Selected Bibliography
p. 441-450
Texte intégral
Fiction, Drama & Poetry
Atwood, Margaret. Lady Oracle. New York: Anchor, 1998.
Atwood, Margaret. Surfacing. New York: Anchor, 1998.
Cliff, Michelle. No Telephone to Heaven. New York: Plume, 1987.
Coetzee, J.M. The Master of Petersburg. London: Vintage, 2004.
Coetzee, J.M. Stranger Shores. Essays 1986-1999. London: Vintage 2002.
Cusack, Frank, ed. Australian Ghost Stories. Melbourne: Heinemann, 1967.
Gelder, Ken, ed. The Oxford Book of Australian Ghost Stories. Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Ghosh, Amitav. In an Antique Land. London: Granta, 1992.
Grenville, Kate. The Secret River. Melbourne: Text Publishing, 2005.
Grenville, Kate. Searching for the Secret River. Edinburgh: Canongate Books, 2007.
Harris, Wilson. The Age of the Rainmakers. Illustrated by Karen Osborne. London: Faber and Faber, 1971.
Harris, Wilson. Black Marsden: A Tabula Rasa Comedy. London: Faber and Faber, 1972.
Harris, Wilson. Da Silva da Silva’s Cultivated Wilderness and Genesis of the Clowns. London: Faber and Faber, 1977.
Harris, Wilson. Jonestown. London: Faber and Faber, 1996.
Harris, Wilson. Palace of the Peacock, in The Guyana Quartet. 1960; London: Faber and Faber, 1985.
Harris, Wilson. The Sleepers of Roraima: A Carib Trilogy. London: Faber and Faber, 1970.
Harris, Wilson. The Tree of the Sun. London: Faber and Faber, 1978.
Hopkinson, Nalo. Skin Folk. New York: Aspect, AOL Time Warner Books, 2001.
Kay, Jackie. The Adoption Papers. Newcastle upon Tyne: Bloodaxe, 1991.
Kay, Jackie. Trumpet. London: Picador, 1998.
King, Thomas. Medicine River. 1989. Toronto: Penguin, 1991.
King, Thomas. Green Grass, Running Water. Toronto: HarperCollins, 1993.
King, Thomas. One Good Story, That One. Toronto: HarperCollins, 1993.
King, Thomas. Truth and Bright Water. Toronto: HarperFlamingoCanada, 1999.
Laurence, Margaret. The Diviners. Margaret Atwood, ed. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1974.
Laurence, Margaret. The Fire-Dwellers. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993.
Laurence, Margaret. A Jest of God. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993.
Laurence, Margaret. The Stone Angel. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993.
Malouf, David. Remembering Babylon. London: Vintage, 1993.
Malouf, David. The Conversations at Curlow Creek. London: Chatto & Windus, 1996.
Melville, Pauline. The Migration of Ghosts. London: Bloomsbury, 1998.
Mukherji, S. Indian Ghost Stories. Allahabad: A.H. Wheeler & Co, 1917.
Okri, Ben. Infinite Riches. London: Phoenix, 1998.
Okri, Ben. Songs of Enchantment. 1993. London: Vintage, 1994.
Okri, Ben. The Famished Road. 1991. London: Vintage, 2003.
Roy, Arundhati. The God of Small Things. London: Flamingo, 1997.
Rushdie, Salman. Midnight’s Children. London: Vintage, 1981
Rushdie, Salman. Shame. London: Vintage, 1983.
Rushdie, Salman. The Satanic Verses. London: Vintage, 1988.
Rushdie, Salman. Haroun and the Sea of Stories. London: Granta book, 1990.
Rushdie, Salman. East West. London: Vintage, 1994.
Tutuola, Amos. The Palm-wine Drinkard. London: Faber and Faber Paperbacks, 1961.
Urquhart, Jane. Away. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1995.
Walcott, Derek. Dream on Monkey Mountain and Other Plays. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1970.
Walcott, Derek. Collected Poems 1948-1984. Toronto: Harper & Collins, 1986.
Walcott, Derek. Three Plays: The Last Carnival, Beef, No Chicken, A Branch of the Blue Nile. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1986.
Atwood, Margaret. Negotiating with the Dead. A Writer on Writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Brand, Dionne. Bread Out of Stone. Toronto: Vintage Canada, 1998.
Coetzee, J.M. Doubling the Point. Essays and Interviews. David, Attwell ed. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard U. P, 1992
King, Thomas. The Truth About Stories: A Native Narrative. Toronto: Anansi, 2003. Rpt. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2005.
Walcott, Derek. What the Twilight Says. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1998.
Secondary works
Alexander J., McGregor J., Ranger T. O. Violence and Memory: One Hundred Years in the ‘Dark Forests’ of Matabeleland. London: Heinemann, 2000.
Amstutz, Mark A. The Healing of Nations: The Promise and Limits of Political Forgiveness. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2005.
Anderson, Benedict. Imagined Communities. Reflections on the Origins and Spread of Nationalism. London and New York: Verso, 1991.
Arendt, Hannah. The Human Condition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1958.
Arendt, Hannah. ‘Organized Guilt and Universal Responsibility.’ In Essays in Understanding, 1930-1954. Jerome Kohn, ed. New York: Schocken Books, 1994.
Atwood, Margaret. Second Words: Selected Critical Prose. Toronto: Anansi, 1982.
Atwood, Margaret. Strange Things: The Malevolent North in Canadian Literature. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.
Barkan, Elazar. The Guilt of Nations: Restitution and Negotiating Historical Injustices. New York: W.W. Norton, 2000.
Benítez-Rojo, Antonio. The Repeating Island: The Caribbean and the Postmodern Perspective. Trans. James E. Maraniss. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1992.
Bhabha, Homi K. The Location of Culture. London & New York: Routledge, 1994.
Bergland, R.L. The National Uncanny: Indian Ghosts and American Subjects. Hanover: UP of New England, 2000.
Boehmer, Elleke. Colonial and Postcolonial Literature: Migrant Metaphors. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.
Brodzki, Bella, Can These Bones Live? Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2007.
Brooks, Roy, ed. When Sorry Isn’t Enough: The Controversy Over Apologies and Reparations for Human Injustice. New York: New York University Press, 1999.
Bull, Timothy. Haunted And Mysterious Australia. Sydney: New Holland, 2006.
Buse, P. and A. Scott, eds. Ghosts: Deconstruction, Psychoanalysis, History. London: Macmillan, 1999.
Cariou, Warren. ‘Haunted Prairie: Aboriginal “Ghosts” and the Spectres of Settlement’, University of Toronto Quarterly, 75.2 (Spring 2006): 727-34.
Caruth, Cathy. Unclaimed Experience: Trauma, Narrative and History. Baltimore & London: John Hopkins U.P., 1996.
Chesterman, John and Brian Galligan. Citizens Without Rights: Aborigines and Australian Citizenship. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Cheah, Pheng. Spectral Nationality: Passages of Freedom from Kant to Postcolonial Literatures of Liberation. Columbia University Press, 2004.
Collingwood-Whittick, Sheila. ‘Excavating Historical Guilt and Moral Failure in Remembering Babylon: an Exploration of the Faultlines in White Australian Identity’, Commonwealth Essays and Studies: Development and Transformation in the New Literatures in English. 19. 2 (Spring 1997): 77-99.
Collingwood-Whittick, Sheila. The Pain of Unbelonging: Alienation and Identity in Australasian Literature. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi, 2007.
Croisy, Sophie. Other Cultures of Trauma—Meta-metropolitan Narratives and Identities. Berlin: VDM Verlag Dr Müller, 2007.
Davidson, Arnold, Priscilla L. Walton and Jennifer Andrews, eds. Border Crossings: Thomas King’s Cultural Inversions. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003.
Dawson, John. Healing America’s Wounds. Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 1994.
Depierre, Marie-Ange. Paroles fantomatiques et cryptes textuelles. Seyssel: Champ Vallon, coll. ‘L’or d’Atalante’, 1993.
Derrida, Jacques. Spectres de Marx: l’état de la dette, le travail du deuil et la nouvelle internationale. Paris: Galilée, 1993.
Didi-Huberman, Georges. L’image survivante. Histoire de l’art et temps des fantômes selon Aby Warburg. Paris: Éditions de Minuit, 2002.
Durrant, Sam. Postcolonial Narrative and the Work of Mourning. J. M. Coetzee, Wilson Harris, and Toni Morrison. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2004.
Edwards, Justin D. Gothic Canada: Reading the Spectre of a National Literature, Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2005.
Fanon, Frantz. Black Skin, White Masks. Trans. by Charles Lam Markmann. Foreword by Homi Bhabha. London: Pluto Press, 1986.
Felman, Shoshana. Testimony: Crises of Witnessing in Literature, Psychoanalysis and History. New York: Routledge, 1992.
Finucane, R.C. Appearances of the Dead: A Cultural History of Ghosts. London: Junction Books, 1982.
Fleischer, Alain. L’accent. Une langue fantôme. Paris: Seuil, 2005.
Freud, Sigmund. ‘The Uncanny’, in Collected Papers: Papers on Metapsychology, Papers on Applied Psycho-Analysis. Vol. 4. Trans. Joan Rivière. 1919. London: Hogarth, rpt. 1956: 368-407.
Gikandi, Simon. Writing in Limbo. New York: Cornell University Press, 1992.
Gikandi, Simon. Maps of Englishness: Writing Identity in the Culture of Colonialism. New York: Columbia University Press, 1996.
Gelder, K. & J.M. Jacobs. Uncanny Australia: Sacredness & Identity in a Postcolonial Nation. Melbourne: MUP, 1998.
Goldie, Terry. Fear and Temptation: The Image of the Indigene in Canadian, Australian and New Zealand Literatures. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s UP, 1989.
Gray R., The Two Nations: Aspects of the Development of Race Relations in the Rhodesias and Nyasaland. London: Oxford University Press, 1960.
Hall, C. Michael, and Hazel Tucker, eds. Tourism and Postcolonialism: Contested Discourses, Identities and Representations. London and New York: Routledge, 2004.
Harris, Wilson. Selected Essays of Wilson Harris: The Unfinished Genesis of the Imagination, Introduction by A. J. M. Bundy, London: Routledge, 1999.
Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère, Martine. Origin and Originality in Rushdie’s Fiction. Bern, Berlin, etc.: Peter Lang, 1999.
Hirsch, Marianne. ‘Surviving Images: Holocaust Photographs and the Work of Postmemory’. Yale Journal of Criticism, 14: 1 (2001), p. 5-37.
Hodge, Bob and Vijay Mishra. Dark Side of the Dream: Australian literature and the Postcolonial Mind. Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 1991.
Huggan, Graham. The Postcolonial Exotic: Marketing the Margins. London: Routledge, 2001.
Huggan, Graham & Patrick Holland. Tourists with Typewriters: Critical Reflections on Contemporary Travel Writing. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1998.
Joseph-Vilain, Mélanie. Filiation et écriture dans cinq romans d’André Brink. Diss. Université Aix-Marseille I—Université de Provence, November 29, 2003.
Kiernan, Ben. Blood and Soil: A World History of Genocide and Extermination from Sparta to Darfur. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007.
Lacapra, Dominick, Writing History, Writing Trauma. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 2001.
Linguanti, Elsa, Francesco Casotti and Carmen Concilio, eds. Coterminous Worlds. Magical Realism and Contemporary Post-Colonial Literature in English. Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi, Cross/Cultures 39, 1999.
Loomba, Ania. Shakespeare, Race, and Colonialism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.
Meredith, Martin. Mugabe: Power and Plunder in Zimbabwe. New York: Public Affairs, 2002.
Mbembe, Achille. On the Postcolony. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 2001.
Mieke, Bal, Acts of Memory: Cultural Recall in the Present. Hanover, NY: U Press of Virginia, 1999.
Misrahi-Barak, Judith. ‘Skeletons in Caribbean Closets: Family Secrets and Silences in Austin Clarke’s The Polished Hoe and Denise Harris’s Web of Secrets’, in Family Fictions: The Family in Contemporary Postcolonial Literatures in English. Conference Proceedings. Irene Visser and Heidi van den Heuvel-Disler, eds. Groningen: University of Groningen, 2004; 53-64.
Misrahi-Barak, Judith. ‘Tilling the Caribbean Narrative Soil with Austin Clarke’s The Polished Hoe’. In Cultures de la Confession, Formes de l’aveu dans le monde anglophone, Gilles Teulié and Sylvie Mathé, eds. Aix-en-Provence: Presses universitaires de Provence, coll. Mondes Anglophones, 2006; 127-142.
Misrahi-Barak, Judith. ‘Fred D’Aguiar and Denise Harris: Novels of Emancipation’, Moving Worlds, a Special Issue on Freedom and Culture Dedicated to the Bicentenary of the Abolition of Slavery, University of Leeds, 7-2 (2007): 77-88.
Palley C., The Constitutional History and Law of Southern Rhodesia, 1888- 1965. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1966.
Potts, John and Edward Scheer, eds. Technologies of Magic: A Cultural Study of Ghosts, Machines and the Uncanny. Sydney: Power Publications, 2006.
Rabaté, Jean-Michel. La Pénultième est morte. Spectrographies de la modernité. Seyssel: Champ Vallon, coll. ‘L’Or d’Atalante’, 1993.
Redonnet, Jean-Claude. Le Commonwealth: politiques, coopération et développement anglophones. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1998.
Regard, Frédéric. ‘Jean Rhys ou la revenance: Wide Sargasso Sea (1966)’. In L’Écriture féminine—Perspectives postféministes, Frédéric Regard, ed. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2002. & RH=
Renk Kathleen J. Caribbean Shadows and Victorian Ghosts: Women’s Writing and Decolonization. USA: University Press of Virginia, 1999.
Richards, David. Masks of Difference: Cultural Representations in Literature, Anthropology and Art. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994.
Ricœur, Paul. Sur la traduction. Paris: Bayard, 2004.
Rosenberg, Tina. The Haunted Land: Facing Europe’s Ghosts After Communism. New York: Random House, 1995.
Rushdie, Salman. Imaginary Homelands. London: Granta Books, 1991.
Rushdie, Salman. Step Across this Line: Collected Non-Fiction 1992-2002. London: Jonathan Cape, 2002.
Schneiderman, Stuart. Saving Face: America and the Politics of Shame. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1995.
Sharpe, Jenny. Ghosts of Slavery. A Literary Archaeology of Black Women’s Lives. Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press, 2003.
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. ‘Ghostwriting’. Diacritics 25.2 (1995): 65-84.
Suleri, Sara. The Rhetoric of English India. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1990.
Tiffin, Chris and Alan Lawson, eds. De-Scribing Empire: Post-colonialism and Textuality. London, New York: Routledge, 1994.
Turcotte, Gerry and Cynthia Sugars, eds. Canadian Literature and the Postcolonial Gothic: Australasian Canadian Studies 24.2 (Sydney: The University of Sydney, 2006).
Turcotte, Gerry and G. Ratcliffe. Compr(om)ising Postcolonialisms: Challenging Narratives & Practices. Sydney: Dangaroo, 2001.
Turcotte, Gerry. ‘Re-Marking on History, or, Playing Basketball with Godzilla: Thomas King’s Monstrous Post-colonial Gesture’, in Connections: Non-Native Responses to Native Canadian Literature, H. Lutz, and C. Vevaina, eds. New Delhi: Creative Books, 2003: 205-35. (
Venuti, Lawrence. The Scandals of Translation: Towards an Ethics of Difference. New York: Routledge, 1998.
Vikroy, Laurie. Trauma and Survival in Contemporary Fiction. Charlottesville: U of Virginia Press, 2002.
Walker, Clinton. Buried Country: The Story of Aboriginal Country Music. Sydney: PlutoPress, 2000.
Walker E.A. ed. The Cambridge History of the British Empire: South Africa, Rhodesia and the High Commission Territories, vol. 8. Cambridge University Press, 1963.
Webb, Barbara J. Myth and History in Caribbean Fiction: Alejo Carpentier, Wilson Harris, and Edouard Glissant. Amherst, MS: University of Massachusetts Press, 1992.
Weiss, Timothy. Translating Orients: Between Ideology and Utopia. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004.
Weschler, Lawrence. A Miracle, A Universe: Settling Accounts With Torturers. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990.
Zabus, Chantal. The African Palimpsest. Indigenization of Language in the West African Europhone Novel. London: Rodopi, 2004.
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