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Managing co-design in public services
Literature review for the Spanish case
p. 229-238
1Currently, there is overwhelming evidence – manifested in several programs and public policies on health, education or housing – of the efforts to solve the emerging problems of our societies. But the current solutions come mostly from structures, models and processes that were designed to meet the needs of the last century. Today, political, economic, technological and cultural phenomena are intertwined forcing public management, as we knew it, to change (Ramírez-Alujas, 2012). But if there is an area where the renewal of service designs has not had the expected relevance, it is precisely the public sector. Consequently, in Spain, we are still trying to do the same things expecting different results. We continue to operate on the basis of paradigms that are n° longer sustained in practice: in many public organizations there is still some hope that through incremental logic they can successfully face new realities. In short, governments and their administrative bodies continue
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Management des services
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