Liste des abréviations
p. 11
Texte intégral
1 Annie, Gwen, Lilly, Pam and Tulip (1986) : AGLPT
2 A Small Place (1988) : ASP
3 Lucy (1990) : L
4 At the Bottom of the River (1992) : ABR
5 The Autobiography of My Mother (1996) : AM
6 Annie John (1997) : AJ
7 My Brother (1997) : MB
8 Poetics of Place (1998) : PP
9 My Garden (Book) (1999) : MGB
10 My Favourite Plant : Writers and gardeners on the Plants they Love (1999) : MFP
11 Talk Stories (2001) : TS
12 Mr. Potter (2002) : MP
13 Among Flowers : A Walk in the Himalaya (2005) : AF
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