French cinema towards other lands: experience feedback
p. 57-66
1The period that I will discuss covers more than thirty years of distribution of French cinema in the Alliance française and the Institut français abroad. It is specifically based on concrete examples that I experienced between 1987 and 2019 in Madagascar, Colombia, Mexico, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Morocco, Spain and Algeria. However, I would like to start with a slightly older memory. Forty-three years ago, in July 1976, I went backpacking for a trip to Cuba. Very quickly, in Havana, I met a group of young Cuban students, boys and girls, who were a little bit poets, a little bit musicians and passionate about “charlas,” and had discussions that sometimes led us to the end of the night. One evening, they suggested – all of them excited about this idea – going to the Alliance française’s movie theater that was screening And God created… Woman of Roger Vadim (released twenty years earlier in France). A revolution! When the light came back on, the whole room was still applauding.
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