Diasporas, Cultures of Mobilities, ‘Race’ 2
Diaspora, Memory and Intimacy
Dans le cadre de la série « Diasporas, Cultures de la mobilité, ‘Race’ », ce deuxième volume se propose de compléter les études sur le sujet au travers de regards croisés et interdisciplinaires sur la condition diasporique. Les thèmes du corps, de la mémoire et de l’intime se tissent tout au long du recueil afin d’en révéler et d’en transmettre toute la complexité. Dans le même ordre d’idées, l’impact de la déterritorialisation, inhérent aux phénomènes de migration et relocalisation, est une a...
Continuing the series on Diasporas, Cultures of Mobilities, ‘Race’, this second volume extends existing scholarship by exploring a range of multidisciplinary perspectives on the diasporic condition. Embodiment, memory and intimacy form three core themes through which the complexities of diasporic experiences are revealed and transmitted. Closely aligned to these concerns, the impact of de- territorialisation, inherent in the processes of migration and re-settlement, forms a strong thread throu...
Éditeur : Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée
Lieu d’édition : Montpellier
Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 26 octobre 2021
ISBN numérique : 978-2-36781-387-5
DOI : 10.4000/books.pulm.9108
Collection : Horizons anglophones
Année d’édition : 2015
ISBN (Édition imprimée) : 978-2-36781-137-6
Nombre de pages : 255
Sarah Barbour, Thomas Lacroix et Judith Misrahi-Barak
IntroductionSubjectivity, Memory and the Body in a Diasporic Context: a Multidisciplinary Perspective
Questions of Theory, History and Memory
Maggi Morehouse
African Diaspora Theory: Here, There, and EverywhereMélanie Pénicaud
D’exils en migrations : échos d’une dispersion iranienneDebora Stefani
Fighting against Post-Colonial Optimism: In Search of Subaltern and Diasporic Agency in Vietnamese American FictionEvelyne Ribert
Between Silences and Rewritings: Two Approaches to Memory Construction by Spanish Refugees and Economic Immigrants in FranceIntersecting Identities
Adriana Capuano de Oliveira
A Question of Identity: Being Japanese in Brazil and Brazilian in JapanChristine Vogt-William
Meeting Mr Hyde and Dr Stone: Mixed Race Twins and White Fathers in Diana Evans’ 26a and Abraham Verghese’s Cutting for StoneBodies in Motion
Zoran Pecic
Re-creating the Queer Narrative: The Past and the Present in Lawrence Scott’s Aelred’s SinDans le cadre de la série « Diasporas, Cultures de la mobilité, ‘Race’ », ce deuxième volume se propose de compléter les études sur le sujet au travers de regards croisés et interdisciplinaires sur la condition diasporique. Les thèmes du corps, de la mémoire et de l’intime se tissent tout au long du recueil afin d’en révéler et d’en transmettre toute la complexité. Dans le même ordre d’idées, l’impact de la déterritorialisation, inhérent aux phénomènes de migration et relocalisation, est une autre optique majeure dans ce recueil d’essais. Les auteurs s’intéressent aux procédés mémoriels individuels et collectifs internes à l’évolution des communautés de diasporas, par d’étonnantes comparaisons entre diverses régions du monde, états et zones linguistiques. La teneur intellectuelle, la portée critique et la singularité de ce nouveau volume d’essais se reflètent aussi dans les origines géographiques variées de ses contributeurs.
Continuing the series on Diasporas, Cultures of Mobilities, ‘Race’, this second volume extends existing scholarship by exploring a range of multidisciplinary perspectives on the diasporic condition. Embodiment, memory and intimacy form three core themes through which the complexities of diasporic experiences are revealed and transmitted. Closely aligned to these concerns, the impact of de- territorialisation, inherent in the processes of migration and re-settlement, forms a strong thread throughout the collected essays. Authors engage with individual and collective memorial processes embedded in the evolution of diasporic communities, exploring striking comparisons between diverse regions, states, cultures and linguistic zones. The intellectual and critical scope covered by this original collection of new essays is further reflected in the varied geographical origins of the contributors themselves.
Sarah Barbour, Professor of Romance Languages at Wake Forest University, teaches courses in French and Francophone language, culture, and cinema, and she regularly teaches African and Caribbean literature in translation. An active member of the Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies program, she also currently serves as Program Director of the Interdisciplinary Humanities Program. Her research interests include French and Francophone modern and contemporary narrative in prose and in cinema, and translation studies. She has most recently served as guest editor (with Robert McCormick, Jr. and Sara Steinert-Borella) of Journal of Haitian Studies, Special Issue: Re-Conceiving Hispaniola (University of California, Santa Barbara).
David Howard is an Associate Professor in Sustainable Urban Development at the University of Oxford and a Fellow of Kellogg College, Oxford. Outwith the University, he is a C.N.R.S. Associate at the Centre Afriques dans le Monde, Université de Bordeaux IV. He has researched in a number of areas relating to the contemporary Caribbean and Latin America, with a specific focus on urban neighbourhoods, social sustainability, migration and development. Recent research projects have centred on urban violence, land rights and housing in Jamaica and the Dominican Republic.
Thomas Lacroix is C.N.R.S. research fellow at MIGRINTER, University of Poitiers and research associate at the International Migration Institute, University of Oxford. His research focuses on migrant organisations, immigrant transnationalism, integration and development. He teaches courses on Migration and Development at Science Po, Paris and is co-director of the master programme International Migration, Space and Societies at the University of Poitiers. He recently co-edited with Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh the Special Issue Diasporic and Refugee Memories in the Journal of Intercultural Studies, 2013.
Judith Misrahi-Barak, Associate Professor at Paul-Valéry University Montpellier, France, currently teaches English and Postcolonial Literatures. Her Doctorate was on the Writing of Childhood in Caribbean Literature. She has published articles on Caribbean and Indo-Caribbean writers and the Caribbean and Indian diaspora (Atlantic Studies, Commonwealth, The Journal of Postcolonial Writing, Moving Worlds, The Journal of the Short Story in English, The Journal of Haitian Studies, The Journal of Transnational American Studies...), as well as book chapters in edited collections, including most recently Littérature et esclavage (S. Moussa, ed. Éditions Desjonquères, 2010); Narrating Nomadism: Tales of Recovery and Resistance (G. N. Devy, G.V. Davis & K.K. Chakravarty, eds. Routledge, 2012); Identité et diversité: créations, discours, représentations (A.-M. Motard, ed. Pulm, 2013); Tracing the New Asian Diaspora (Om Dwivedi, ed. Rodopi, 2014).
She has organised several international conferences with invited writers. She is General Editor of the series PoCoPages (Coll. ‘Horizons anglophones’, Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée).
She is also Co-Investigator on the AHRC Research Network Series ’Writing, Analysing, Translating Dalit Literature’ (Principal Investigator Dr Nicole Thiara, Nottingham Trent University, UK), 2014–16. http://pays-anglophones.upv.univ-montp3.fr/?page_id=996.
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À la rencontre de la différence
Traces diasporiques et espaces de créolisation
Robin Cohen et Olivia Sheringham Elise Trogrlic (trad.)
L’androgyne dans la littérature britannique contemporaine
Métamorphose d’une figure
Justine Gonneaud
Borders and Ecotones in the Indian Ocean
Cultural and Literary Perspectives
Markus Arnold, Corinne Duboin et Judith Misrahi-Barak (dir.)
Diasporas, Cultures of Mobilities, ‘Race’ 1
Diasporas and Cultures of Migrations
Judith Misrahi-Barak et Claudine Raynaud (dir.)
Diasporas, Cultures of Mobilities, ‘Race’ 3
African Americans and the Black Diaspora
Corinne Duboin et Claudine Raynaud (dir.)
Ethics of Alterity, Confrontation and Responsibility in 19th- to 21st-Century British literature
Jean-Michel Ganteau et Christine Reynier (dir.)