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Index of inscriptions
p. 273-277
Texte intégral
BCH 50, 1926 (= Roussel 1926)
2828, 42125, 199315
BCH 73, 1949 (= Papadimitriou 1949)
369: 224
Bresson, Recueil des inscriptions de la Perée rhodienne, 1991 (= Bresson 1991)
no. 44: 3040
BSA 18, 1911–12 (= Woodward 1911–12)
No. 3, 144–146: 188237, 189249, 190254
Chiron 40, 2010 (= Müller 2010)
passim: 28
428, 440, 443 and 447: 227
440: 144, 2826, 2834, 190254
1, no. 1: 46150, 180184
2584 (= T319): 146198, 198305
Edelstein & Edelstein, Asclepius (1945)
T521: 210, 211
Epidaurian iamata, see IG IV2, 1.121–124 and LiDonnici
Epigrammata Graeca
785: 59214, 12272
FdD III: 1
560: 170132
FdD III: 4
no. 369: 46150
Furley & Bremer, Greek hymns vol. 1, 2001 (= Furley & Bremer 2001)
229: 49162
Girone, Iamata (1998) (= Girone 1998)
8218: 23
Graf, Nordionische Kulte (1985)
250–257: 210
Heinz, Thessalische Votivstelen (1998)
224: 144
Hesperia 5: 3, 1936 (= Meritt 1936)
45–46, no. 62: 57200
ICr 2041, 2043, 188245
1.17.8: 107494, 189247
1.17.8–20: 17
1.17.9: 128108, 139159, 188244–5: 23–11: 23 2041, 2043, 188245 173149, 188242, 190253
1.17.10: 59212
1.17.11a: 73311, 105478
1.17.11b: 86377, 190253
1.17.15: 59212 190253
1.17.16: 188244
1.17.17: 100444, 109504
1.17.18: 109504
1.17.19: 109504
1.17.24: 199309
1.17.42: 188244
6: 47153
78.4–10: 47153, 12166
386 III 144–146: 47154
47: 2359
333: 89395
772: 134
974: 134
1364.10–11: 98436
1532–37: 106483
1539: 106483
1672.182: 47153
1672.284: 47153
4394: 106488, 15654
4771: 197298
4960: 170126, 185215
4961: 170126, 185215
4962: 52176, 52177, 53184, 56197, 57201, 58204,
52241, 11950, 130117, 131127, 184–185, 213
4962.3: 168113
4962.5: 11633, 12271
4962.9–10: 11846
4962.26–27, 29 and 32: 11525
IG IV2, 1
40–41: 51174
60: 184204
96.30: 168112
97.2, 6, 23 and 26: 1125
103 A and B: 54191
121–124: 17, 1726, 2041, 51173, 143180, 184207
121.1–71, 79–94: 215–217
121.2: 170127, 184207
121.45: 72307
122.1–35, 95–116: 217–218
123.1–29: 218–219
124.5–13: 219
126: 3793, 75326, 171136
126.20: 72307
128.17–21: 77339
128.19–20: 50170, 185211
128.26–31: 167104, 167111, 184207
128.3.29–31: 49162, 58206, 86377, 169124
128.30: 173148, 189249
128.64–71: 143178
128.69–72: 143179
136: 168116
141: 169116
142: 168115
143: 167105, 168115, 183203
144: 169116
152: 184209
269: 61236, 187236
276: 60224
282: 60228, 187235–6
284: 61229
303: 61234
311: 61236
312: 61236
572: 198308
573: 198308
574: 198308
582: 198308
235: 41116
235. 30–31: 41115
303: 106488
3055: 46152, 147201, 181186
3498: 106488
4255: 3791
IG IX, 2
1109: 174153
1109.39–40: 76331, 77341
IG IX, 4
1030.6–7: 141164, 176159
194: 78349, 184212
2282: 169121
583: 173144
680: 173144
148: 199312
2.205: 56197, 68–69, 74314, 188239, 210
2.205.1–34: 128110
2.205.9: 187230, 188241
2.205.10–25: 73308, 103460
2.205.16: 188241
2.205.17–18: 188241
2.205.17 and 20: 45141
2.205.20–21: 188241
2.205.22: 51175, 188241
2.205.25–33: 137148
2.205.31–36: 134, 72307
2.205.30–38: 103459–60, 135146
2.205.38: 3040
38.401 (= SEG 14.690): 15649
276.4–5: 43129, 46145
276.7–9: 43130
277: 2041, 41116, 65–67, 163, 209
277.20–21: 16282, 191258, 192263
277.20–24: 43128, 45145, 128106, 139159, 180183
277.25–26, 27–28: 73308
277.25–29: 73310
277.25–36: 128110, 195282
277.29–36: 103466
277.30: 88394–5
277.30–31: 41115, 129111, 133140, 191259
277.31–32: 98431, 12061
277.36: 2041
277.37–43: 43128, 43130, 45145, 128106, 148137
277.43–44: 81359, 190254, 191261
277.43–47: 94410, 132131, 191261
277.44: 2041
278: 41115, 41116, 65263
278.7 and 9: 191260
290.19: 15651
292: 3791
264: 42124, 199316
47: 75321
79: 75321, 199317
122; 75321
140: 75321, 199317
152: 75321, 199317
161 A (= also Wörrle 1969): 44, 54, 70–71,
103, 224, 2244, 2275
161 A.1–2: 50169, 187231
161 A.3–7: 130120
161 A.4: 60227, 11846
161 A.4–5: 11846, 47
161 A.6: 103462
161 A.6–8: 135145, 145194, 187232
161 A.8: 44137, 128107
161 A.9–11: 54190, 61232, 131127
161 A.10–11: 54191, 139159
161 A.11–12: 84372, 188237, 190254
161 A.11–14: 25, 256–7, 258, 51172, 12796,
129112, 131124, 140160, 181188
161 A.12–14: 258, 30, 54189
161 A.14–15: 132134, 139159, 181187
161 A.15: 87385, 119
161 A.15–18: 135145
161 A.16–19: 84372
161 A.18–19: 181188, 188237, 190254
161 A.19–22: 130120
161 A.20: 60227
161 A.21–22: 11846
161 A.22–23; 44138
161 A.24: 55192
161 A.23–25: 74320
161 A.27: 188237, 190254
161 A.28–29: 54189, 61232, 139159, 144188
161 A.31: 103461
161 A.31–33: 102456, 134142
Jeffery, LSAG
30: 175156
40: 169121
Kaibel, Epigrammata graeca (1878), see Epigrammata Graeca
18: 52176, 11634, 213
54: 56197
LiDonnici, The Epidaurian miracle inscriptions (1995), see also IG IV2, 1.121 (= LiDonnici series “A”), 122 (= LiDonnici series “B”), 123 (= LiDonnici series “C”) and 124 (= LiDonnici series “D”).
On dating of the inscriptions: 78–82: 1727
References to particular iamata:
passim: 2041, 2042, 141165, 15861, 183203
A1: 141166, 171133, 173147, 189247
A1-A8: 219–221
A2: 2725, 80, 171133, 173147
A3: 107496, 141166, 171133, 189247
A4: 105477, 105479, 141166, 141168
A5: 53186, 64254, 103463, 129–130
A6: 80358, 97426, 101450, 102455, 105478, 134142,
145196, 173147, 185214, 198307
A7: 97426, 101450, 102455, 107495, 134142, 171133,
173147, 185214, 198307
A8: 105475, 145196, 171133, 175156
A9: 171133
A10: 105476, 12695, 15967, 170130, 171138
A10-A11: 221
A11: 80, 12374, 171133, 173147
A12: 171133
A13: 141170, 171133
A14: 171133
A15: 105479, 171133, 173147
A16: 171134
A17: 59211, 171134, 171135, 173147
A18: 171133
A19: 171133
A20: 58210, 171134
B1: 96424, 171133, 182198
B1-B2: 221
B2: 102452, 102455, 134142, 171133, 185214
B3: 59211, 141170, 170130, 171133
B4: 15967, 170130, 171137, 173147
B5: 48158, 74319, 100443, 101449, 102451, 109503,
12695, 134142, 170130, 185214, 221–222
B6: 58210, 171134
B7: 170130, 171133, 173147
B8: 171133, 173147
B9: 171133, 173147
B10: 171133
B11: 171133
B12: 171133
B13: 48158, 74319, 100443, 101449, 109503, 170130
B14: 171133
B15: 170130, 171133
B16: 73309, 141166, 141168, 170130, 222
B17: 59211, 171133, 173147
B18: 49163, 80, 12695, 171133, 184213, 222
B19: 59211, 171133
B20: 171133
B21: 171133
B22: 59211, 171133
B23: 171134
C1: 59211, 171134
C2: 59211, 171134
C3: 100441, 103463–4, 15967, 171137
C3-C4: 222
C4: 73309, 102453, 134142, 185214
C5: 3792, 48158, 74319, 144187, 147202, 171136
C6: 100441
C7: 173147
C12: 105476, 141166
C15: 59211
C18: 100443, 101449, 109503
C19: 171133
C20: 15967, 171138
C21: 3792, 48158, 74319, 12695, 144187, 147202,
171136, 173147
C22: 3793, 3895, 15967, 171137
C23: 171133
D2: 102454–5, 134142, 170130, 185214
D2-D3: 64254, 222–223
LSAG, see Jeffery, LSAG
8.19: 75322
12: 2510
12.1–6: 2611
12.10–15: 45140
13.14–15: 53182
14: 2828, 42124, 77338, 141170, 199316
24: 56197, 73308, 210
25.81–82: 60226, 187234
52 B: 73307
53 B: 66269
79.19: 42123
5.4–10: 47153, 12166
7: 55195
21: 52176, 53184, 11634, 213
22: 55196
23: 55195
24: 55195
26: 55196
40: 72306
41: 106480
42: 106480
43: 106480
54: 50167
60: 51174, 56197, 184207
65.16–26: 78345, 182196
65.65–71: 42120
65.89–92: 47155
68.4–7: 78343, 182196
69 (see also IOropos 277): 209
74: 46152, 147201, 181186
83.39–40: 77341
97 A.15–16: 39105
124.15–18: 78345
139.3–7: 2939, 145197
151 A.8–9: 77342
151 B.23–24: 39105
154 A.21–45: 2935
154 A.36–38: 11523
159: 50167
160: 66269
6.8: 47153
11: 56197
22: 55196, 223, 2243
26.5: 2041
35.4–5: 43129, 45145
39: 46150
38 A.32: 42123
43.3–7: 141164, 176159
51.6–7: 141164, 176159
72 A.3: 47153
72 B.4–5: 47153
77: 55195
91.5: 2939, 145197
92: 55195
107: 106480
108: 257
108.6–7: 2939, 145197
112.4: 2041
115: 2617
115 A.16–20: 2831
115 B.26–27: 2831
115 B.50–59: 139158
13: 49–50, 67, 211, 2276
13.3: 2044
13.4: 44132
13.5–7: 189250
Ostr. Cairo 9695 (= Guéraud 1927, 121–125): 1507
Papyrus Didot (= P. Louvre 7172)
1.9–11: 145190
Peek, Inschriften aus dem Asklepieion von Epidauros (1969)
no. 28: 184209
no. 43.2, 6, 23 and 26: 1125
no. 336: 45140, 46148, 68, 223
Petsalis-Diomidis, in Pilgrimage in Graeco-Roman and Early Christian antiquity (2007) (= Petsalis-Diomidis 2007)
202–203: 225–226
Revue anatolienne 1937 (= Robert 1937) 70–71 and n. 8: 199316
Rhodes & Osborne, Greek historical inscriptions 404–323 BC (2003)
62.8–9: 77342
62.23–24: 39105
131: 207
Salviat & Vatin, Inscriptions de Grèce centrale 1971 (= Salviat & Vatin 1971)
87–98: 46152
127: 169121
11.419: 223
14.690: 3040, 15649
16.300: 106488
25.226: 169120, 185215, 2358
26.449: 169120
28.116: 106483
29.1065: 15649
30.1225: 1939
33.115.12: 59221
34.122.62: 72305
35.1094: 194280
43.1186.16–17: 95415
47.232: 169120, 2358
47.1403: 188243
44.505: 44132, 212
53.454; 174154
Strena buliciana 1924 (= Zingerle 1924)
passim: 2828, 42124
p. 171: 199316
589: 65262, 207
420: 173144
Wilamowitz-Möllendorff, Nordionische Steine (1909)
40–41.74–76: 210
Wörrle 1969, see IvP III.161A
ZPE 100, 1994 (= Veligianni 1994)
391: 44132
393–394: 211–212
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Greek Incubation Rituals in Classical and Hellenistic Times
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