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Notes on contributors

p. 279-284

Texte intégral

1 Adeline Arniac is a doctoral candidate in English Literature at the University Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3. She is a member of EMMA (Études Montpelliéraines du Monde Anglophone) and her research work explores the representation and ethics of spectrality in Harold Pinter’s memory plays. She has published several articles on Pinter’s Memory Plays.

2 Sophie Aymes is Senior Lecturer at the Université de Bourgogne in Dijon (France) where she teaches British literature and visual culture. Her research focuses on intermediality, printmaking and illustration in Britain in the first half of the 20th century. She is co-editor of the bilingual word & image journal Interfaces and she is co-founder of Illustr4tio, a French research group and network specialising in illustration studies.

3 Isabelle Brasme is Senior Lecturer in English Literature at the University of Nîmes, France, and a member of the EMMA research centre at the University Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3. She has published extensively on Ford Madox Ford and has recently published a monograph entitled: Parade’s End de Ford Madox Ford: vers une esthétique de la crise (PULM, 2016). Her research focuses on modernism, the relationship between modernism and tradition, and the question of canonicity.

4 Shirley Bricout’s field of research is D. H. Lawrence and the Bible. The translation into English of her first book has just been released under the title Politics and the Bible in D. H. Lawrence’s Leadership Novels, with a foreword by Keith Cushman (PULM, 2015). She is currently guest editor of the Journal of the Short Story in English, preparing a special issue on D.H. Lawrence to be published in 2017. She has contributed articles and book reviews to Les Études lawrenciennes, Études britanniques contemporaines and to The Journal of D.H. Lawrence Studies.

5 Jean-Michel Ganteau is Professor of British Literature at the Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3. He is the editor of the journal Études britanniques contemporaines. He is the author of two monographs on David Lodge and Peter Ackroyd and of a book-length study, The Ethics and Aesthetics of Vulnerability in Contemporary British Fiction (Routledge, 2015). He is also the editor, with Christine Reynier, of six volumes of essays on the themes of impersonality and emotion, autonomy and commitment and the ethics of alterity (PULM). He has also edited several volumes of essays with Susana Onega: Trauma and Ethics in Contemporary British Literature (Rodopi, 2010), Trauma and Romance in Contemporary British Fiction (Routledge, 2013), and Contemporary Trauma Narratives: Liminality and the Ethics of form (Routledge, 2014). He has published extensively on contemporary British fiction, with a special interest in the ethics of affects (as manifest in such aesthetic resurgences and concretions as the baroque, kitsch, camp, melodrama, romance), trauma criticism and theory and the ethics of vulnerabilty in France and abroad.

6 Aude Haffen is a senior lecturer at University Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3. Her research focuses on contemporary British literature, and particularly on biography, autobiography, biofiction and autofiction. Her PhD dissertation is entitled ‘Fictional Biographies and Autobiographical Fiction in the Works of Anthony Burgess’ (2010). She has written articles on Anthony Burgess, Jonathan Coe and Thomas De Quincey. She is also responsible for reviews in the journal Cahiers victoriens et édouardiens:

7 Leila Haghshenas is a Doctoral student in English Literature at the University Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3. She is a member of EMMA (Études Montpelliéraines du Monde Anglophone) and is currently writing a PhD on the ethics of alterity in Leonard Woolf’s literary work. She has an article forthcoming in Angles.

8 Xavier Le Brun

9A former student of the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Xavier Le Brun is currently working on a doctoral thesis at the Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier on the idea of the lifeworld and the representation of reality in Virginia Woolf’s last works of fiction, under the supervision of Christine Reynier. He takes part in the research activities of EMMA (Études Montpelliéraines du Monde Anglophone), and recently published an article on narratology and lived time (ATALA 17, September 2014).

10 Angela Locatelli is full Professor of English Literature and Director of the PhD Program in ‘Euro-American Literatures’ at the University of Bergamo, Italy. She is also adjunct Professor in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia ( and faculty member of the International PhD Network established in 2008 by the University of Giessen (Germany) with the Universities of Bergamo, Helsinki, Stockholm, Graz and The Catholic University of Portugal in Lisbon ( She is on the Editorial Board of Armenian Folia Anglistika and has been on the Editorial Board of: EJES The European Journal of English Studies, Textus, Fogli di Anglistica, Merope, Dintorni. Her main research interests are literary and cultural theory, and the epistemology of literature. Angela Locatelli has edited ten volumes on literary epistemology (The Knowledge of Literature/La conoscenza della Letteratura, 2002-2011 She has written extensively on Shakespeare and Renaissance culture and literature and has also published the first modern edition (with an Italian translation) of Henry Peacham’s A Merry Discourse of Meum and Tuum (1639) (Il Doppio e il Picaresco, Milano, Jaca Book, 1998). Her publications also include a book on the ‘stream of consciousness’ novel (Una coscienza non tutta per se, Bologna, Patron, 1983), and several articles on Modernist and Postmodern fiction. She has published in Italy, France, England, Germany, Finland, Romania, Sweden, Japan, and the USA.

11 Laurent Mellet is Professor of British literature and film at the University Toulouse Jean-Jaurès. His research fields are 20th- and 21st-century British literature, interactions between political ideologies and literary aesthetics, film theory and adaptation. He is the head of the research group on British literary and cultural studies in Toulouse (research team CAS—EA 801). He is the co-author with Shannon Wells-Lassagne of Étudier l’adaptation filmique-Cinéma anglais, cinéma américain (PUR, 2010), the co-editor with Sophie Aymes of In and Out: Eccentricity in Britain (CSP, 2012), and the author of L’Œil et la voix dans les romans de E. M. Forster et leur adaptation cinématographique (PULM, 2012). He has written several papers on modernist and contemporary literature, and on film theory and aesthetics. He has written a monograph on Jonathan Coe, Jonathan Coe. Les politiques de l’intime (PUPS, 2015).

12 Susana Onega is Professor of English at the University of Zaragoza (Spain). She is a member of the Academia Europaea, a former Honorary Research Fellow at Birkbeck College, a former President of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies, and the Head of a competitive research team currently working on the rhetoric and politics of suffering in contemporary narratives in English (http: // She has written numerous book chapters and journal articles and edited or co-edited books and monographic sections on contemporary writers and/or critical theory and is the author of monographic studies on Peter Ackroyd, John Fowles, William Faulkner and Jeanette Winterson.

13 Silvia Pellicer-Ortín is a Lecturer at the Department of English and German Philology in the Faculty of Education at the University of aragoza (Spain). She has been a Visiting Scholar at the Universities of Cambridge, Reading and Birkbeck College in London and has delivered many papers related to her main fields of research, mostly Trauma, Memory and Holocaust Studies, British-Jewish women writers, autobiography and feminism. She is the author of several articles dealing with these issues, and a monograph, Eva Figes’s Writings. A Journey through Trauma (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015).

14 Barbara Puschmann-Nalenz

15Retired from her position as Assistant Professor in the English Department at Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum in 2009, but continued to teach English and American Literature and Cultural Studies until 2011. Since then she has been (co-) editing three collections of essays and published a number of articles, mostly on contemporary British and Irish fiction. Her monographs were on ‘Concepts of Love and Friendship in Shakespeare’s Sonnets’ and ‘Science Fiction and Postmodern Fiction—a Genre Study’. Recently she co-edited ‘Portraits of the Artist as a Young Thing in Fiction after 1945’ (with Anette Pankratz) and ‘Narrating Loss’ (with Brigitte Glaser). A series of articles on ‘space and place’ appeared in the annual Symbolism between 2005 and 2014.

16 Christine Reynier is Professor of British Literature at the University Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3. She has published extensively on major modernist writers, edited books and journals on Woolf (Journal of the Short Story in English 50, July 2008) and published a monograph Virginia Woolf’s Ethics of the Short Story (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009). She is also a member of the ENSFR network (European Network for Short Fiction Research) and recently co-edited Reframing the Modernist Short Story (JSSE 64, Spring 2015). She is the editor, with Jean-Michel Ganteau, of six volumes of essays on the themes of impersonality and emotion, autonomy and commitment and the ethics of alterity in British Literature and Arts (PULM). In 2013, she organized, with B. Coste and C. Delyfer, a European Science Foundation Workshop in Montpellier that led to the publication of Re-connecting Aestheticism with Modernism (Routledge, 2016).

17 Laurence Roussillon-Constanty is Senior Lecturer (HDR) at Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse (CAS, EA 801, Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès). Her main research field is Victorian literature and painting and she has published several articles on Dante Gabriel Rossetti and John Ruskin. She is the author of Méduse au miroir. Esthétique romantique de Dante Gabriel Rossetti (Grenoble: ELLUG, 2007) and co-editor of The Rossettis then and Now: Cosmopolitans in Victorian London (London: Anthem Press, 2003). She also co-authored a translation into French of a selection of texts from John Ruskin’s Modern Painters (Pau: PUP, 2006). She is the co-editor, with Anuradha Chatterjee, of the online academic journal, The Eighth Lamp, Ruskin Studies To-day and a vice-president of the SFEVE association. In recent years she has organized two interdisciplinary conferences focusing on art and science relations, one on science, fables and chimeras (Toulouse, 2011) and the other on imprint, impregnation, impression (Pau, 2012). She co-edited two books as a follow-up to each project: Science, Fables and Chimeras (CSP, 2013) and Empreinte, Imprégnation, impression (PUP, 2014).

18 Stéphane Sitayeb teaches English literature and translation at the University of Evry. His research field is fin-de-siècle British literature; he explores mainly the relations between aesthetics, science and theology in the short stories and poetic prose of Welsh writer Arthur Machen.

19 Corina Stan is a visiting scholar at the Center for Philosophy, Arts and Literature (PAL), Duke University. She taught for three years at Leiden University College the Hague, where she also directed the Brill-Nijhoff Writing Institute. Her first book manuscript, The Art of Distances, or A Morality for the Everyday: Living with Others in the Twentieth Century, under review, studies the ways European writers and thinkers of the past century—Adorno, Barthes, Orwell, Canetti, Murdoch, Ernaux, Grass, and others—tried to imagine forms of community in an age lacking a shared morality. She has published or forthcoming work in Arcadia, Modern Language Notes, the European Journal of English Studies, Echinox, Poesis, and several volumes of collected essays. Her current project examines historical novels and plays set in the 17th century in which writers of the past century intimated affinities between historical developments in these distant periods.

20 Claudia Tobin is a PhD candidate with an AHRC doctoral award in English Literature and History of Art at the University of Bristol. Her inter-disciplinary research on ‘still life’ explores the aesthetics of vibration, colour and rhythm across different media in the early to mid-twentieth century. She is involved in various curatorial projects, and most recently worked as the research assistant for the Virginia Woolf exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, London.

21 Pascale Tollance is Professor of English at Université Lumière– Lyon 2. She has written extensively on British/Canadian author Malcolm Lowry, as well as on British contemporary authors such as Graham Swift, Julian Barnes, Kazuo Ishiguro, Angela Carter, A.S. Byatt, Jeanette Winterson and Rachel Seiffert. She is the author of a book on Graham Swift (Graham Swift. La Scène de la voix, Villeneuve d’Ascq: Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2011) which focuses on the staging of voice in Swift’s fiction. She is on the editorial board of L’Atelier, has co-edited vol. 5.1 (Survivance) and is currently working on vol. 6.2. (La Transmission). Her interests include post-colonial literatures (she has worked recently on the fiction Janet Frame, J.M. Coetzee and Alice Munro).

22 José Mari Yebra is a lecturer in English at the Centro Universitario de la Defensa, attached to the University of Zaragoza (Spain). He has published articles on postmodern British and Irish literature, particularly Alan Hollinghurst, Will Self and Colm Tóibín. He has also participated in national and international conferences on the same topics and authors. His current research interests include postmodernism, trauma and gender studies.

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