Scotland and the Scots, 1707-2007
A Reader
The main purpose of this volume is to demonstrate, through a variety of texts covering a vast historical period and from diverse sources (parliamentary reports, letters, memoirs, excerpts of books, newspaper articles, oral testimonies, and related materials) that Scotland cannot be reduced to the traditional images of kilt and bagpipe.
The author has often chosen to let common people speak-those people whose voice is seldom heard in traditional history books. Any book written about the histo...
Note de l’éditeur
This book has been published with the support of the University of Strasbourg.
Éditeur : Presses universitaires de Strasbourg
Lieu d’édition : Strasbourg
Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 19 septembre 2019
ISBN numérique : 979-10-344-0480-3
DOI : 10.4000/books.pus.9785
Collection : Études anglophones
Année d’édition : 2013
ISBN (Édition imprimée) : 978-2-86820-551-3
Nombre de pages : 386
I. Union, 1707
II. Jacobitism
III. Religion
IV. Enlightenment
V. Improvement
VI. The Highlands
VII. Politics, radicalism and national identity
VIII. Religion
IX. The poor and the Scottish poor law
X. Economic and social conditions
Working Conditions
Living Conditions
XI. The Highlands
XII. Emigration
XIII. The road to devolution
XIV. Political and social unrest
XV. Wars
World War I
World War II
XVI. Religion and Sectarianism
XVII. Economic and social conditions
The main purpose of this volume is to demonstrate, through a variety of texts covering a vast historical period and from diverse sources (parliamentary reports, letters, memoirs, excerpts of books, newspaper articles, oral testimonies, and related materials) that Scotland cannot be reduced to the traditional images of kilt and bagpipe.
The author has often chosen to let common people speak-those people whose voice is seldom heard in traditional history books. Any book written about the history of the Scottish nation that would leave aside such significant events as the Union of Parliaments in 1707, the Jacobite risings of the first half of the 18th century, the Highland clearances, or the process of devolution would most definitely be described as incomplete. But a book about the history of Scotland in which the voices of the elites would be the only ones to be heard would be just as incomplete.
The author hopes that his “wandering among words written by others” in temples to knowledge such as the National Archives of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland will ultimately lend new life to those fragments of the past without which it is impossible to understand the present.
Professor of British studies at the University of Strasbourg. His main areas of interest are British history with a particular focus on the Scottish history of the nineteenth century. His papers have been published in a number of journals and volumes. His present research focuses on the writing of history and the themes of gender and national identity in Scotland. He has just published a book about Scottish women’s resistance: Luttes et résistances des femmes écossaises, 1838-1915, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2013.
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