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Aldous Huxley et la musique

Jean-Louis Cupers


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But that lute, playing across his dream…
Quick drops breaking the sleep of water-wheel,
Song and ebbing whisper of a summer stream,
Music’s endless inconsequence that would reveal
To souls that listened for it, the all
Unseizable confidence, the mystic Rose,
Could it but find the magical fall
That droops, droops and dies into the perfect close…


Mais ce luth, qui joue à travers son rêve…
Gouttes rapides qui brisent le sommeil des aubes de la roue,
Chant et flux murmurant d’une eau en été,
De la musique l’inconséquence sans fin, prête à révéler
Aux âmes qui l’écoutent la confidence
Insaisissable, la rose mystique,
Si, du moins, elle parvenait à trouver la chute magique
Qui s’alanguit et meurt en la parfaite cadence…
Soles Occidere et Redire Possunt

Professor Saintsbury on Metre

For reasons which it is difficult to understand, the subject of prosody never fails to provoke the bitterest and most passionate controversy. It needs a discussion on spelling or the etymology of French slang to call forth fe...

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