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Toni Morrison

Maryemma Graham
Andrée-Anne Kekeh-Dika
Janis A. Mayes


From the Village to the World : Toni Morrison’s Critical Geography

Du local au global : géographie et reconfigurations critiques chez Morrison

Maryemma Graham


This essay, the English language introduction to Toni Morrison – Au-delà du visible ordinaire/ ToniMorrison–Beyond the Ordinary Visible places the volume within the larger context of Morrison Studies, and given the volume’s focus on A Mercy draws renewed attention to the author’s method (literary archaeology), practice (“indisputably black”), and her design (multiple levels of interiority/referentiality). Morrison’s “critical geography” is her way of mapping specific historical sites and moments revealing painful truths about a nation and a world, hell bent on power and expansion without moral conscience. By going more deeply into the analogy, however, we can read Morrison’s work as a form of place making, an intentional remapping of history, with its own linguistic recoding. Morrison’s historical map is syncretic, deliberate, a composite of discarded fragments, pieces left behind, sounds and utterances which are the consequence of contact among Africans, indigenous peoples, and Europeans. A Mercy highlights these factors precisely as it shows pre-colonial America in the act of being lived.

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Extracto del texto

I want to draw a map, so to speak, of a critical geography and use that map to open as much space for discovery as did the original charting of the New World—without the mandate for conquest.
Toni Morrison, Playing in the dark (1992)
Globalization… must always begin at home
Homi K. Bhabha, The location of culture (1994)

Toni Morrison has been writing for more than four decades. With ten novels and twenty-one books to her credit, most critics agree that there is no living writer who has had more influence within an international literary community. No one reminds us in these times of the special power of language, its beauty and its tyranny than she does. No one reminds us more of the need to make visible those sublimated aspects of America’s essential self. To paraphrase what is so often said, no one speaks so eloquently about difficult and painful truths that we must tell ourselves as a people, a nation and world. For Morrison, narrative does not consist merely of the stories we tell a...


Maryemma Graham is founder and director of the Project on the History of Black Writing. She has published over 100 books, articles, essays and chapters, most recently The Cambridge History of African American Literature (2011). A former President of the Toni Morrison Society, she created Language Matters, an international teaching initiative. The House Where My Soul Lives : theLife of Margaret Walker will appear in 2015.

Maryemma Graham (University Distinguished Professor) est la fondatrice et la directrice de Project on the History of Black Writing. Elle a publié une centaine de livres, articles, essais et chapitres d’ouvrage dont le plus récent a paru dans The Cambridge History of African American Literature (2011). Ancienne présidente de la Toni Morrison Society elle a initié Language Matters, un dispositif de ressources pédagogiques pour les enseignants américains et internationaux. Son essai The House Where My Soul Lives : the Life of Margaret Walker paraîtra en 2015

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