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La vie publique des cités dans l'Occident romain

Bertrand Goffaux

Quatrième partie. Cultes publics et religion en péninsule Ibérique et en Gaule

Chapitre XVIII. Priests, conuentus and provincial organization in Hispania Citerior*

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During the Principate, Roman Spain was divided into three provinces: Baetica and Lusitania, two smaller provinces which were parts of what had formerly been the province of Hispania Ulterior, and Hispania Citerior, which was in fact the largest province of the Roman Empire and extended over all the land between the Spanish Mediterranean coastline, from Catalonia to Almeria, and the Atlantic territories to the north and northwest. After the final conquest of the region and the first administrative experimentation under Augustus, a senior ex-consul governed the province, with the assistance of a legatus iuridicus1. As was the case in the other Iberian provinces, Hispania Citerior was divided into administrative districts, the so-called conuentus, in which the governor or his legatus dispensed justice during their annual tour. Pliny the Elder wrote about this conventual system for the Spanish provinces, Dalmatia and Asia only2, although it is likely that it existed elsewhere but did no...

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