Public policies and food systems in Latin America
Food problems are the order of the day. Solving the problems of hunger and malnutrition, producing and guaranteeing access to healthy food, preserving the environment, valuing local cultures and ensuring citizen participation are some of the many challenges that permeate the dynamics of food systems.
This book addresses the role of Latin American public policies and actions in the configuration of healthy and sustainable food systems. Written by scholars specialized in various disciplines (e...
Éditeur : Éditions Quæ
Lieu d’édition : Versailles
Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 7 février 2024
ISBN numérique : 978-2-7592-3763-0
Collection : Update Sciences & Technologie
Année d’édition : 2022
ISBN (Édition imprimée) : 978-2-7592-3535-3
Nombre de pages : 446
Patrick Caron
ForewordJean-François Le Coq, Paulo Niederle, Catia Grisa et al.
IntroductionPart I - Regional food policy analysis
Catia Grisa, Paulo Niederle, Stéphane Guéneau et al.
Chapter 1 - Food policies and the politicization of food: the Latin American experienceMaria Mercedes Patrouilleau, Diego S. Taraborrelli et Ignacio Alonso
Chapter 2 - Futures studies and the food question in Latin America: a literature reviewFernanda C. França de Vasconcellos
Chapter 3 - International organizations and the evolution of food security public policy référentiel in Latin America and the CaribbeanPart II - A historical overview of national food policies
Sandrine Freguin-Gresh et Geneviève Cortes
Chapter 4 - Social history and institutional change in Nicaragua’s agricultural and food policiesDaniel Campos et María C. Benavidez
Chapter 5 - Food security and sovereignty in Paraguay: who are public policies aimed at?Héctor Ávila-Sánchez
Chapter 6 - Historical evolution of institutions and public policies for sustainable food security in Mexico: continuities and rupturesJorge Albarracin
Chapter 7 - Public policies and agriculture: historical analysis of their effects on the structure of the Bolivian food systemMichel Leporati Néron et Pablo Villalobos Mateluna
Chapter 8 - Public policies and the food system in ChilePart III - Recent changes in national food policies
Cecilia Aranguren, Ana María Costa, Susana Brieva et al.
Chapter 9 - Food policies in Argentina: the challenges of implementing an agenda for sustainable systems with a social inclusion componentCarolina Trivelli et Carlos E. Urrutia
Chapter 10 - Changes in food programs and consumption patterns in Peru between 2004 and 2018Silvia Aparecida Zimmermann, Diana Jazmin Britez Cohene et Noelia Riquelme
Chapter 11 - Food sovereignty and security policy in Paraguay: a study from the standpoint of policy, politics and polityPart IV - Building food policies and actions in regions and cities
Stéphane Guéneau, Mauro G.M. Capelari, Janaína Deane de Abreu Sá Diniz et al.
Chapter 12 - The process of politicizing food sustainability in the city of Brasilia: towards a transition of the local food system?Ruby Elisabeth Castellanos Peñaloza, Guy Henry et Sara Rankin
Chapter 13 - Building an urban food policy: the case of Cali, ColombiaJairo Rojas Meza, Pedro Pablo Benavídez et Francisco Chavarría Aráuz
Chapter 14 - The sustainable transformation of food systems and their impact on food and nutritional security: the case of the municipality of San Ramón, NicaraguaJosé Anibal Quintero Hernández
Chapter 15 - Development of and changes in public food and nutrition security policy in the department of Antioquia, ColombiaPart V - The challenges of specific food policies
Catia Grisa, Mário Avila et Rafael Cabral
Chapter 16 - The politicization of public food procurement in Brazilian state governments: actors and ideas in the creation of sustainable food systemsJunior Miranda Scheuer
Chapter 18 - Public procurement from Uruguayan family producers and fishers and cross-cutting rural development policiesSilvia Aparecida Zimmermann, Diana Jazmin Britez Cohene et Noelia Riquelme
Chapter 19 - Soy on one side, livestock on the other: the food issue with regard to indigenous people and public policies in ParaguayFood problems are the order of the day. Solving the problems of hunger and malnutrition, producing and guaranteeing access to healthy food, preserving the environment, valuing local cultures and ensuring citizen participation are some of the many challenges that permeate the dynamics of food systems.
This book addresses the role of Latin American public policies and actions in the configuration of healthy and sustainable food systems. Written by scholars specialized in various disciplines (economy, sociology, policy science, etc.) and hailing from ten Latin American countries, it provides a historical overview of national food policies, examines recent policy changes and explores innovative urban and rural experiences at local level. The authors also discuss the challenges of developing specific policy objectives related to sustainable food systems.
This book shows how référentiels for public food policies have become more integrated in Latin America and takes a closer look at several promising local initiatives. However, it also highlights the many constraints in fostering sustainable food systems in the region, such as persistent competition among production models, land tenure inequalities and coordination issues among actors and state bodies.
It will be of interest to a scientific audience of teachers and food systems professionals, as well as any readers interested in policy dynamics in Latin America.
He is an agroeconomist at CIRAD, visiting researcher at the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, and coordinator of the Public Policy and Rural Development in Latin America network (PP-AL). He analyses the public policies related to agriculture and rural development in Latin America.
She is professor of agrifood studies and public policy at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. She develops studies and research on family farming, rural development and food policies.
He is a socioeconomist at CIRAD, at the Montpellier Interdisciplinary Centre on Sustainable Agrifood Systems. His research topics encompass both quality in food supply chains and agrifood policy analysis.
He is professor of agrifood studies and economic sociology at the Department of Sociology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. His research focus is alternative food markets, agroecology and food policies..
Le texte seul est utilisable sous licence Creative Commons - Attribution - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 4.0 International - CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Les autres éléments (illustrations, fichiers annexes importés) sont « Tous droits réservés », sauf mention contraire.
Paroles de chercheurs
Environnement et interdisciplinarité
Évelyne Brun, Jean-François Ponge et Jean-Claude Lefeuvre
La question des échelles en sciences humaines et sociales
Sébastien Boulay et Sylvie Fanchette (dir.)
Systèmes agraires et changement climatique au Sud
Les chemins de l'adaptation
Hubert Cochet, Olivier Ducourtieux et Nadège Garambois (dir.)
Les terres agricoles face à l’urbanisation
De la donnée à l’action, quels rôles pour l’information ?
Roel Plant, Pierre Maurel, Éric Barbe et al. (dir.)
Sociologie des changements de pratiques en agriculture
L’apport de l’étude des réseaux de dialogues entre pairs
Claude Compagnone
Construire des politiques alimentaires urbaines
Concepts et démarches
Caroline Brand, Nicolas Bricas, Damien Conaré et al. (dir.)
Services écosystémiques et protection des sols
Analyses juridiques et éclairages agronomiques
Carole Hermon (dir.)
Manger en ville
Regards socio-anthropologiques d’Afrique, d’Amérique latine et d’Asie
Nicolas Bricas, Olivier Lepiller, Audrey Soula et al. (dir.)
La santé globale au prisme de l'analyse des politiques publiques
Sébastien Gardon, Amandine Gautier et Gwenola Le Naour
Agroforesterie et services écosystémiques en zone tropicale
Recherche de compromis entre services d’approvisionnement et autres services écosystémiques
Josiane Seghieri et Jean-Michel Harmand (dir.)
Méthodes d'investigation de l'alimentation et des mangeurs
Olivier Lepiller, Tristan Fournier, Nicolas Bricas et al. (dir.)
Télédétection et modélisation spatiale
Applications à la surveillance et au contrôle des maladies liées aux moustiques
Annelise Tran, Eric Daudé et Thibault Catry (dir.)