Chapter 4. The Além
p. 47-77
1In this hard pilgrimage to the Absolute, the first step will be the close observation of Reality, whose variety Pessoa will express in his many heteronyms. Feeling close to this Reality, especially in Caeiro, fills him with admiration:
A espantosa realidade das cousas
É a minha descoberta de todos os dias1.
(Caeiro, Poemas Inconjuntos, A espantosa...)
2Each heteronym would serve the purpose of analysing a different aspect of this Reality. But if we look more closely at Pessoa’s whole poetic work, we come to the conclusion that one main and deep concern runs throughout his bilingual writings. The entire work of our bilingual poet shows how much he is religiously touched by Life’s complexity and how anxiously he tries to understand its secret, hidden behind the world’s multiform reality:
The essential, painful, deep anxiousness to disentangle the mystery of Life palpitates in all the Poetry of Pessoa. This search gives it a deep unity; here we do not find any spliting into heterenon
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