Contributor Biographies
p. 187-190
Texte intégral
1 Paul J Bailey is professor of modern Chinese history at the University of Durham (UK), having previously taught at Lingnan College in Hong Kong and the University of Edinburgh. His publications include Reform the People: Changing Attitudes Towards Popular Education in Early Twentieth Century China (1990), Postwar Japan (1996), Strengthen the Country and Enrich the People: The Reform Writings of Ma Jianzhong (1845-1900) (1998), China in the Twentieth Century (2001), Gender and Education in China: Gender Discourses and Women’s Schooling in the Early Twentieth Century (2007), and Women and Gender in Twentieth Century China (2012). He is currently completing a book on Chinese workers in World War One France (to be published by Routledge), entitled Chinese Overseas Labour in World War One France: Migrant Workers, Globalisation and the Sino-French Connection.
2 Deirdre Gilfedder is Professor of English at the University of Paris-Dauphine. She specialises in Australian cultural studies and has published widely on First World War commemoration, as well as on film, literature and Australian indigenous issues of testimony. Her research interests include memory studies, visual culture, constructions of nationalism and war history. She is the author of the first book on Australians in the First World War in French, L’Australie et la Grande Guerre (Editions Michel Houdiard, 2015).
3 Matthew Graves is Associate Professor in British and Commonwealth Studies at Aix-Marseille University, an Associate of the Australian Prime Ministers Centre and Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. His research interests lie at the crossroads of transnational history and political geography and he has published widely on issues of shared memory and identity in 19th-21st century Europe and Australasia, with a focus on shared history and geographies of memory, among them a series of co-authored articles and book chapters with Elizabeth Rechniewski on Australian commemorative spaces. Recent international publications include Geographies of Identity (co-ed., UTS ePress, Vol 12, no1, 2015). Matthew is co-director of the ‘Contemporary Societies’ imprint of the University of Provence Press in association with Liverpool University Press and a convenor of the Critical Geographies seminar (LERMA, Aix-Marseille University-Montpellier 3). He is currently working on a monograph entitled Memorial Diplomacy (Palgrave Macmillan) about the uses of the past in international relations.
4Dónal Hassett is Lecturer in French Cultural and Political History in the Department of French at the University of Bristol. Originally from Dublin, he holds a BA and M.Phil in European Studies from Trinity College. He was awarded a doctorate in History from the European University Institute in Florence for a dissertation entitled ‘Mobilising Memory: The Great War and the Language of Politics in Colonial Algeria, 1918-1939’. His research interests include the political legacies of the Great War in the French Empire, the history of veteran policy, colonialism and decolonisation in North Africa and the history of the extreme right in Europe.
5 Enika Ngongo graduated from the Université Catholique de Louvain with a Masters thesis on youth criminality in the Belgian Congo, 1908-1960. She is currently completing a doctoral thesis on the Great War in the Belgian Congo at the Université Saint-Louis – Bruxellles. The thesis focuses on the various effects that this worldwide conflict had on the Belgian colonial administration and on Congolese society and more specifically on the way that Congolese soldiers and porters coped throughout the war.
6 Cherie Prosser is the RIS Concordat Scholar undertaking PhD research at the University of Sheffield and the British Library. Her thesis is titled, A transnational comparison of the representation of gender and race in poster propaganda in France and Britain, 1914-1920. Formerly she was a curator at the Australian War Memorial, during which time she developed her research interest in the racialised and gendered representations in Modernist art, including the First World War recruitment posters contained in collections spanning Australia, Britain and France. She has presented at international conferences in Singapore, France, Australia and the UK.
7 Elizabeth Rechniewski is an Honorary Senior Lecturer in the School of Languages and Cultures at the University of Sydney. She has a longstanding research interest in the political uses of the national past. She is currently co-Chief Investigator on an Australian Research Council Discovery Project Judging the Past in a Post-Cold War World. She is the co-editor (with Judith Keene) of a volume of articles based on this research to be published by Brill in March 2018. She has published widely on remembrance of 20th century war in Australia, France and New Caledonia, including on the commemoration of the role of indigenous soldiers in these countries, with recent publications including ‘Remembering the Black Diggers: Commemoration or Recuperation?’ in War Memories, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017.
8 Katherine Smits is Associate Professor in Politics and International Relations at the University of Auckland in New Zealand. Before her academic career, she served with the Australian foreign service and was posted in Belgrade, in the former Yugoslavia. She is the author of many articles on liberalism and identity politics, and of Reconstructing Post-Nationalist Liberal Pluralism: From Interest to Identity (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005) and Applying Political Theory (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.) She is currently working on projects exploring multiculturalism, biculturalism and national identity in New Zealand, and comparative multiculturalism policies in New Zealand, Australia and Britain.
9 Peter Stanley is Research Professor in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of New South Wales Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy (UNSW ADFA). He is one of Australia’s most active military-social historians. A specialist in Australia’s military history, he maintains an active interest in the military social history of British India. His 30 books include White Mutiny: British Military Culture in India 1825-75 (Christopher Hurst, 1998), Die in Battle, Do not Despair: the Indians on Gallipoli, 1915 (Helion, 2015) and a forthcoming book Terriers in India, on British Territorials in India during the Great War. This chapter is based partly upon fieldwork in India, Bhutan and Nepal in 2015-16.
10 Shanti Sumartojo is a Vice Chancellor’s Research Fellow in the Digital Ethnography Research Centre in the School of Media and Communication at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. Her research explores the role of design and digital technology in shaping the experience of public spaces. With a particular focus on the built environment and urban spaces, her research includes ongoing work on memorials and commemorative sites. She is author of Trafalgar Square and the Narration of Britishness, 1900-2012 (2013), and co-editor of Nation, Memory, and Great War Commemoration (2014) and Refiguring Techniques in Digital-Visual Research (2017).
11 Gilles Teulié is Professor of British and Commonwealth Studies at Aix-Marseille University. He has written extensively on South African history and the Victorian period. He has published a book on the Afrikaners and the Anglo-Boer War: Les Afrikaners et la guerre Anglo-Boer 1899-1902. Etude des cultures populaires et des mentalités en presence (Montpellier University Press, 2000) and another on racial attitudes in Victorian South Africa: La racialisation de l’Afrique du Sud dans l’imaginaire colonial (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2015). He is the editor and co-editor of several collections of essays such as Religious Writings and War (2006), Victorian Representations of War (2007), War Sermons, with Laurence Sterritt (2009), Healing South African Wounds with Mélanie Joseph-Vilain (2010), L’Afrique du Sud de Nouvelles Identités? with Marie-Claude Barbier (2010) and Spaces of History, History of Spaces with Matthew Graves (2017). He is currently working on war memories, as well as the mediatisation of European Empires through early postcards.
12 Laurence van Ypersele is Professor of Modern History at the Université Catholique de Louvain in Belgium researching the First World War and First World War Memory. A member of the board of the Historial de la Grande Guerre in Peronne she has written books including Le Roi Albert, Histoire d’un Mythe (Quorum, 1995; Labor, 2006), Questions d’Histoire Contemporaine: Conflits, Mémoires et Identités (PUF, 2006), ‘Je serai fusillé demain’. Les dernières lettres des patriotes belges et français fusillés par l’occupant, 1914-1918 (Racine, 2011) and Brussels, War and Memory, 1914-2014 (La Renaissance du livre, 2014).
13Ben Wellings is Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. He is the author of English Nationalism and Euroscepticism: losing the peace (Bern: Peter Lang, 2012). He has co-authored ’Euro-myth: nationalism, war and the legitimacy of the European Union’, National Identities, 18,2 201 (with Ben Power). Along with Shanti Sumartojo he is co-editor of Nation, Memory and Great War Commemoration: mobilizing the past in Europe, Australia and New Zealand (Bern: Peter Lang, 2014). His current research interests focus on the international politics of First World War commemoration and the relationship between nationalism, Euroscepticism and the Anglosphere in the United Kingdom.
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