International scientific context
p. 11
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Texte intégral
1Many international research programmes (MESH8, SANDPIT, PUTMOR, RIACON, EUMARSAND9, MALSF10… and more recently MAGGNET11 and VECTORS12) have helped develop scientific knowledge in the field of aggregate extraction. A working group of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES13) specializes on the effects of marine aggregate extraction on the marine ecosystem. It produces an annual Progress Report on:
- the status of the mining activity and the control systems;
- the content of impact studies in compliance with the Guidance Code for the commercial exploitation of marine minerals;
- the progress of related research as well as recommendations for future studies; recently, the group has focused on quantifying the direct impact on fish and the indirect impact of sandy deposits from overflow.
2The Marine Strategy Framework Directive has chosen an ecosystem approach to achieve an ecologically well-balanced marine environment. To protect the structure and function of the ecosystem from serious or irreversible damage, a comprehensive management of human activities—including marine aggregate extraction—is essential to ensure a sustainable use of the ecosystem and maintain its integrity.
Notes de bas de page
11 Coopération scientifique et technique «Marine AGGregate NETwork»,
13 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (Conseil international pour l’exploration de la mer), Working Group Extraction,
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