Index of ancient authors
p. 367-370
Texte intégral
Aelian HA 12.34: 129182; 15.25: 9620; VH 3.18: 1468; 3.42: 7498
Aischylos Choe. 1048-9: 1358; Prom. Vinc. 453: 20232; Fr. 65b-c Mette: 21171, 27338, 27448; Fr. 38a Krumeich, Pechstein and Seidensticker: 29628
Alkman Fr. 5 PMG: 33160
Ampelius Lib. Memor. 2.1: 14155
Antoninus Liberalis Met. 6: 122145; 7: 9621, 10770, 184139; 10: 7498, 128180, 182134; 12: 1934; 20: 9621, 10769; 21: 2037; 23: 222110; 28: 226115; 41: 33671
Apollodoros Bibl. 1.1.6: 1531; 1.3.4: 85146; 1.4.2: 20437; 1.6.3: 226115; 1.7.2: 20228; 1.9.21: 75103; 1.9.26: 32540; 1.19: 5928; 2.5.1: 15824; 2.5.1-12: 3579; 2.5.4: 9412, 1454, 15716, 15719, 21688; 2.5.8: 9620; 2.5.10: 9620; 2.5.11: 15719; 2.5.12: 1533; 2.7.5: 88156, 88157; 3.1.1: 87152; 3.1.3-4: 32647; 3.4.3: 16454, 3149; 3.5.8: 29323; 3.7.5: 85145; 3.8.1: 10250, 20859, 21276; 3.8.1-2: 21274; 3.8.2: 27340; 3.8.2-9.1: 21276; 3.9.2: 188156; 3.12.6: 228124; 3.13.3: 9728, 188155, 21997; 3.13.5: 16141, 21998, 21999; 3.14: 187151; 3.14.1: 121137; 3.14.3: 13610; 3.14.6: 9725, 123147, 126167; 3.15.1: 33671; 3.15.9: 32541; Ep. 1.12-13: 33261; 7.14: 3036; 7.18: 7184
Apollodoros FGrHist 244 F 134a: 222110
Apollonios Rhodios Arg. 1.503: 6668; 2.456-89: 21792; 2.1232-42: 9623, 27134; 4.893-6: 69,75 7182; 4.896-7: 7390; 4.1639-93: 32542
Aristophanes Ekkl. 1069: 30619; 126: 6452; Peace 767: 20538; 771: 20538; Plout. 286-7: 230126; 730 ff.: 125156; Wasps 438: 126161; Fr. 230: 118127
Aristotle De An. 406b9: 32544; De Gen. An. 784a31-785a6: 20538; 717a: 1726; 769b: 44106; De Part. An. 642-3: 1725; 645a: 1726; 687a-b: 1827; HA 8c15: 123149
ps.-Aristotle Mir. 103: 6871
Arnobius 6.12: 14260
Arrian Disc. Epic. 1.6.18-20: 1831
Athenaios Deipn. 3.78c: 2882; 4.134d-137c: 6348; 7.296f: 77112; 11.476: 130188, 20025; 13.555d: 3423; 15.672a-673d: 17496, 186145
Bacchylides 1.1-9: 33365; 26: 32647
Cicero De Nat. Deor. 2.64: 1831; Leg. 2.63: 127173
Clement of Alexandria Pr. 2.28.3: 13931, 24338
Diodoros 1.28: 137, 123146, 231130; 1.62: 228125; 1.86.3: 226117; 1.87.2: 45113; 1.90.2: 45111; 2.55: 176; 3.30: 75103, 23816; 3.57.66: 27552; 3.59: 20437; 3.59.8: 230127; 3.68-74: 14152; 3.73.1-2: 14045; 4.11.3-4: 15825; 4.12.8: 15720; 4.15: 9519; 4.64.4: 29323; 4.69-70: 9624, 33059; 4.76.2-3: 323; 4.77.1-4: 1936, 32647; 5.55: 20336; 5.55.2: 33263; 5.55.3: 33366; 14.31.3: 1533; 17.41.7-8: 17393
Dionysius Byzantinus De Nav. 49: 578
Ephoros FGrHist 70 F 20: 80128
Epimenides Fr. 16 DK: 119131, 21171, 27337; Fr. 16.7-8 DK: 27550; Fr. 16.8-9 DK: 27551; Fr. 16.9 DK: 275; Fr. 16.13 DK: 27551; Fr. 16.14 DK: 275; Fr. 16.15-16 DK: 27551
ps.-Eratosthenes Katast. 1: 27340; 40: 15721
Euripides Andr. 16-20: 5821, 16034; 18-19: 16249; 19-20: 16142; 1229: 219101; 1265-6: 16557; Bacch. 21: 3023; 100: 132200; 115: 3024; 519-20: 85145; 918-22: 3271; 920-22: 130187; 921: 132200; 1018: 130; Cyc. 624: 3478; Hel. 168: 7183; 167: 6870; 168: 20643; 168-78: 7390, 89162; 375 ff.: 27339; HF 153: 3477; Hipp. 141-50: 182132; Ion 21 ff.: 187151; 265: 187151; 1158-65: 126161; 1161: 139; 1400: 122; Iph. Aul. 929: 188154; 1062-75: 5710; 1064: 1466; IT 1193: 179119; Suppl. 201-2: 21067; Fr. 1093 Nauck: 6344
Eusebius Peri tês ek Logiôn Philosophiês 5.5-6: 182131; Praep. Ev. 18.13: 21482
Eustathius Il. 463.33-4: 15718; 771: 20336
Harpokration s.v. ‘pharmakos’: 175101
Herakleides Kretikos 1.24: 77113; 2.8: 927; 2.12: 9415
Herakleitos Fr. 5 DK: 32231
Herodotos 1.46: 14043; 1.60.4: 313; 1.78.3: 123149; 2.42: 45110, 14045, 14257, 29012; 2.112.1: 227119; 2.112-9: 567; 2.145: 21279, 27442; 4.81: 14045; 5.94: 6132; 6.61.3-5: 31716; 6.105: 7079, 112102; 7.189.1-3: 1341; 7.191: 16033; 7.191.2: 5824; 8.26.1: 24544; 8.26.2: 24646
Hesiod Theog. 73: 20647; 139-56: 3580; 139-46: 3790; 147-9: 20646; 176-87: 20649; 270-83: 2613; 280-81: 3684; 270: 3147; 270-336: 35, 7185; 295-305: 6665; 300: 3687; 303: 3688; 304: 3687; 313-18: 3683; 319-25: 3684; 326-32: 3683; 337-40: 85142; 340: 20643; 453-8: 20645; 453-67: 20649; 477-80: 20231; 501-5: 189158; 521-616: 10250; 570-89: 32952; 570-616: 3436; 582: 3438; 617-23: 189157; 617-63: 3685; 664-735: 20634; 729-35: 189157, 20647; 820-35: 3681; 836-68: 3683; 851: 20647; 868: 189157; 901: 3147; 915: 3147; 921: 3147; W&D 57-105: 3436; 67: 3437; 70-79: 32850; Fr. 145 MW: 32647; Fr. 23a.17-24 MW: 227120; Fr. 163 MW: 10251
Hesychius s.v. ‘pharmakos’: 175100
Hipponax Frr. 5-10 West (= Tzetzes, Chil. 5.745-8): 175102
Homer Il. 1.316: 16247; 1.359: 6454; 1.595-600: 32439; 3.180: 32954; 4.219: 188154; 6.135: 5929; 6.344: 32954; 6.356: 32954; 11.36-7: 2612; 11.831: 21996; 12.209: 3476; 14.153-86: 33569; 14.170-74: 33569; 14.176: 33569; 14.183: 33569; 14.185: 33569; 18.37-67: 6560; 18.369: 5928; 18.394-405: 6139; 18.395-9: 179122; 18.395-405: 32439; 18.433-4: 16249; 19.374-80: 6132; 19.390-91: 219100; 21.195: 85144; 21.211-71: 21690; 24.94: 6454; Od. 2.370: 16247; 4.219-32: 32953; 4.349 ff.: 566; 4.360: 77111; 4.363: 77111; 4.364: 77111; 4.382-480: 16559; 4.382-570: 5815; 4.385-6: 5710, 1467; 4.365: 20541; 4.384: 20541; 4.395: 20541; 4.397: 16667; 4.410: 20541; 4.411-12: 16662; 4.443: 16768; 4.451: 16662; 7.91-4: 32438; 5.118 ff.: 13610; 9.116-35: 1453; 9.215 ff.: 10459; 9.216-43: 20233; 10.212-19: 3036, 30412; 10.240-41: 26520; 10.133-399: 2624; 13.103-12: 15826; 22.203-14: 3146; 22.239-40: 271
Homeric Hymns 3.311-18: 179121; 3.316-21: 32439; 3.319: 5928; 3.331-55: 9725; 3.401: 3476; 4.228-30: 20229; 5.59-64: 31718; 5.82-3: 3145; 5.218-36: 13611; 5.218-38: 13610; 7.3: 3133; 7.6-53: 3270, 26623; 19.2: 118127; 19.6-7: 224113; 19.14-18: 224111; 19.37: 118127; 19.35-9: 21278; 19.35-47: 117; 19.36-9: 27445; 19.38-9: 117125, 126168; 19.40-47: 28365; 19.45-7: 117126
Hyginus Astr. 2.1: 27340; 2.2: 27340; 2.20: 14155; 2.28: 120134, 120136; 2.38: 15721, 191163; Fab. 2: 16454; 40: 32647; 48: 122145; 62: 9624, 33059; 133: 14155; 138: 9623, 27134, 27445; 141: 6975, 7182, 7391, 178116; 166: 126166; 176: 10250, 20859; 177: 27340; 182: 88156; 191.1: 230127; 206: 120134; 224: 27442; 250: 9519
Kallimachos Hym. 3.12, 40: 6560; Iamb. 7: 31820
ps.-Kallisthenes Alex. Rom. 1.32.2: 579
Julian Ep. 187: 5711
Juvenal Sat. 6.532-4: 46119
Ktesias Ind. 20-23: 225
Lactantius Narr. Fab. Or. 5.5: 14258; Plac. Comm. Stat. Theb. 10.793: 17599
Libanius Or. 59.30: 1310
Livy Hist. 45.28: 32126
Longus Past. 3.23: 182133
Lucan 6.386-7: 9726
Lucian Alex. 14-15: 125158; Bacch. 2: 14154; Conc. Deor. 4-5: 48125; 10-11: 47122; De Sacr. 14: 120134, 226115, 226116; De Salt. 50: 6975; Dial. Deor. 2: 27442; 22.1: 119128, 21280
Lucretius De Rer. Nat. 4.580-94: 224111
Lykophron Al. 480-81: 10251; 712: 7391; 713: 7184; 717-21: 179123; 717-36: 6972; 719: 7076; 730: 7076; 1191: 6668; 1237: 128175
Macrobius Sat. 1.17.45: 13932; 1.21.19: 14260; 5.18.4-11: 86147; 5.18.6: 80128; 5.18.10: 85143
Matro Att. Deipn. (= Athen. Deipn. 4.134d-137c): 6449
Menodotos FrGrHist 541 F 1 (= Athen. Deipn. 15.672a-673d): 17496, 186145
Nikandros Het. fr. 62: 177111; Ther. 500-505: 77114, 9416
Nonnos Dion. 2.563: 6668; 5.562 ff.: 131196, 27757; 3.232: 14260; 6.155 ff.: 131196, 27757; 6.165: 132200; 6.179-205: 129181; 9.14: 132200; 16.127: 6560; 27.290: 118127, 27552; 35.61: 20542
Oppian Hal. 315: 120134
Orphic Hymns 10.1-5: 118127; 25.4: 5713; 30: 27757; 30.6: 131196; 45.1: 132199
Ovid Fast. 5.379-414: 191163; 5.397-414: 15720; Met. 1.198-239: 10251; 1.199-243: 10250; 1.259-312: 21274; 2.254: 187151; 2.409 ff.: 27340; 2.558-61: 126167; 4.551-62: 178115; 4.670-71: 14260; 5.595-642: 21690; 5.319-31: 14258, 226115; 5.552: 7183; 5.552-62: 7390, 75101; 7.350-93: 27134; 7.365: 20336; 8.738-87: 21792; 9.87-8: 88156; 11.174-93: 230126; 11.180-81: 230128; 11.249: 563; 11.359: 5822; 13.486-8: 1359; 13.600 ff.: 7499; 13.904-67: 16350; 13.920-48: 76108; 13.936-8: 16452; 13.942-8: 16453; 13.959-62: 77115; 14.51-67: 178114; 15.620-744: 125158
Pausanias 1.2.6: 121137; 1.18.2: 126168, 187151; 1.21.1: 7286; 1.22.3: 17287; 1.22.4: 1345; 1.23.5: 20540; 1.24.1: 20437; 1.26.6: 32228; 1.28.2: 4098; 1.28.6: 1357; 1.34.3-5: 81131; 1.41.2: 81130; 1.44.7-8: 16455, 16456; 1.44.8: 16455; 2.1.2: 16456; 2.3.4: 16456; 2.7: 31719; 2.10.3: 125158; 2.11.4: 1357; 2.11.8: 1342; 2.31.9: 87151; 3.13.5: 13934; 3.14.4: 5818, 6138; 3.15.7: 1345, 17392; 3.15.11: 186144; 3.16.7: 186148; 3.16.11: 186146, 187149; 3.17.4: 1343; 3.18.3: 14039, 14041; 3.18.9: 24336; 3.21.8: 13938; 3.21.9: 578; 3.22.2: 5820, 6137; 3.24.4: 1531; 3.26.7: 5819; 4.24.1: 24753; 5.11.10: 17287; 5.13.4-6: 43104; 5.17.9: 191163; 5.18.5: 6242; 5.19.9: 15822; 5.26.6: 1345; 5.27.1: 24543; 6.6.7-11: 178118, 29011; 6.6.11: 178118; 6.26.1: 128176; 8.1.3: 10251, 10457; 8.1.5: 10456; 8.2.1: 20961; 8.2.2-3: 3422; 8.2.3: 20859, 25062; 8.2.4-5: 20965; 8.3.2: 10250; 8.3.6: 27340; 8.4.1: 21173, 21276; 8.7.2: 87150; 8.8.12: 120135; 8.14.5 ff.: 27446; 8.15.3-4: 29010; 8.22.4: 75102; 8.22.7: 23814; 8.25.2-3: 9934; 8.25.7: 10247; 8.28.6: 10353; 8.29.5: 21586; 8.30.2: 11197; 8.30.2-3: 11086; 8.30.4: 4099; 8.32.1: 23712; 8.34.2: 10875; 8.34.3: 10771; 8.34.5: 13929, 24337; 8.36.7: 11085; 8.37.2: 30620; 8.37.3-4: 24021; 8.37.9: 102; 8.37.11: 111100, 21172, 23711, 27341; 8.38.5: 11191; 8.41.4-6: 6555, 17394; 8.41.5: 6140, 185143; 8.41.6: 6241, 6558, 2379, 23710; 8.41.7-9: 4099, 17391; 8.42.1: 27031; 8.42.1-3: 1544; 8.42.2: 1545; 8.42.3: 119133; 8.42.4: 9939, 107, 1546, 27033; 8.42.4-11: 185141; 8.42.5-6: 10563, 10564, 16869, 20960; 8.42.6: 184140, 21069; 8.42.7: 16870; 8.42.11: 10562, 21587; 8.42.13: 16971, 17075, 190161; 8.53.11: 11197; 9.20.4-21.1: 42102; 9.22: 182134; 9.22.7: 76107, 76110, 16351; 9.26.2: 29323; 9.31.3: 87151; 9.33.1: 121140; 9.38.5: 186147; 10.15.4: 17287; 10.19: 32228; 10.19.3: 2882; 10.24.6: 32127
Pherekydes FGrHist 3 F 1: 5821, 16035; 3 F 42: 88155
Philochoros FGrHist 328 F 93: 123146, 231130; 328 F 94: 127172
Philostratus Her. 53.10: 5817, 6030; Vit. Ap. Ty. 4.10: 177110, 189159; 7.24: 126166
Phlegon of Tralles Peri Thaum. 11-14: 43104; 35: 42101, 2551
Pindar Isth. 8.45: 16031; Nem. 3.52-8: 21999; 3.53: 188154; 3.74-5: 9623; 4.60-65: 21998; 4.62-3: 16139; Ol. 2: 20650; 6.7: 24543; 6.74: 24543; 6.101-5: 24543; Pyth. 1.16-17: 1534; 2: 33059; 2.42.8: 9624; 3.1-7: 15714; 3.5: 188154; 3.5-7: 21996; 3.44-6: 21996; 3.63: 188154; 3.83-95: 9623; 4.102-3: 9413, 21996; 4.103: 27235; 4.14-16: 13937; 4.181-4: 9623; 9.51-3: 13937; Fr. 96.2 Snell: 113108
Pittakos Fr. 10 5.10 DK: 6453
Plato Gorg. 505d: 29730; Kra. 403d: 7390, 89161; Leg. 625d: 219101; 677b-c: 20228; 782c: 10561; Meno 97d-e: 32646; Phd. 70d: 1722; 110e: 1722; Phaidr. 230b-c: 224112; 241e-242a: 224112; 279b: 224112; Plt. 291a-b: 1489; Tim. 69a: 29730; 77b: 1722
Pliny NH 36.18: 4098; 37.40: 74100
Plutarch; De Daid. Plat. 6 (= Euseb. Praep. Ev. 3.1.85c-86b): 32748; De Def. Or. 17: 21381; De Is. et Os. 35: 129183, 130189; 72: 14259, 226115; 73: 46117; 74: 47120; De Solert. An.: 1932; Gryllos 6: 1832; Lys. 12: 32127; Pel. 31-2: 5821, 16037; Quaest. Conv. 3.1: 9414; 6.8: 186147; 6.8.1: 175100; Quaest. Gr. 36: 128177, 132201; Sul. 27.2: 1931; Thes. 25.4: 16455; 36.1-2: 122142
Polyainos 6.27.2: 24754
Polybios 4.21.1: 21067; 18.20.6: 5821
Proklos; Chrest. 11: 13611
Photios, Bibliotheca 1.49b.1ff.: 6343
Quintus Smyrnaeus 6.469-91: 15827
Schol. Ap. Rhod. Arg. 1.582: 6344
Schol. Ar. Fr. 734: 175100; Hipp. 254: 175100; Plout. 773: 123146, 127171, 231130
Schol. Arat. 27: 27340
Schol. Eur. Andr. 1266: 6344; Rhes. 36: 21171, 27338
Schol. Hom. Il. 1.5-6: 33058; Od. 2.370: 16247; 4.456: 5712
Schol. Lyk. Al. 45: 178114; 175: 5927; 175-8: 6344; 480-81: 10251; 653: 7184; 671: 7184; 712: 7184; 1237: 128175
Schol. Lucan 3.402: 27443
Schol. Plat. Resp. 611d: 76109
Schol. Theok. Id. 1.121: 27443; 1.3-4: 222110; 1.5: 11198; 5.83: 13823; 7.109: 27442
Schol. Verg. Georg. 4.406: 5711
Servius Ad Verg. Aen. 2.44: 27444; 3.420: 178114; 3.57: 17599; 4.196: 14151, 14155; Ad Verg. Georg. 1.5.17: 112101; 1.12: 87150; 3.93: 9623, 27134
Silius 1.415: 14150, 29013
Simonides Fr. 202a Bergk: 32540
Sophokles Ai. 695: 120135; Ant. 1143: 132201; El. 703-6: 219101; OC 1659: 3477; Trach. 9-13: 27961; 9-14: 83; 508-19: 27961; 555-77: 188156; 556-8: 3478; 714-15: 15715; 1097: 3477; Fr. 777 Nauck: 7185, 20643; Frr. 205-13 Nauck: 1533; Fr. 874 Nauck: 132200; Frr. 163-4 Nauck: 32540
Suda s.v. ‘diphuês’: 137; s.v. ‘Kekrops’: 123146, 231130, 3424
Statius Ach. 1.106: 20542
Stephanus Byzantinus s.v. ‘Tragia’: 13932
Strabo 1.2.12: 6871, 6973, 7077; 5.4.8: 6973; 7 fr. 47: 9519; 7.7.6: 120135; 9.5.6: 5821, 16036; 10.2.1-7: 120135; 10.2.9: 178117; 10.2.19: 88153; 10.3.14: 20437; 13.1.32: 6132; 14.2.7: 20336, 33262; 14.2.7-8: 33367
Suetonius Peri Blasph. 4: 20336
Themistius Or. 23.284a: 139; 23.284b: 1311
Theokritos Id. 1.15-18: 16665; 1.15-20: 224112; 1.16-18: 20754; 1.71-5: 20856; 1.81-2: 20755; 4.62: 20755; 5.14: 120135; 7.106-10: 180124, 31613; 18.30: 219101; Inscr. 3: 20755
Theophrastos Peri Phyt. 9.11.1-7: 9517
Thucydides 2.15.1: 121137; 3.34.2: 24750; 5.54: 13823; 6.43.1: 24750; 7.19.4: 24750; 7.57.9: 24750; 7.58.3: 24750
Tzetzes Chil. 23.736-8: 190161
Vergil Aen. 6.255-8: 20024; 8.416-38: 189158; 8.698-700: 46115; Ecl. 6: 205; 6.13-86: 20755; Georg. 3.92-4: 27134; 4.387: 563; 4.387-529: 16560; 4.392-3: 16558; 4.401-3: 16663; 4.403: 20541; 4.419: 16561; 4.421: 16664; 4.425-8: 16663; 4.433-6: 16662; 4.452: 16666
Xenophanes Fr. 15 DK: 32231
Xenophon Anab. 1.1.2: 24750; 6.2.2: 1533; 6.2.10: 24750; Hell. 6.5.2-5: 24856; 7.1.23: 24542; Kyneg. 2.7: 138
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