French cultural activities in the world: 150 years of experience
p. 19-28
1Culture has always served as a gateway to the world and the latest phase of globalization, ongoing since the 1980’s, reinforces its role in the generalized process of exchange/borrowing/imitation. The closer people and individuals live together, the more important intercultural exchange is in managing differences (i.e., the exacerbated narcissism of “minor differences”). When considering the role of culture in international relations, one can cite Joseph Nye, an American specialist in international relations, who speaks of culture as one of the key elements of “soft power” or the power of attraction.
2In this respect, acting politically and socially in the international world by way of culture remains effectively a very French tradition (Louis Réau once wrote about the expansion of French culture in Europe through “Versailles” architecture during the 18th century). In the 20th century, a medium-sized power such as France has arguably carried its weight in the world as a “major
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