Table des matières
Lawrence Aje et Claudine Raynaud
Ending Slavery: The Antislavery Struggle in PerspectiveI. New Perspectives on the Antislavery Struggle
Claudine Raynaud
Sojourner Truth or the Black Subject’s Lived ExperienceSamantha Q. de Vera
Black Women in the Antebellum Colored Conventions MovementLawrence Aje
‘Devoted friends of the cause’? Assessing Antislavery activity among free South Carolinians of Color, 1820–1865Nathalie Dessens
Free People of Color in Nineteenth-Century New Orleans: From Class Consciousness to Radical Atlantic ActivismII. The Antislavery Struggle across Borders
Ousmane K. Power-Greene
King Cotton’s Exiles: African American Emigrationism, Abolition, and the British Atlantic WorldClaire Bourhis-Mariotti
The Colored Conventions Movement, Emigrationism and the Quest for a Black Nationality, 1830–1858III. The Antislavery Struggle Reappraised