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Environmental Protection versus Trade Liberalization : Finding the Balance

Sandra L. Walker

Foreword to Mrs. Sandra Lee Walker’s work

Environmental Protection versus Trade Liberalization: finding the Balance

Robert Hotyat

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The programme “Research in Brussels” was launched on my initiative in 1990 to help develop the scientific research potential in the Brussels-Capital Region. The scholarships granted within this framework enable foreign post-graduates and distinguished foreign scientists to put their knowledge and experience at the disposal of university research units established in the Region.

Mrs. Sandra LEE WALKER, an eminent Canadian scientist, Master of Laws, and Policy Advisor in the Trade Policy Branch of the Government of Ontario, was in Brussels from September 1991 till March 1992. She worked with the teams of Professors OST, de SADELEER and VAN HOECKE at the Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis and the KUB, where she carried out excellent research.

It has therefore seemed appropriate to me to grant regional aid for the publication of her results in conjunction with a specialized publisher.


Minister of State
of the Brussels-Capital Region,
responsible for Non-economic Scientific Rese...


Minister of State, of the Brussels-Capital Region, responsible for Non-economic Scientific Research

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