Steven Spielberg
Hollywood WunderKind & Humanist
Steven Spielberg: Hollywood Wunderkind and Humanist focuses on the most commercialy successful American director of his generation, from his early career at Universal Television to the Oscar-winning Lincoln (2013). The fourteen chapters deal as much with his major hits as with films that have received little critical attention like The Sugarland Express (1974), 1941 (1979) and The Terminal (2004). They address questions of ethics, ideology and identity politics recognized as central to the dir...
Éditeur : Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée
Lieu d’édition : Montpellier
Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 16 novembre 2020
ISBN numérique : 978-2-36781-358-5
DOI : 10.4000/books.pulm.5108
Collection : Horizons anglophones
Année d’édition : 2018
ISBN (Édition imprimée) : 978-2-36781-264-9
Nombre de pages : 350
David Roche
AcknowledgementsDavid Roche
IntroductionSpielberg’s Early Career
Peter Krämer
Spiritual Science Fiction for the Whole Family: Spielberg, Close Encounters of the Third Kind and 1970s HollywoodThe Poetics of Steven Spielberg
Antoine Gaudin
David Roche et Caitlin Vanessa Smith (trad.)
Cinematographic Space as Material and the American Territory as Subject: Duel and The Sugarland ExpressDavid Roche
Spielberg’s Poetics of HorrorSpielberg, Genre & Creation
Andrew Stubbs
Creation as Recreation: Spielberg and the RemakeFátima Chinita
Redefining Melodrama: Saving Private Ryan as Male WeepieSpielberg & Identity Politics
Hélène Charlery
Thematic and Visual Treatment of Race Relations in Spielberg’s The Color Purple and LincolnMichael Lipiner et Rocco Giansante
Movie Mensch: An Exploration of Spielberg’s Universalist Jewish-American SensibilityCharles-Antoine Courcoux
Franck Le Gac (trad.)
To Be or Not to Be (Born): The Spielbergian Hero and the Uterine Challenges of the Digital RevolutionSpielberg, Ethics & Ideology
Pascal Couté
David Roche (trad.)
The Becoming Human of the Inhuman: On Saving Private Ryan and Minority ReportDavid Roche
FilmographyDavid Roche
Select BibliographySteven Spielberg: Hollywood Wunderkind and Humanist focuses on the most commercialy successful American director of his generation, from his early career at Universal Television to the Oscar-winning Lincoln (2013). The fourteen chapters deal as much with his major hits as with films that have received little critical attention like The Sugarland Express (1974), 1941 (1979) and The Terminal (2004). They address questions of ethics, ideology and identity politics recognized as central to the director’s œuvre, while seeking to make up for the lack of material on the films’ formal qualities and on the notable contributions they have made to classical Hollywood genres such as horror, science fiction and the war movie. This book contests the idea that Spielberg is a “naïve” director, a mere craftsman with an eye for composition and a natural talent for narrative economy. Instead, the book aims to foreground the work’s cohesion, its influences and self-consciousness, its steadfast inscription within the Western humanist tradition, and its resolve to engage with the contemporary and explore complex ethical issues through mainstream narratives, whether “serious” Oscar contenders or action-filled popcorn blockbusters, a dichotomy Spielberg has increasingly sought to blur.
Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès
David Roche is Professor of Film Studies at the Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès and Vice-president of SERCIA ( He is the author of Making and Remaking Horror in the 1970s and 2000s (2014) and L’Imagination malsaine (2008), and has edited a themed issue of Transatlantica entitled “Exploiting Exploitation Cinema” (2016), as well as the collected volumes Comics and Adaptation (with Benoît Mitaine and Isabelle Schmitt-Pitiot, 2018), Intimacy in Cinema (with Schmitt-Pitiot 2014) and Approaches to Film and Reception Theories (with Christophe Gelly, 2012). He has published articles on North American and European auteur and horror cinema in Adaptation, E-rea, CinémAction, Horror Studies, Miranda, Post-script and Textes & Contextes. His book Quentin Tarantino: Poetics and Politics of Cinematic Metafiction is forthcoming.
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