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Ahearn, L. M. (2001). Language and Agency. In Annual Review of Anthropology (Vols. 30, Issue 1, pp. 109-137). Annual Reviews.
Lambek, M., & Strathern, A. (Eds.). (1998). Bodies and Persons (1–). Cambridge University Press.
BARLOW, K. (2004). Critiquing the "Good Enough" Mother: A Perspective Based on the Murik of Papua New Guinea. In Ethos (Vols. 32, Issues 4, pp. 514-537). Wiley.
Barnes, J. A. (1962). 2. African Models in the New Guinea Highlands. Man, 62, 5.
Théry, I., & Bonnemère, P. (Eds.). (2008). Ce que le genre fait aux personnes (1–). Éditions de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales.
Blackwood, B. (1939). Folk-Stories of a Stone Age People in New Guinea. Folklore, 50(3), 209-242.
Bonnemère, P. (1990). Considérations relatives aux représentations des substances corporelles en Nouvelle-Guinée. L’Homme, 30(114), 101-120.
Bonnemère, P. (1996). Le pandanus rouge (1–). Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme.
Gregor, T., & Tuzin, D. (2001). Gender in Amazonia and MelanesiaAn Exploration of the Comparative Method (1–). University of California Press.
Théry, I., & Bonnemère, P. (Eds.). (2008). Ce que le genre fait aux personnes (1–). Éditions de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales.
Salaün, M., Glowczewski, B., & Dousset, L. (Eds.). (2014). Les sciences humaines et sociales dans le Pacifique Sud (1–). pacific-credo Publications.
Bonnemère, P. (2014). A relational approach to a Papua New Guinea male ritual cycle. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 20(4), 728-745.
Toren, C., & Pauwels, S. (Eds.). (2015). Living Kinship in the Pacific (1–). Berghahn Books.
Bonnemère, P. (Ed.). (2004). Women as Unseen Characters (1–). University of Pennsylvania Press.
Bonnemère, P., & Lemonnier, P. (1992). Terre et échanges chez les Anga (Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée). Études rurales, 127(1), 133-158.
Broude, G. J. (1988). Rethinking the Couvade: Cross-Cultural Evidence. American Anthropologist, 90(4), 902-911.
Broude, G. J. (1989). A Reply to Munroe and Munroe on the Couvade. American Anthropologist, 91(3), 735-738.
Brunois, F. (2007). Le jardin du casoar, la forêt des Kasua (1–). Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme.
Bulmer, R. (1967). Why is the Cassowary Not a Bird? A Problem of Zoological Taxonomy Among the Karam of the New Guinea Highlands. Man, 2(1), 5.
Burridge, K. O. L. (1958). MARRIAGE IN TANGU. Oceania, 29(1), 44-61.
Burridge, K. O. L. (1959). SIBLINGS IN TANGU. Oceania, 30(2), 128-154.
Carsten, J. (2003). After Kinship (1–). Cambridge University Press.
Chalifoux, J.-J. (2003). Chamanisme et couvade chez les Galibi de la Guyane française. Anthropologie Et Sociétés, 22(2), 99-122.
Chernela, J. M. (1991). Symbolic Inaction in Rituals of Gender and Procreation among the Garifuna (Black Caribs) of Honduras. Ethos, 19(1), 52-67.
Clifford, J. (2010). PERSON AND MYTH. In Mankind (Vols. 13, Issues 3, pp. 293-293). Wiley.
Conklin, B. A., & Morgan, L. M. (1996). Babies, Bodies, and the Production of Personhood in North America and a Native Amazonian Society. Ethos, 24(4), 657-694.
Derlon, B. (2002). L’intestinal et le matriciel. In L’Homme (1–, Issues 162, pp. 157-180). OpenEdition.
Descola, P. (2001). Par-delà la nature et la culture. Le Débat, 114(2), 86.
Descola, P. (2022). Anthropologie de la nature. In L’annuaire du Collège de France (1–, Issues 119, pp. 603-616). OpenEdition.
Descombes, V. (2003). Individuation et individualisation. Revue européenne des sciences sociales, XLI-127, 17-35.
Détrie, C., Siblot, P., Verine, B., & Steuckardt, A. (Eds.). (2017). Termes et concepts pour l’analyse du discours (1–). Honoré Champion.
Doja, A. (2005). Rethinking the Couvade. Anthropological Quarterly, 78(4), 917-950.
Douglas, M. (1972). Self-Evidence. In Proceedings of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (1–, Issues 1972, p. 27). JSTOR.
Durkheim, Émile, Mauss, M., & Durkheim, E. (1959). De Quelques Formes Primitives de Classification. In Revista Mexicana de Sociología (Vols. 21, Issues 3, p. 1173). Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.
Feld, S. (2012). Sound and Sentiment (1–). Duke University Press.
Fortes, M. (1966). Totem and Taboo. Proceedings of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 1966, 5.
de Garine, I. (2001). Views about food prejudice and stereotypes. Social Science Information, 40(3), 487-507.
Gell, A. (2020). The Art of Anthropology (E. Hirsch, Ed.; 1–). Routledge.
Gould, D., & Glowacka, M. (2004). Nagotooh(Gahni): The Bonding between Mother and Child in Shoshoni Tradition. Ethnology, 43(2), 185.
Gross, C. (1990). Anthropology and the End of ’Society’. Anthropology Today, 6(3), 18.
Healey, C. J. (1985). Pigs, Cassowaries, and the Gift of the Flesh: A Symbolic Triad in Maring Cosmology. Ethnology, 24(3), 153.
Gilbert, H. H. (2017). Rituals of Manhood (1–). Routledge.
Stigler, J. W., Schweder, R. A., & Herdt, G. (Eds.). (1990). Cultural Psychology (1–). Cambridge University Press.
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Holbraad, M. (2008). Relationships in motion. In Systèmes de pensée en Afrique noire (1–, Issues 18, pp. 219-264). OpenEdition.
Iteanu, A. (1983). La ronde des échanges (1–). Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme.
Iteanu, A. (1990). The Concept of the Person and the Ritual System: An Orokaiva View. Man, 25(1), 35.
JORGENSEN, D. (2010). Introduction: The Facts of Life, Papua New Guinea Style. Mankind, 14(1), 1-12.
Lambek, M. (1992). Taboo as Cultural Practice Among Malagasy Speakers. Man, 27(2), 245.
Langness, L. L. (1974). Ritual, Power, and Male Dominance. Ethos, 2(3), 189-212.
Laugier, S. (2010). L’éthique du care en trois subversions. Multitudes, 42(3), 112.
Leach, J. (2018). James Leach: Creative Land. Place and Procreation on the Rai Coast of Papua New Guinea. In Tidsskriftet Antropologi (1–, Issues 49). Det Kgl. Bibliotek/Royal Danish Library.
Leenhardt, M. (1939). La personne mélanésienne. In École pratique des hautes études, Section des sciences religieuses (Vols. 53, Issues 49, pp. 5-36). PERSEE Program.
Lemonnier, P. (1981). Le commerce inter-tribal des Anga de Nouvelle-Guinée. Journal de la Société des océanistes, 37(70), 39-75.
Lemonnier, P. (1985). L’écorce battue chez les Anga de Nouvelle-Guinée. Techniques & culture, 4.
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Lemonnier, P. (2010). Mythes et rites chez les Anga. Journal De La société Des océanistes, 130-131, 209-220.
Lewis, G. (1980). Day of Shining Red (1–). Cambridge University Press.
LiPuma, E. (2000). Encompassing Others (1–). University of Michigan Press.
Malinowski, B. (2003). Sex and Repression in Savage Society (1–). Routledge.
Mauss, M. (1938). Une Categorie de L’Esprit Humain: La Notion de Personne Celle de "Moi". The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 68, 263.
Mauss, M. (2013). Sociologie et anthropologie (1–). Presses Universitaires de France.
McKnight, D. (1973). Sexual Symbolism of Food Among the Wik-Mungkan. In Man (Vols. 8, Issues 2, p. 194). JSTOR.
Mimica, J., & Wagner, R. (2020). Intimations of Infinity (1–). Routledge.
Mintz, S. W., & Du Bois, C. M. (2002). The Anthropology of Food and Eating. Annual Review of Anthropology, 31(1), 99-119.
Munroe, R. L., & Munroe, R. H. (1989). A Response to Broude on the Couvade. American Anthropologist, 91(3), 730-735.
PURDY, L. M. (2007). ARE PREGNANT WOMEN FETAL CONTAINERS?. Bioethics, 4(4), 273-291.
Rival, L. (1998). Androgynous Parents and Guest Children: The Huaorani Couvade. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 4(4), 619.
Riviere, P. G. (1974). The Couvade: A Problem Reborn. Man, 9(3), 423.
Robbins, J. (2019). Becoming Sinners (1–). University of California Press.
Ross, E. B., Arnott, M. L., Basso, E. B., Beckerman, S., Carneiro, R. L., Forbis, R. G., Good, K. R., Jensen, K.-E., Johnson, A., Kaplinski, J., Khare, R. S., Linares, O. F., Martin, P. S., Nietschmann, B., Nurse, G. T., Pollock, N. J., Sahai, I., Taylor, K. C., Turton, D., … Wetterstrom, W. E. (1978). Food Taboos, Diet, and Hunting Strategy: The Adaptation to Animals in Amazon Cultural Ecology [and Comments and Reply]. Current Anthropology, 19(1), 1-36.
Scheffler, H. W. (1985). Filiation and Affiliation. Man, 20(1), 1.
Scheper-Hughes, N., & Lock, M. M. (1987). The Mindful Body: A Prolegomenon to Future Work in Medical Anthropology. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 1(1), 6-41.
Stasch, R. (2009). Society of Others (1–). University of California Press.
Strathern, A. (1971). The Rope of Moka (1–). Cambridge University Press.
Schwimmer, E. (Ed.). (1978). The Yearbook of Symbolic Anthropology (1–). MQUP.
Strathern, M. (1981). Culture in a Netbag: The Manufacture of a Subdiscipline in Anthropology. Man, 16(4), 665.
Strathern, M. (2003). L’étude des rapports sociaux de sexe : évolution personnelle et évolution des théories anthropologiques. Anthropologie Et Sociétés, 11(1), 9-18.
Strathern, M. (1987). An Awkward Relationship: The Case of Feminism and Anthropology. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 12(2), 276-292.
Strathern, M. (2019). The Gender of the Gift (1–). University of California Press.
Broch-Due, V., Rudie, I., & Bleie, T. (2021). Carved Flesh/Cast Selves (T. Bleie, V. Broch-Due, & I. Rudie, Eds.; 1–). Routledge.
Tarot, C. (2008). Problématiques maussiennes de la personne. Cahiers internationaux de sociologie, 124(1), 21.
Théry, I., & Bonnemère, P. (Eds.). (2008). Ce que le genre fait aux personnes (1–). Éditions de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales.
Taylor, D. (1950). The Meaning of Dietary and Occupational Restrictions among the Island Carib. American Anthropologist, 52(3), 343-349.
Théry, I., & Cadolle, S. (2008). La distinction de sexe. In Esprit: Vol. Mai (Issues 5, p. 12). CAIRN.
Théry, I. (2010). Le genre : identité des personnes ou modalité des relations sociales ?. Revue française De pédagogie, 171, 103-117.
Théry, I., & Bonnemère, P. (Eds.). (2008). Ce que le genre fait aux personnes (1–). Éditions de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales.
Troy, A. (2008). Les pagnes des circoncis. In Systèmes de pensée en Afrique noire (1–, Issues 18, pp. 41-104). OpenEdition.
Tuzin, D. F. (1980). The Voice of The Tambaran (1–). University of California Press.
Whitehead, H. (2000). Food Rules (1–). University of Michigan Press.
Ahearn, Laura M. “Language and Agency”. Annual Review of Anthropology. Annual Reviews, October 2001.
Lambek, Michael, and Andrew Strathern, eds. Bodies and Persons. []. Cambridge University Press, 1998.
BARLOW, KATHLEEN. “Critiquing the ‘Good Enough’ Mother: A Perspective Based on the Murik of Papua New Guinea”. Ethos. Wiley, December 2004.
Barnes, J. A. “2. African Models in the New Guinea Highlands”. Man 62 (January 1962): 5.
Théry, Irène, and Pascale Bonnemère, eds. Ce Que Le Genre Fait Aux Personnes. []. Éditions de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2008.
Blackwood, Beatrice. “Folk-Stories of a Stone Age People in New Guinea”. Folklore 50, no. 3 (September 1939): 209-42.
Bonnemère, Pascale. “Considérations relatives aux représentations des substances corporelles en Nouvelle-Guinée”. L’Homme 30, no. 114 (1990): 101-20.
Bonnemère, Pascale. “Le Pandanus Rouge”. []. Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 1996.
Gregor, Thomas, and Donald Tuzin. “Gender in Amazonia and MelanesiaAn Exploration of the Comparative Method”. []. University of California Press, November 1, 2001.
Théry, Irène, and Pascale Bonnemère, eds. Ce Que Le Genre Fait Aux Personnes. []. Éditions de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2008.
Salaün, Marie, Barbara Glowczewski, and Laurent Dousset, eds. Les Sciences Humaines Et Sociales Dans Le Pacifique Sud. []. pacific-credo Publications, 2014.
Bonnemère, Pascale. “A Relational Approach to a Papua New Guinea Male Ritual Cycle”. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 20, no. 4 (October 21, 2014): 728-45.
Toren, Christina, and Simonne Pauwels, eds. “Living Kinship in the Pacific”. []. Berghahn Books, April 1, 2015.
Bonnemère, Pascale, ed. Women As Unseen Characters. []. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004.
Bonnemère, Pascale, and Pierre Lemonnier. “Terre et échanges chez les Anga (Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée)”. Études rurales 127, no. 1 (1992): 133-58.
Broude, Gwen J. “Rethinking the Couvade: Cross-Cultural Evidence”. American Anthropologist 90, no. 4 (December 1988): 902-11.
Broude, Gwen J. “A Reply to Munroe and Munroe on the Couvade”. American Anthropologist 91, no. 3 (September 1989): 735-38.
Brunois, Florence. “Le Jardin Du Casoar, La Forêt Des Kasua”. []. Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 2007.
Bulmer, Ralph. “Why Is the Cassowary Not a Bird? A Problem of Zoological Taxonomy Among the Karam of the New Guinea Highlands”. Man 2, no. 1 (March 1967): 5.
Burridge, K. O. L. “MARRIAGE IN TANGU”. Oceania 29, no. 1 (September 1958): 44-61.
Burridge, Kenelm O. L. “SIBLINGS IN TANGU”. Oceania 30, no. 2 (December 1959): 128-54.
Carsten, Janet. “After Kinship”. []. Cambridge University Press, November 24, 2003.
Chalifoux, Jean-Jacques. “Chamanisme Et Couvade Chez Les Galibi De La Guyane française”. Anthropologie Et Sociétés 22, no. 2 (September 10, 2003): 99-122.
Chernela, Janet M. “Symbolic Inaction in Rituals of Gender and Procreation Among the Garifuna (Black Caribs) of Honduras”. Ethos 19, no. 1 (March 1991): 52-67.
Clifford, James. “PERSON AND MYTH”. Mankind. Wiley, May 10, 2010.
Conklin, Beth A., and Lynn M. Morgan. “Babies, Bodies, and the Production of Personhood in North America and a Native Amazonian Society”. Ethos 24, no. 4 (December 1996): 657-94.
Derlon, Brigitte. “L’intestinal Et Le Matriciel”. L’Homme. OpenEdition, January 1, 2002.
Descola, Philippe. “Par-delà la nature et la culture”. Le Débat 114, no. 2 (2001): 86.
Descola, Philippe. “Anthropologie De La Nature”. L’annuaire Du Collège De France. OpenEdition, February 28, 2022.
Descombes, Vincent. “Individuation et individualisation”. Revue européenne des sciences sociales, no. XLI-127 (December 1, 2003): 17-35.
Détrie, Catherine, Paul Siblot, Bertrand Verine, and Agnès Steuckardt, eds. Termes Et Concepts Pour l’analyse Du Discours. []. Honoré Champion, 2017.
Douglas, Mary. “Self-Evidence”. Proceedings of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. JSTOR, 1972.
Durkheim, Émile, Marcel Mauss, and Emile Durkheim. “De Quelques Formes Primitives De Classification”. Revista Mexicana De Sociología. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, September 1959.
Feld, Steven. “Sound and Sentiment”. []. Duke University Press, October 2, 2012.
Fortes, Meyer. “Totem and Taboo”. Proceedings of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, no. 1966 (1966): 5.
de Garine, Igor. “Views about Food Prejudice and Stereotypes”. Social Science Information 40, no. 3 (September 2001): 487-507.
Gell, Alfred. The Art of Anthropology. Edited by Eric Hirsch. []. Routledge, 2020.
Gould, Drusilla, and Maria Glowacka. “Nagotooh(Gahni): The Bonding Between Mother and Child in Shoshoni Tradition”. Ethnology 43, no. 2 (April 1, 2004): 185.
Gross, Claudia. “Anthropology and the End of ’Society’”. Anthropology Today 6, no. 3 (June 1990): 18.
Healey, Christopher J. “Pigs, Cassowaries, and the Gift of the Flesh: A Symbolic Triad in Maring Cosmology”. Ethnology 24, no. 3 (July 1985): 153.
Gilbert, H. Herdt. Rituals of Manhood. []. Routledge, 2017.
Stigler, James W., Richard A. Schweder, and Gilbert Herdt, eds. Cultural Psychology. []. Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Herdt, Gilbert H., ed. “Ritualized Homosexuality in Melanesia”. []. University of California Press, December 31, 1984.
Holbraad, Martin. “Relationships in Motion”. Systèmes De pensée En Afrique Noire. OpenEdition, December 1, 2008.
Iteanu, André. “La Ronde Des échanges”. []. Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 1983.
Iteanu, Andre. “The Concept of the Person and the Ritual System: An Orokaiva View”. Man 25, no. 1 (March 1990): 35.
JORGENSEN, DAN. “Introduction: The Facts of Life, Papua New Guinea Style”. Mankind 14, no. 1 (May 10, 2010): 1-12.
Lambek, Michael. “Taboo As Cultural Practice Among Malagasy Speakers”. Man 27, no. 2 (June 1992): 245.
Langness, L. L. “Ritual, Power, and Male Dominance”. Ethos 2, no. 3 (October 1974): 189-212.
Laugier, Sandra. “L’éthique du care en trois subversions”. Multitudes 42, no. 3 (2010): 112.
Leach, James. “James Leach: Creative Land. Place and Procreation on the Rai Coast of Papua New Guinea”. Tidsskriftet Antropologi. Det Kgl. Bibliotek/Royal Danish Library, July 17, 2018.
Leenhardt, Maurice. “La personne mélanésienne”. École pratique des hautes études, Section des sciences religieuses. PERSEE Program, 1939.
Lemonnier, Pierre. “Le commerce inter-tribal des Anga de Nouvelle-Guinée”. Journal de la Société des océanistes 37, no. 70 (1981): 39-75.
Lemonnier, Pierre. “L’écorce battue chez les Anga de Nouvelle-Guinée”. Techniques & culture, no. 4 (February 1, 1985).
Lemonnier, Pierre. “La Chasse à l’authentique”. Terrain. OpenEdition, September 1, 1999.
Lemonnier, Pierre. “Mythes Et Rites Chez Les Anga”. Journal De La société Des océanistes, no. 130-131 (December 15, 2010): 209-20.
Lewis, Gilbert. “Day of Shining Red”. []. Cambridge University Press, January 24, 1980.
LiPuma, Edward. “Encompassing Others”. []. University of Michigan Press, 2000.
Malinowski, Bronislaw. Sex and Repression in Savage Society. []. Routledge, 2003.
Mauss, Marcel. “Une Categorie De L’Esprit Humain: La Notion De Personne Celle De ‘Moi’”. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 68 (July 1938): 263.
Mauss, Marcel. “Sociologie Et Anthropologie”. []. Presses Universitaires de France, 2013.
McKnight, David. “Sexual Symbolism of Food Among the Wik-Mungkan”. Man. JSTOR, June 1973.
Mimica, Jadran, and Roy Wagner. Intimations of Infinity. []. Routledge, 2020.
Mimica, Jadran. “THE INCEST PASSIONS: AN OUTLINE OF THE LOGIC OF IQWAYE SOCIAL ORGANIZATION”. Oceania 62, no. 1 (September 1991): 34-58.
Mintz, Sidney W., and Christine M. Du Bois. “The Anthropology of Food and Eating”. Annual Review of Anthropology 31, no. 1 (October 2002): 99-119.
Munroe, Robert L., and Ruth H. Munroe. “A Response to Broude on the Couvade”. American Anthropologist 91, no. 3 (September 1989): 730-35.
PURDY, LAURA M. “ARE PREGNANT WOMEN FETAL CONTAINERS?”. Bioethics 4, no. 4 (October 29, 2007): 273-91.
Read, K. E. “MORALITY AND THE CONCEPT OF THE PERSON AMONG THE GAHUKU-GAMA”. Oceania 25, no. 4 (June 1955): 233-82.
Rival, Laura. “Androgynous Parents and Guest Children: The Huaorani Couvade”. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 4, no. 4 (December 1998): 619.
Riviere, P. G. “The Couvade: A Problem Reborn”. Man 9, no. 3 (September 1974): 423.
Robbins, Joel. Becoming Sinners. []. University of California Press, 2019.
Ross, Eric Barry, Margaret L. Arnott, Ellen B. Basso, Stephen Beckerman, Robert L. Carneiro, Richard G. Forbis, Kenneth R. Good, et al. “Food Taboos, Diet, and Hunting Strategy: The Adaptation to Animals in Amazon Cultural Ecology [and Comments and Reply]”. Current Anthropology 19, no. 1 (March 1978): 1-36.
Scheffler, H. W. “Filiation and Affiliation”. Man 20, no. 1 (March 1985): 1.
Scheper-Hughes, Nancy, and Margaret M. Lock. “The Mindful Body: A Prolegomenon to Future Work in Medical Anthropology”. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 1, no. 1 (March 1987): 6-41.
Stasch, Rupert. “Society of Others”. []. University of California Press, June 2, 2009.
Strathern, Andrew. “The Rope of Moka”. []. Cambridge University Press, July 2, 1971.
Schwimmer, Erik, ed. “The Yearbook of Symbolic Anthropology”. []. MQUP, January 1, 1978.
Strathern, Marilyn. “Culture in a Netbag: The Manufacture of a Subdiscipline in Anthropology”. Man 16, no. 4 (December 1981): 665.
Strathern, Marilyn. “L’étude Des Rapports Sociaux De Sexe : évolution Personnelle Et évolution Des théories Anthropologiques”. Anthropologie Et Sociétés 11, no. 1 (September 10, 2003): 9-18.
Strathern, Marilyn. “An Awkward Relationship: The Case of Feminism and Anthropology”. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 12, no. 2 (January 1987): 276-92.
Strathern, Marilyn. The Gender of the Gift. []. University of California Press, 2019.
Broch-Due, Vigdis, Ingrid Rudie, and Tone Bleie. Carved Flesh Cast Selves. Edited by Tone Bleie, Vigdis Broch-Due, and I. Rudie. []. Routledge, 2021.
Tarot, Camille. “Problématiques maussiennes de la personne”. Cahiers internationaux de sociologie 124, no. 1 (2008): 21.
Théry, Irène, and Pascale Bonnemère, eds. Ce Que Le Genre Fait Aux Personnes. []. Éditions de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2008.
Taylor, Douglas. “The Meaning of Dietary and Occupational Restrictions Among the Island Carib”. American Anthropologist 52, no. 3 (July 1950): 343-49.
Théry, Irène, and Sylvie Cadolle. “La distinction de sexe”. Esprit. CAIRN, 2008.
Théry, Irène. “Le genre : Identité Des Personnes Ou Modalité Des Relations sociales ?”. Revue française De pédagogie, no. 171 (July 1, 2010): 103-17.
Théry, Irène, and Pascale Bonnemère, eds. Ce Que Le Genre Fait Aux Personnes. []. Éditions de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2008.
Troy, Aurélie. “Les Pagnes Des Circoncis”. Systèmes De pensée En Afrique Noire. OpenEdition, December 1, 2008.
Tuzin, Donald F. The Voice of The Tambaran. []. University of California Press, 1980.
Whitehead, Harriet. “Food Rules”. []. University of Michigan Press, 2000.
Ahearn, Laura M. “Language and Agency”. Annual Review of Anthropology, vol. 30, no. 1, Annual Reviews, Oct. 2001, pp. 109-37. Crossref,
Lambek, Michael, and Andrew Strathern, editors. Bodies and Persons. [], Cambridge University Press, 1998. Crossref,
BARLOW, KATHLEEN. “Critiquing the ‘Good Enough’ Mother: A Perspective Based on the Murik of Papua New Guinea”. Ethos, vol. 32, no. 4, Wiley, Dec. 2004, pp. 514-37. Crossref,
Barnes, J. A. “2. African Models in the New Guinea Highlands”. Man, vol. 62, Jan. 1962, p. 5. Crossref,
Théry, Irène, and Pascale Bonnemère, editors. Ce Que Le Genre Fait Aux Personnes. [], Éditions de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2008. Crossref,
Blackwood, Beatrice. “Folk-Stories of a Stone Age People in New Guinea”. Folklore, vol. 50, no. 3, Sept. 1939, pp. 209-42. Crossref,
Bonnemère, Pascale. “Considérations relatives aux représentations des substances corporelles en Nouvelle-Guinée”. L’Homme, vol. 30, no. 114, 1990, pp. 101-20. Crossref,
Bonnemère, Pascale. Le Pandanus Rouge. [], Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 1996. Crossref,
Gregor, Thomas, and Donald Tuzin. Gender in Amazonia and MelanesiaAn Exploration of the Comparative Method. [], University of California Press, 1 Nov. 2001. Crossref,
Théry, Irène, and Pascale Bonnemère, editors. Ce Que Le Genre Fait Aux Personnes. [], Éditions de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2008. Crossref,
Salaün, Marie, et al., editors. Les Sciences Humaines Et Sociales Dans Le Pacifique Sud. [], pacific-credo Publications, 2014. Crossref,
Bonnemère, Pascale. “A Relational Approach to a Papua New Guinea Male Ritual Cycle”. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, vol. 20, no. 4, Oct. 2014, pp. 728-45. Crossref,
Toren, Christina, and Simonne Pauwels, editors. Living Kinship in the Pacific. [], Berghahn Books, 1 Apr. 2015. Crossref,
Bonnemère, Pascale, editor. Women As Unseen Characters. [], University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004. Crossref,
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Bonnemère, Pascale. (2017) The Materiality of Relational Transformations: Propositions for Renewed Analyses of Life-Cycle Rituals in Melanesia and Australia. Anthropological Forum, 27. DOI: 10.1080/00664677.2017.1287057
Lambert-Harvey, Mireille. (2020) Bonnemère Pascale, 2018, Acting for Others. Relational Transformations in Papua New Guinea, préface de Marilyn Strathern, traduit du français par Nora Scott. Chicago, HAU Books, 322 p., illustr., tabl., glossaire, bibliogr., index. . Anthropologie et Sociétés, 44. DOI: 10.7202/1078182ar
Bonnemère, Pascale. (2018) Actions, Relations and Transformations: The Cycle of Life According to the Ankave of Papua New Guinea. Oceania, 88. DOI: 10.1002/ocea.5180
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Bonnemère, P. (2015). Références bibliographiques. In Agir pour un autre (1‑). Presses universitaires de Provence.
Bonnemère, Pascale. « Références Bibliographiques ». In Agir Pour Un Autre. Aix-en-Provence: Presses universitaires de Provence, 2015.
Bonnemère, Pascale. « Références Bibliographiques ». Agir Pour Un Autre, Presses universitaires de Provence, 2015,
Référence numérique du livre
Bonnemère, P. (2015). Agir pour un autre (1‑). Presses universitaires de Provence.
Bonnemère, Pascale. Agir pour un autre. Aix-en-Provence: Presses universitaires de Provence, 2015.
Bonnemère, Pascale. Agir pour un autre. Presses universitaires de Provence, 2015,