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Funerary spaces and practices in Corsica during Late Antiquity: the site at Sant’Appianu in Sagone (Vico, Corse-du-Sud)—Abridged version

p. 369-380


Over the last 15 years, archaeological work on the site of Sant'Appianu de Sagone (Vico, Corse-du-Sud) has revealed a coastal settlement from Late Antiquity, where a religious establishment developed in the 5th century, being elevated to the rank of bishopric in the 6th century. Funerary zones, used between the 4th and 6th centuries, are found at these settlements. The continuity of use of these zones during Late Antiquity makes it possible to document funerary practices and the transformations that took place during this period in the organization of burial complexes.

Depuis une quinzaine d’années, les travaux archéologiques menés sur le site de Sant’Appianu de Sagone (Vico, Corse-du-Sud) ont permis la mise au jour d’une agglomération littorale de la fin de l’Antiquité, au sein de laquelle se développe au ve s. un établissement religieux, élevé au rang de siège épiscopal au vie siècle. Des zones funéraires, utilisées entre les ive et vie siècles, sont associées à ces établissements. Leur continuité d’occupation durant l’Antiquité tardive permet ainsi de documenter les pratiques funéraires et les transformations opérées au cours cette période dans l’organisation des ensembles funéraires.

Entrées d’index

Mots-clés : Corse, Antiquité tardive, agglomération littorale, nécropole, pratiques funéraires, christianisation

Keywords : Corsica, Late Antiquity, coastal settlement, necropolises, funerary practices, Christianization

Note de l’éditeur

This article is not a translation but an abridged version of the French article « Pratiques et espaces funéraires en Corse durant l’Antiquité tardive. L’exemple du site de Sant’Appianu de Sagone (Vico, Corse-du-sud) ». Translated and edited by Cadenza Academic Translations.

Texte intégral

1The recent archaeological works carried out at the ancient and medieval site of Sagone have produced a rich corpus of data enabling a better understanding of the history and development of this coastal settlement during Late Antiquity (fig. 1). Moreover, the discovery of funerary zones used between the 4th and 6th centuries offers an unprecedented opportunity to learn more about the Late Antique societies of Corsica and their funerary practices. The settlement is currently one of the main reference sites in Corsica for this period and provides evidence of the profound transformations that took place during the 5th century in terms of the organization of territory and population dynamics.

Fig. 1. Map of the Sagone site (infographics: A.-G. Corbara) and aerial view of the site (CNRS, D. Istria).


A : Site de Sant'Appianu (fouilles programmées 2008-2017) ; B : Site d'A. Sulana (fouille préventive Arkemine 2016).

2The funerary complexes, which were occupied consecutively, were well organized, with very few superpositions and overlaps, and a relatively low occupation density. In the southern funerary area, the spatial organization and the orientation of the funerary structures indicate that the area was developed from the south towards the north, with a shift from a south–north organization to a west–east one during the 4th and 5th centuries. The northern area has a different organizational scheme, with a cluster of burials around structuring elements, a church and a mausoleum, built in the first half of the 5th century. Funerary practices are in line with ancient traditions. The funerary architecture falls into two main types, mostly using terracotta (fig. 2): under tiles and in amphorae, typologies that are in keeping with practices seen in the rest of the region and in the wider north-western Mediterranean basin. There are also signs suggesting rituals were performed in commemoration of the dead (libations, food offerings, etc.). Despite the scarcity of grave goods in the burials and the lack of biological data relating to the inhumed individuals, the data collected shed light on the transformation of funerary practices during this transitional period. At the beginning of the 5th century the nature of the settlement changed, with the construction of a religious building marking the Christianization of the landscape. Nevertheless, these changes were not directly reflected in funerary practices, which were broadly homogeneous throughout the period (typology, rituals, etc.) and largely comparable to what we know of the same period across the Mediterranean world. There are, however, a number of differences between the funerary areas, particularly in terms of the organization and distribution of burials. These differences are probably the result of the evolution of the status of the site during the first half of the 5th century, when it developed from a principally commercial settlement to a religious hub, with a smaller population than before but nevertheless still a major power centre within the region, as shown by its elevation to the rank of bishopric in the second half of the 6th century.

Fig. 2. Types of tombs found in the two necropolises: amphora and gabled.


CNRS, D. Istria.


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