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p. 249-264
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The following bibliography reflects some of the main themes treated in the various papers of this volume, and should not be considered as a complete bibliography on studies of human sacrifice. The ars citandi was slightly modified for reasons of coherence. For references to classical civilisations, the abbreviations are those of the Année Philologique (Paris, 1922-).
Two recent volumes provide an excellent up-to-date bibliography :
Bremmer J.N. (ed.), The Strange World of Human Sacrifice, Leuven, 2007, p. 31-54 (Studies in the History and Anthropology of Religion, 1).
Nagy A. & PrescendI F. (ed.), Sacrifices humains : dossiers, discours, comparaisons. Actes du colloque tenu à l’Université de Genève, 19-21 mai 2011, Turnhout, 2013 (Bibliothèque de l’École des Hautes Études. Sciences religieuses, 160).
ALbert J.-P. & MIdant-REynes B. (ed.), Le Sacrifice humain en Égypte ancienne et ailleurs, Paris, 2005 (Études d’archéologie, 6).
Arens W., The Man-Eating Myth. Anthropology and Anthropophagy, Oxford, 1979.
Bakker H., “Human Sacrifice (puruṣamedha), Construction Sacrifice and the Origin of the Idea of the ‘Man of the Housestead’ (vāstupuruṣa),” in J.N. Bremmer (ed.), The Strange World of Human Sacrifice, Leuven, 2007, p. 179-194.
Biardeau M. & Malamoud C., Le Sacrifice dans l’Inde ancienne, Paris, 1976.
10.1017/CBO9780511621581 :Bloch M., Prey into Hunter, Cambridge 1992.
Boal B., The Konds. Human Sacrifice and Religious Change, New Dehli, 19972.
Borsje J., “Human Sacrifice in Medieval Irish Literature,” in J.N. Bremmer (ed.), The Strange World of Human Sacrifice, Leuven, 2007, p. 31-54.
Brantlinger P., “Missionaries and Cannibals in Nineteen-Century Fidji,” History and Anthropology 17 (2006), p. 21-38.
10.1484/behe-eb :Bronkhorst J., “Des sacrifices humains dans l’Inde ancienne,” in A. NAGY & F. PRescendi (ed.), Sacrifices humains, Turnhout, 2013, p. 99-105.
Burkert W., Creation of the Sacred. Tracks of Biology in Early Religions, Cambridge (MA)-London, 1996.
Dahl M.K., Political Violence in Drama. Classical Models, Contemporary Variations, Ann Arbor, 1987.
De Bock E.K., Human Sacrifice for Cosmic Order and Regeneration. Structure and Meaning in Moche Iconography, Oxford, 2005 (BAR International Series, 1429).
10.1002/(SICI)1096-8644(199910)110:2<215::AID-AJPA7>3.0.CO;2-D :Degusta D., “Fijian Cannibalism : Osteological Evidence from Navatu,” American Journal of Physical Anthropology 110 (1999), p. 215-241.
10.1002/(SICI)1099-1212(200001/02)10:1<76::AID-OA506>3.0.CO;2-# :Degusta, D., “Fijian Cannibalism and Mortuary Ritual : Bioarchaeological Evidence from Vunda,” International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 10 (2000), p. 76-92.
De Heusch L., Sacrifice in Africa (trad. L. O’Brien & A. Morton), Bloomington, 1985 [Français 1986].
D’Onofrio S. & TAylor A.-C. (ed.), La Guerre en tête, Paris, 2006 (Cahiers d’anthropologie sociale, 2).
Dronkert K., Het mensenoffer in de Oud-Testamentische wereld, Baarn, 1955 [Le sacrifice humain dans le monde de l’Ancien Testament].
Evans-Pritchard E.E., Nuer Religion, Oxford, 1956.
10.1163/9789047409403 :Finsterbusch K., Lange A. & Römheld D. (ed.), Human Sacrifice in Jewish and Christian Tradition, Leiden, 2006 (Numen, suppl. 127).
Gibson T., Sacrifice and Sharing in the Philippine Highlands, London, 1986.
Gohain B., Human Sacrifice and Head-Hunting in North-Eastern India, Gauhati, 1977.
10.1515/9783110233827.41 :Grotanelli C., “Ideologie del sacrificio umano : Roma e Cartagine,” ARG, 1 (1999), p. 41-59.
Harimoto K., “Human Sacrifice in Japan,” in J.N. Bremmer (ed.), The Strange World of Human Sacrifice, Leuven, 2007, p. 229-236.
10.3917/soc.107.0063 :Hubert H. & Mauss M., “Essai sur la nature et la fonction du sacrifice,” L’Année sociologique, 2 (1897-1898), p. 29-138.
10.1002/oa.2269 :Jones S. & Walsh-Haney H., “Kana Tamata or Feasts of Men : An Interdisciplinary Approach for Identifying Cannibalism in Prehistoric Fiji,” International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 2012 (online at doi : 10.1002/oa.2269).
10.1484/behe-eb :Kaenel G., “Gaulois et sacrifices humains : des textes antiques aux observations archéologiques,” in A. Nagy & F. Prescendi (ed.), Sacrifices humains, Turnhout, 2013, p. 109-116.
10.1484/behe-eb :Kolakowski M., “Humana, seu potius inhumana sacrificia. Le sacrifice humain à la croisée des discours dans l’œuvre du polyhistor Johann Wilhelm Stucki (1542-1607),” in A. Nagy & F. Prescendi (ed.), Sacrifices humains, Turnhout, 2013, p. 91-98.
Lienhardt G., Divinity and Experience. The Religion of the Dinka, Oxford, 1961.
10.1484/behe-eb :Lincoln B., “King Aun and the Witches,” in A. NAGY & F. Prescendi (ed.), Sacrifices humains, Turnhout, 2013, p. 177-194.
10.3917/dec.malam.1989.01 :Malamoud C., Cuire le monde. Rite et pensée dans l’Inde ancienne, Paris, 1989.
— , “Modèle et réplique. Remarques sur le sacrifice humain dans le paradigme de l’Inde védique,” ARG 1 (1999), p. 27-40.
Marco-Simón F., “Sacrificios humanos en la Céltica antigua : entre el estereotipo literario y la evidencia interna,” ARG, 1 (1999), p. 1-15.
10.1484/behe-eb :MEylan N., “Sacrifice humain et Islande républicaine, le cas d’Óláfr Tryggvason,” in A. Nagy & F. Prescendi (ed.), Sacrifices humains, Turnhout, 2013, p. 195-206.
Mclaughlin S., “Cannibalism and Easter Island : Evaluation, Discussion of Probabilities, and Survey of the Literature on the Subject,” Rapa Nui Journal 19 (1) (2005), p. 30-50.
10.1484/behe-eb :Mimouni S., “La tradition du dernier repas de Jésus au ier siècle : de la réalité historique à la réalité liturgique,” in A. Nagy & F. Prescendi (ed.), Sacrifices humains, Turnhout, 2013, p. 149-164.
10.1484/behe-eb :NAGY A., “L’ordalie ‘primitive’ entre sacrifice humain et peine de mort : sur les traces d’un mythe savant,” in A. Nagy & F. Prescendi (ed.), Sacrifices humains, Turnhout, 2013, p. 65-87.
Noort E., “Child Sacrifice in Ancient Israel : The Status Quaestionis,” in J.N. Bremmer (ed.), The Strange World of Human Sacrifice, Leuven, 2007, p. 103-134.
10.2307/j.ctv1c7zftw :Nussbaum M., Frontiers of Justice : Disability, Nationality, Species Membership, Cambridge-London, 2006.
10.1515/9781400843848 :Obeyesekere G., The Apotheosis of Captain Cook : European Mythmaking in the Pacific, Princeton, 1992.
— , Cannibal Talk. The Man-Eating Myth and Human Sacrifice in the South Seas, Berkeley 2005.
Padel F., The Sacrifice of Human Being : British Rule and the Konds of Orissa, Dehli, 1995.
Parpola A., “Human Sacrifice in India in Vedic Times and before,” in J.N. Bremmer (ed.), The Strange World of Human Sacrifice, Leuven, 2007, p. 157-177.
10.1484/behe-eb :Prescendi F., “Du sacrifice du roi des Saturnales à l’exécution de Jésus,” in A. Nagy & F. Prescendi (ed.), Sacrifices humains, Turnhout, 2013, p. 231-247.
10.1484/behe-eb :Rendu Loisel A.-C., “Le cimetière royal d’Ur : état de la question,” in A. Nagy & F. Prescendi (ed.), Sacrifices humains, Turnhout, 2013, p. 133-145.
10.1484/behe-eb :Ribichini S., “Histoires de Moloch, le roi effroyable,” in A. Nagy & F. Prescendi (ed.), Sacrifices humains, Turnhout, 2013, p. 209-230.
Roig Lanzillotta L., “The Early Christians and Human Sacrifice,” in J.N. Bremmer (ed.), The Strange World of Human Sacrifice, Leuven, 2007, p. 81-102.
10.1515/9783110233827.17 :Römer T., “Le sacrifice humain en Juda et Israël au premier millénaire avant notre ère,” ARG 1 (1999), p. 17-26.
Schoch A., Rituelle Menschentötungen in Polynesien, Ulm, 1954.
10.1484/behe-eb :Schwab A., “La pratique du crime d’honneur : entre mythe et réalité,” in A. Nagy & F. Prescendi (ed.), Sacrifices humains, Turnhout, 2013, p.
10.1093/jaarel/68.1.3 :Smith B.K., “Capital Punishment and Human Sacrifice,” Journal of the American Academy of Religion 68 (1) (2000), p. 3-25.
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Stodder A.L.W., “The Bioarchaeology and Taphonomy of Mortuary Ritual on the Sepik Coast, Papua New Guinea,” in G.F.M. Rakita, J.E. Buikstra, L.A. Beck & S.R. Williams (ed.), Interacting with the Dead : Perspectives on Mortuary Archaeology for the New Millennium, Gainesville, 2005, p. 228-250.
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Van den Bosch L., “Human Sacrifice among the Konds,” in J.N. Bremmer (ed.), The Strange World of Human Sacrifice, Leuven, 2007, p. 195-227.
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Controverses et propositions
Claude Calame et Bruce Lincoln (dir.)
Sacrifices humains
Perspectives croisées et représentations
Pierre Bonnechere et Renaud Gagné (dir.)
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Mythes et histoire à l’origine des interdits alimentaires
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Sacré, Temps, Héros, Magie
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Dévotion et légitimation
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Démons iraniens
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