p. 233-234
Texte intégral
Fonds d’archives
International Archives for the Women’s Movement (IAV), in Atria, Institute on Gender Equality and Women’s History, Amsterdam
IIAV00000533 : Records International Federation of University Women (IFUW), 1919-2013.
Smithsonian Institution Archives (SIA) : []
RU 46, box 14 : Erzsébet Kol (31 feuillets).
Archives American Association of University Women (AAUW), Washington D.C
Series I, II, III, V et IX.
London School of Economics, The Women’s Library, Londres
5BFW : Records of the British Federation of University Women (BFUW).
Riksarkivet, Olso
PA-1164 : Norske Kvinnelige Akademikeres Landsforbund (NKAL), 1882-1997.
Archives nationales de France, site de Pierrefitte
102 AS, 20000004/1-20000004/65 : Archives de l’Association française des femmes diplômées des universités (AFFDU).
Columbia University, Rare Books and Manuscripts, New York
MS#0484 : Virginia Crocheron Gildersleeve Collection.
Barnard College Archives and Special Collection, New York
BC02-04 : Virginia Crocheron Gildersleeve Papers, 1901-1964.
Royal Holloway & University of London Archive and Special Collections, Londres
PP7 : Papers of Professor Caroline Spurgeon, 1890-1936.
London School of Economics, The Women’s Library, Londres
GB 106 7WCU : Papers of Winifred Cullis, 1875-1956.
Nasjonalbiblioteket, Manuscript Collection & Rare Book Collection, Oslo
NBH Brevs 456 : Ellen Gleditsch.
Archives du musée Marie Curie, Paris
AIR LC.MC : Archives de l’Institut du Radium, fonds du laboratoire Curie, sous la direction de Marie Curie. Correspondances.
International Archives for the Women’s Movement (IAV), in Atria, Institute on Gender Equality and Women’s History, Amsterdam
IIAV00000214 : Archief Johanna Westerdijk, 1889-1969.
Sources imprimées
AAUW, Idealism at Work: Eighty Years of AAUW Fellowships. A Report by the American Association of University Women, Washington D.C., AAUW, 1968.
Batho Edith, A Lamp of Friendship, 1918-1968, A Short History of the International Federation of University Women, Londres, IFUW, 1968.
BFUW, The History of the British Federation of University Women 1907-1957, Londres, BFUW, 1957.
Curie Marie et Gleditsch Ellen, « Action de l’émanation du radium sur les solutions des sels de cuivre », Le Radium, no 8, 1908/5, p. 225-227.
Davis C. Doris, Idealism at Work, AAUW Educational Foundation Programs, 1967-1981, Washington D.C., AAUW, 1981.
Fraser Helen, Women and War Work, New York, G. Arnold Shaw, 1918.
Gildersleeve Virginia, Many a good Crusade, New York, The Macmillan Company, 1954.
Gleditsch Ellen, « Kvinnelige Akademikere – Utenlandsophold og stipendier », in NKAL, Kvinnelige studenter 1882-1932, Oslo, Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 1932, p. 244-248.
IFUW, Bulletins, 1920-1939 (Records International Federation of University Women, inv. no 67-80).
IFUW, IFUW and Scholarly Research, no 1-4, 1950-1981 (Records International Federation of University Women, inv. no 1090).
IFUW, IFUW Occasional Papers, nos 2-6, 1923-1927 (Records International Federation of University Women, inv. no 1077).
Klieneberger-Nobel Emmy, Memoirs, Londres, Academic Press Inc, 1980.
Kol Erszébet, Tiszaparttól Alaszkáig, Budapest, Kiadja a Királyi Magyar Természettudományi Társulat, 1940.
Maltby E. Margaret, History of the Fellowships Awarded by the American Association of University Women, 1888-1929 with the Vitas of the Fellows, New York, Columbia University Press, 1929.
Skonhoft Lilli, « Norske Kvinnelige Akademikeres Landsforbund », in NKAL, Kvinnelige studenter 1882-1932, Oslo, Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 1932, p. 249-263.
Skonhoft Lilli, Types of University Training, Oslo, Lie & Co, 1934.
Spurgeon Caroline, « Mein Arbeitsweg », in Elga Kern, Führende Frauen Europas, Munich, Verlag von Ernst Reinhardt, 1933 (1928), p. 37-40.
Talbot Marion et Rosenberry K. M. Lois, The History of the American Association of University Women 1881-1931, Boston/New York, The Riverside Press Cambridge, 1931.
Tryon W. Ruth, AAUW 1881-1949, Washington D.C., AAUW, 1950.
Tryon W. Ruth, Investment in Creative Scholarship, 1890-1956, Washington D.C., AAUW, 1957.

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