Annexe III. Liste des principales enquêtes menées sur l’éducation et les professions féminines après 1950
p. 273-274
Texte intégral
1951 | Inquiry into the Women’s Press |
1954 | Hours of Work, Working Conditions, and Remuneration Property Rights for Women Nationality of Married Women Part-time work for Women |
1955 | Equal Pay for Equal Work |
1956 | Report on UN Conventions on Slavery |
1957 | Income Tax of Married Couples Report on the Access of Women to Higher Education Minimum Pensionable Age for Women Workers |
1958 | Inquiry into the Access of Women in the United States to the Teaching Profession Report on the Seminar on the Participation of Women in Public Life |
1959 | Enquiry into Professional Opportunities for Women Arising out of Developments in Science and Technology UN Enquiry into Opportunities for women as Jurists, Architects and Engineers Questionnaire on Consent to Marriage, Age of Marriage, and Registration of Marriage Access of Women to the Teaching Profession |
1960 | Study of UN Conventions Affecting Women Information Relating to Manifestations of Anti-Semitism and other Forms of Racial Prejudice and Religious Intolerance Report of the Working Group at the XIIth Conference, Helsinki 1. La Situation des femmes universitaires aux postes de commande 2. Women in Political Life Enquête concernant l’accès des femmes aux professions de comptable, expert-comptable, actuaire, économiste et statisticien Access of Women to Out-of-School Education |
1961 | Laws of Inheritance Recent Developments in Matrimonial Property Law Discriminations contre les femmes en matière d’emploi et de profession fondées sur la situation de famille |
1962 | Vocational Information and Counselling for Girls and Young Women Study of certain New Professions Open to Women, 1960-1962 Accès des femmes à la formation professionnelle dans les professions juridiques, celles d’architecte et d’ingénieur, celles d’économiste, statisticien et expert-comptable ILO Inquiry into Part-time Employment Unesco: Youth Facing the Modern World Income Tax of Married Couples |
1964 | The Occupational Outlook for the Mature Woman Study of Foreign Languages Report of the Regional Seminar, Makere University College: Africa Today, Challenge and Responsibility for the Women of Africa |
1965 | Inquiry into the Shortage of University Trained Man and Woman Power in Some Professions in a Number of Countries Political Rights of Women in Africa Parental Rights and Duties, including Guardianship Study of Equality in the Administration of Justice Changes in the Pattern of Higher Education in the Past Ten Years Access of Girls to Education at Secondary Level The Position of the Woman Graduate Today, A Survey (1956-1965) |
1967 | Population Study |
1968 | Human Rights Study Unesco Questionnaire on Co-education |
1969 | Study on the Equal Access of Girls and Women to Literacy |
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