna-Herzegovina, Morocco, Spain and Algeria.
2Vincent Bouchard is Associate Professor of Francophone Studies at Indiana University – Bloomington. He currently works on the various forms of cinematographic practices developed in West Africa since the 1960’s, including the conditions experienced by early filmmakers, the popular reception of films, and the practices of educational and colonial screenings and their impact on African cinema. His recent works include the book, Pour un cinéma léger et synchrone à Montréal !, at the Septentrion University Press (2012), “The Non-Fiction Film Production at the Origins of Francophone West-African Cinema” (2017), and “Cinomade and the fight against the HIV/Aids pandemic in Burkina Faso” (2017).
3Raluca Calin is a sociologist and specialist in European cinema. Her research focuses on European cinema financing polic
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Régie théâtrale et mise en scène
L'Association des régisseurs de théâtre (1911-1939)
Françoise Pélisson-Karro
L'avenir de la mémoire
Patrimoine, restauration et réemploi cinématographiques
André Habib et Michel Marie (dir.)
Les archives de la mise en scène. Hypermédialités du théâtre
Jean-Marc Larrue et Giusy Pisano (dir.)
Pour un cinéma léger et synchrone !
Invention d'un dispositif à l'Office national du film à Montréal
Vincent Bouchard