p. 11
Texte intégral
a ghost is always in a state of flux
a traveller bridging landscapes
neither here nor there
both here and now
now and then
a migrant figure
slipping constantly between
always from and never of
always theirs but never ours
always new and never old
yet always both at once
University of Notre Dame, Sydney (Australia). Keynote speaker.
Gerry Turcotte is Professor of English and Executive Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences at the University of Notre Dame, Australia.
He is the author and editor of numerous publications including Jack Davis: The Maker of History (Harper Collins), Writers in Action (Currency), Masks, Tapestries, Journeys (CRITACS), Canada Australia: Towards a Second Century of Partnership with Kate Burridge and Lois Foster (Carleton University Press), Compr(om)ising Post/colonialisms: Challenging Narratives & Practices, with Greg Ratcliffe (Dangaroo) and Canadian Literature & the Postcolonial Gothic with Cynthia Sugars (forthcoming, Wilfrid Laurier Press).
His creative writing includes three collections of poetry: Neighbourhood of Memory (Dangaroo), Winterlude (Brandl & Schlesinger) and Hauntings: the ‘Varuna’ Poems (Five Islands Press). His novel, Flying in Silence, was published in Canada and in Australia and was shortlisted for The Age Book of the Year in 2001. His most recent creative work is Border Crossings: Words & Images (Brandl & Schlesinger).
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