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Created at the Water’s Edge: Poetics and Politics in Greek Foundation Myths
p. 145-157
Stories are meaningful and the stories that a community tells about itself are particularly ripe with information. The foundation myths of many cities in the Mediterranean include a source of water or claim mythological ancestors that are progeny of local water sources. This paper takes as its focus the foundation myths of several Greek communities – Ephesos, Samos, and Halikarnassos – as a way to argue for the centrality of water, both in practical terms and for identity formation. The question remains, however, why the geographical feature included in these foundation myths is overwhelmingly a water source. These narratives could easily achieve the same purpose with the inclusion of a host of other distinguishing geographical features. I argue that including reference to local water sources in these foundation narratives connect to the practical but also the ideological importance of water for a community. In this paper I argue that the emphasis on local water sources, which was further emphasized in the visual and material record, expresses the centrality of water in the understanding of “place” and in the construction of civic identities.
Les histoires ont un sens et celles qu’une communauté se raconte sur elle-même sont particulièrement riches en informations. Les mythes de fondation de nombreuses cités en Méditerranée incluent une source d’eau ou revendiquent des ancêtres mythiques qui descendent de sources locales. Cet article met l’accent sur les mythes de fondation de plusieurs communautés grecques – Éphèse, Samos et Halicarnasse – pour montrer la centralité de l’eau, à la fois en termes pratiques et pour la formation de l’identité locale. La question demeure toutefois de savoir pourquoi la caractéristique géographique intégrée dans ces mythes de fondation est massivement une source. Ces mythes pourraient facilement atteindre le même objectif en intégrant nombre d’autres caractéristiques géographiques distinctives. Je soutiens l’hypothèse qu’inclure des références aux sources d’eau locales dans ces récits de fondation renvoie à l’importance pratique mais aussi idéologique de l’eau pour une communauté. Dans cet article, je soutiens que l’accent mis sur des sources d’eau locales, encore renforcé dans le dossier iconographique et matériel, exprime le rôle central de l’eau dans la compréhension du « lieu » et dans la construction des identités civiques.
1The stories that a community tells about itself are particularly ripe with information about the poetics and politics of identity construction. Myth, as a form of symbolic communication, reveals information about the character of a people and their relationship to a place.1 In particular, foundation myths (ktisis (s.), ktistai (pl.)) seek to explain something “essential” in the etymological sense — that is, such narratives seek to establish and communicate the essence of a people or a place. The capacity to convey the essential character of a community is developed and expressed in origin stories because these myths are concerned with the beginnings of things, what Barbara Sproul calls the “ground” of being, upon which everything else is built (Sproul 1991, 7). Where, why, and how a group comes into existence, or comes to exist in a certain place, is the basis from which all else grows. These stories tell of the origin of cities, communities, and ethnic groups and
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Ancient Waterlands
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