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Co-Productions: A Study on the Collaboration between Istanbul Institut français and the Meetings on the Bridge Industry Platform

p. 289-300


1Today, the conditions of film production and consumption have become multicultural and multi-centred, and the nation paradigm remains restrictive in examining the funding and construction phases of film production. International co-productions enable filmmakers from different nationalities to pool talent, labour and resources for the development of new projects. In contrast to Hollywood’s cluster model, the international co-productions connect different production companies from various geographies. From an economic-geography perspective, co-productions can be described as “global pipelines”, “extralocal linkages” or “temporary trans-local interfirm networks” between different production clusters.1 The co-productions between countries has become indispensable of contemporary film industry because they allow the increase of funds and not limited to national resources. Under an agreement, two or more production companies agree to collaborate and share goods, services and rights

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